609 research outputs found

    Debreu?s Coefficient of Resource Utilization, the Solow Residual, and TFP: The Connection by Leontief Preferences

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    Debreu?s coefficient of resource allocation is freed from individual data requirements. The procedure is shown to be equivalent to the imposition of Leontief preferences. The rate of growth of the modified Debreu coefficient and the Solow residual are shown to add up to TFP growth. This decomposition is the neoclassical counterpart to the frontier analytic decomposition of productivity growth into technical change and efficiency change. The terms can now be broken down by sector as well as by factor input.

    Club efficiency and Lindahl equilibrium

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    public goods;public choice;equilibrium analysis

    Aggregation of Productivity Indices: The Allocative Efficiency Correction

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    Industry productivity is obtained by aggregation of firm productivities and inclusion of the appropriate allocative efficiency terms, one for each firm.This paper identifies the latter correction terms.aggregation;productivity;efficiency;allocation

    The interest function approach.

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    Debreu's Coefficient of Resource Utilization, the Solow Residual and TPF: The Connection by Leontief Preferences

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    Debreu s coefficient of resource utilization is freed from individual data requirements.The procedure is shown to be equivalent to the imposition of Leontief preferences.The rate of growth of the modified Debreu coefficient and the Solow residual are shown to add up to TFP growth.This decomposition is the neoclassical counterpart to the frontier analytic decomposition of productivity growth into technical change and efficiency change.The terms can now be broken down by sector as well as by factor input.efficiency;productivity;growth;technological change

    Bob Russell Volume: Don't Aggregate Efficiency but Disaggregate Inefficiency

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