149 research outputs found

    Non-decoupling effects of SUSY in the physics of Higgs bosons and their phenomenological implications

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    We consider a plausible scenario in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) where all the genuine supersymmetric (SUSY) particles are heavier than the electroweak scale. In this situation, indirect searches via their radiative corrections to low energy observables are complementary to direct searches, and they can be crucial if the SUSY masses are at the TeV energy range. We summarize the most relevant heavy SUSY radiative effects in Higgs boson physics and emphasize those that manifest a non-decoupling behaviour. We focus, in particular, on the SUSY-QCD non-decoupling effects in fermionic Higgs decays, flavour changing Higgs decays and Yukawa couplings. Some of their phenomenological implications at future colliders are also studied.Comment: Invited talk given by M. J. Herrero at the X Mexican School of Particles and Fields, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, November 200

    Decoupling Properties of MSSM particles in Higgs and Top Decays

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    We study the supersymmetric (SUSY) QCD radiative corrections, at the one-loop level, to h0h^0, H±H^{\pm} and t quark decays, in the context of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and in the decoupling limit. The decoupling behaviour of the various MSSM sectors is analyzed in some special cases, where some or all of the SUSY mass parameters become large as compared to the electroweak scale. We show that in the decoupling limit of both large SUSY mass parameters and large CP-odd Higgs mass, the Γ(h0→bbˉ)\Gamma (h^0\to b \bar b) decay width approaches its Standard Model value at one loop, with the onset of decoupling being delayed for large tan⁥ÎČ\tan\beta values. However, this decoupling does not occur if just the SUSY mass parameters are taken large. A similar interesting non-decoupling behaviour, also enhanced by tan⁥ÎČ\tan\beta, is found in the SUSY-QCD corrections to the Γ(H+→tbˉ)\Gamma (H^+\to t \bar b) decay width at one loop. In contrast, the SUSY-QCD corrections in the Γ(t→W+b)\Gamma (t\to W^+ b) decay width do decouple and this decoupling is fast.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. Invited talk presented by M.J.Herrero at the 5th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR 2000) Carmel CA, USA, 11-15 September, 200

    Six years of study on fast growing forest plantations catchments in the Northwest of Spain

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    Data on water balance in three fast growing forest plantations experimental catchments in the northwest of Spain are presented. Two watersheds are covered by Eucalyptus globulus and other is covered by Pinus pinaster. During the six years of study severa1 perturbations occurred. In 1989 two consecutives wildfires affected to one E. globulus watershed. The second fire also bumed the other eucalyptus watershed. All eucalyptus were felled since 1991 to 1992. Also 25% of the watershed area in the pine catchment was cutted in 1991. Quick changes in the hydrologycal regimen took place after these perturbations. The very fast recovering capacity after fire and cutting of Eucalyptus globulus facilitated the retum to pre-fire hydrologic parameter values within only a few years. Before perturbations occurred, nutrient balances were very conservative, and were similar among the cathments. This indicates a good performance on the part of both tree plantations. Water comsumption for pine and eucalyptus stands was very similar

    Apego como marco teórico para entender los trastornos de personalidad: Consideraciones psicoterapéuticas, neurocientíficas y de desarrollo

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    In this paper we propose that John Bowlby\u27s attachment theory provides a theoretically coherent, empirically based, and clinically useful model for understanding personality pathology. This theoretical framework brings parsimony and breadth to the conceptualization of the etiology, maintenance, and treatment of personality disorders (PDs). Attachment theory can explain both the intrapersonal and interpersonal difficulties common in those with PDs and is consistent with findings from studies across multiple domains of knowledge, including evolutionary biology, ethology/comparative psychology, developmental psychology, experimental social-personality psychology, and neuroscience.PDs are characterized by significant interpersonal challenges. Recently, these challenges have been hypothesized to stem from underlying maladaptive attachment schemas. Our goal is to outline and elaborate on attachment theory as a foundation for the etiology and pathology of PDs and to highlight the implications of this theory for treatment. We begin with a brief review of attachment, describing its conceptualization and assessment in both children and adults in order to examine PD development. This theoretical foundation is supported by a body of empirical research, from which we present findings from neurobiological and developmental literatures linking attachment and PDs. We then examine the role of attachment in the psychotherapy process and in treatment outcome. Further, we outline research reporting changes in attachment patterns as a result of treatment. Finally, we summarize the implications of attachment theory for understanding PDs and present possible directions for future research.En este trabajo proponemos que la teorĂ­a de apego de John Bowlby ofrece un modelo teorĂ©ticamente coherente, empĂ­ricamente basado y clĂ­nicamente Ăștil para entender la patologĂ­a de personalidad. Este marco teorĂ©tico trae parquedad y anchura a la conceptualizaciĂłn de la etiologĂ­a, mantenimiento y tratamiento de trastornos de personalidad. La teorĂ­a de apego puede explicar las dificultades tanto intrapersonales como interpersonales comunes a las personas con trastornos de personalidad y es consistente con los descubrimientos de estudios de varios dominios del saber, incluyendo biologĂ­a evolutiva, etiologĂ­a/psicologĂ­a comparada, psicologĂ­a de desarrollo, psicologĂ­a de personalidad y psicologĂ­a social-personalidad experimental, y neurociencia. Trastornos de personalidad son caracterizados por los retos interpersonales significativos. Últimamente, se han hecho hipĂłtesis que estos retos son el resultado de esquemas de apego mal adaptivos. Nuestro objetivo es explicar y elaborar la teorĂ­a de apego como la base para la etiologĂ­a y patologĂ­a de trastornos de personalidad y acentuar las implicaciones de esta teorĂ­a para el tratamiento. Empezamos con un pequeño anĂĄlisis del apego, describiendo sus conceptualizaciones y evaluaciĂłn tanto en niños como adultos para examinar el desarrollo de trastornos de personalidad. Este fundamento teĂłrico estĂĄ apoyado por la investigaciĂłn empĂ­rica, de la que presentamos resultados de la literatura neurobiolĂłgica y de desarrollo relacionados con el apego y los trastornos de personalidad. Luego investigamos el papel que tiene el apego en los procesos de psicoterapia y en los resultados del tratamiento. Finalmente, resumimos las implicaciones de la teorĂ­a de apego para entender trastornos de personalidad y presentamos unas posibles direcciones para las futuras investigaciones

    Lepton flavor violating Higgs boson decays from massive seesaw neutrinos

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    Lepton flavor violating Higgs boson decays are studied within the context of seesaw models with Majorana massive neutrinos. Two models are considered: The SM-seesaw, with the Standard Model Particle content plus three right handed neutrinos, and the MSSM-seesaw, with the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model particle content plus three right handed neutrinos and their supersymmetric partners. The widths for these decays are derived from a full one-loop diagrammatic computation in both models, and they are analyzed numerically in terms of the seesaw parameters, namely, the Dirac and Majorana mass matrices. Several possible scenarios for these mass matrices that are compatible with neutrino data are considered. In the SM-seesaw case, very small branching ratios are found for all studied scenarios. These ratios are explained as a consequence of the decoupling behaviour of the heavy right handed neutrinos. In contrast, in the MSSM-seesaw case, sizeable branching ratios are found for some of the leptonic flavor violating decays of the MSSM neutral Higgs bosons and for some choices of the seesaw matrices and MSSM parameters. The relevance of the two competing sources of lepton flavor changing interactions in the MSSM-seesaw case is also discussed. The non-decoupling behaviour of the supersymmetric particles contributing in the loop-diagrams is finally shown.Comment: 44pgs. Version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    SUSY-QCD decoupling properties in H+ -> t \bar b decay

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    The SUSY-QCD radiative corrections to the \Gamma (H+ -> t \bar b) partial decay width are analyzed within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model at the one-loop level, {\mathcal O}(\alpha_s), and in the decoupling limit. We present the analytical expressions of these corrections in the large SUSY masses limit and study the decoupling behaviour of these corrections in various limiting cases. We find that if the SUSY mass parameters are large and of the same order, the one loop SUSY-QCD corrections {\it do not decouple}. The non-decoupling contribution is enhanced by \tan \beta and therefore large corrections are expected in the large \tan \beta limit. In contrast, we also find that the SUSY-QCD corrections decouple if the masses of either the squarks or the gluinos are separately taken large.Comment: LaTeX, 33 pages, 7 figure included. Uses cite.st
