61 research outputs found

    Estimating the fully burdened cost of supply in a self-sustaining supply chain using an input-output model

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    Armed forces of many countries conduct various operations both at home and worldwide. These operations are conducted not only in areas where procurement is viable, but also in areas where commodities consumed by the logistics activities are not locally available. Estimating and calculating the fully burdened cost of supply in such areas where commodities consumed by the logistics activities are not locally available has become a major research and study field. This study focuses on the effects of change in vehicle fuel consumption rates on fully burdened cost of supplies in a self-sustaining supply chain and how the existence of demand at intermediate nodes affects the fully burdened cost of supplies. After modeling five different scenarios, the effects of changes in the size of convoy and delivery system were analyzed by comparing the results of each scenario. The results of this analysis show that small convoys in supply chains are more efficient than big convoys, and the fuel consumption rate of vehicles is so crucial that it should not be disregarded when estimating fully burdened cost of fuel.http://archive.org/details/estimatingfullyb1094538876Major, Turkish ArmyCaptain, Turkish ArmyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Effects of Chronic Oral Monosodium Glutamate Consumption on Naloxane-Induced Morphine Withdrawal in Infant Rats

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate chronic oral monosodium glutamate (MSG) consumption effects on symptoms of withdrawal, locomotor activity, and anxiety in morphine withdrawal syndrome induced by naloxone in infant rats. Materials and Methods: Twelve 21-day-old male Wistar rats used in the study. Infant rats were given unlimited access to saline (control group) or MSG (MSG group) added to drinking water for 32 days. Withdrawal was induced by naloxone in morphine-dependent rats. Evaluation of withdrawal symptoms and anxiety were performed simultaneously with locomotor activity measurements. Results: Withdrawal sings, such as jumping, wet dog shake, and weight loss; stereotypic, ambulatory, and vertical locomotor activity movements; central, peripheral, and total activities used in the assessment of anxiety in infant rats with naloxone-induced withdrawal syndrome that consumed oral MSG for 32 days were not different from the control group. Conclusion: These findings obtained in our study indicate that chronic consumption of oral MSG in infant rats whose blood-brain barrier has not yet developed does not affect morphine dependence and naloxone-induced withdrawal. Further studies are needed to investigate the mechanism of action of orally administered MSG

    Approach and Reporting to Forensic Psychiatric Cases: Examples of Forensic Psychiatry Practices in the World

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    Forensic psychiatry is one of the most important subjects of forensic medicine, psychiatry and pediatric psychiatry clinics and requires a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of this study is to examine the issues that physicians should take into consideration in the forensic psychiatric examination. However we have tried to emphasize similar and different aspects of these countries with Turkey by giving general information about forensic psychiatric practice of various countries in this study

    Classification of problem solving strategies based on mathematical processing skills

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    Problem çözme literatüründe son zamanlarda iki önemli kavram ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bunlardan biri problem çözme stratejileri, diğeri ise matematik okuryazarlığıdır. Problem çözme sürecinde anahtar rol oynayan problem çözme stratejilerinin bir sınıflandırmaya tabi tutulmadığı görülmektedir. Bu araştırma ile problem çözme stratejilerinin matematiksel süreç becerilerine göre sınıflandırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu ana amaç doğrultusunda literatürde en çok yer alan problem çözme stratejilerinin matematiksel süreç becerileri esas alınarak sınıflandırılması gerçekleştirilmiş, problem çözme stratejileri eğitiminin etkisi ve problem çözme stratejileri ile matematik okuryazarlığı arasındaki ilişki ortaya konulmuştur. Yarı deneysel desenin kullanıldığı araştırmanın çalışma grubu, 2015-2016 eğitim- öğretim yılında Çanakkale İl Merkezindeki bir ortaokulun sekizinci sınıfında öğrenim görmekte olan 42 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Öğrenciler, TEOG sınavı matematik başarı puanlarına göre iyi, orta ve düşük düzeylere ayrılarak eşleştirilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen eşleştirme sonucunda 21’er öğrenciden oluşan birbirine denk iki grup, deney ve kontrol gruplarına rastgele atanmıştır. Deney grubu ile 5 haftalık (10 ders saati) problem çözme stratejileri eğitimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kontrol grubu ise normal öğrenimine devam etmiştir. Araştırmanın nicel verileri “Problem Çözme Testi (PÇT)” ve “Matematik Okuryazarlık Testi (MOT)” ile toplanmıştır. Nitel veriler ise deney grununun PÇT son testinin çözümlerinden elde edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda, “Bağıntı Bulma”, “Değişken Kullanma” ve “Diyagram Çizme” stratejileri hem formüle etme hem de yürütme süreçlerini, “Sistematik Liste Yapma” ve “Tablo Yapma” stratejilerinin ise sadece yürütme sürecini, “Geriye Doğru Çalışma”, “Tahmin ve Kontrol” ve “Muhakeme Etme” stratejilerinin ise hem yürütme hem de yorumlama, değerlendirme süreçlerini, “Basitleştirme” stratejisinin ise formüle etme, yürütme ve yorumlama, değerlendirme süreçlerini içerdiği tespit edilmiştir. Problem çözme stratejileri eğitiminin, öğrencilerin problem çözme stratejilerini kullanma ve matematik okuryazarlık düzeylerini arttırdığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Problem çözme stratejileri ile matematik okuryazarlık başarı düzeyleri arasında ön testlere göre orta, son test ve kalıcılık testlerine göre ise yüksek düzeyde ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca problem çözme stratejilerinin matematik okuryazarlık başarı düzeyinin anlamlı bir yordayıcısı olduğu ortaya konulmuştur.Two important concepts have emerged in the problem solving literature recently. One is problem solving strategies and the other is mathematical literacy. It appears that problem- solving strategies that play a key role in the problem-solving process are not subjected to a classification. By this research, it is aimed to classify problem solving strategies based on mathematical processing skills. In line with this main objective, classification of problem solving strategies that take place most in the literature based on mathematical process skills has been realized, and also the impact of education in problem solving strategies and the relationship between problem solving strategies and mathematical literacy have been revealed. The study group using the quasi-experimental design consists of 42 students who are studying in the eighth grade of a middle school in Çanakkale city center in the academic year of 2015-2016. Students were matched according to the Transition from Basic Education to the Secondary Education (BESE-TEOG) exams mathematics achievement scores by good, medium and low levels. As a result of the matching, two equal groups consisting of 21 students were formed and these groups were randomly assigned as experiment and control groups. A 5-week (10 lessons) problem solving strategy education was conducted with the experimental group and the control group continued to study normally. Quantitative data of the study were collected from “Problem Solving Test (PST)” and “Mathematical Literacy Test (MLT)” and the qualitative data were obtained from the solutions of the problems included in PST. As a result of the research, it has been found that the strategies of “Look for a Pattern”, “Use Variable” and “Draw a Diagram” both involve formulating and employing, “Make a Systemic List” and “Make a Table” strategies include only the employing process, “Working Backwards”, “Guess and Check” and “Logical Reasoning” strategies both involve employing and interpreting processes, and the “Simplify the Problem” strategy involves formulating, employing and interpreting processes. It was revealed that problem-solving strategies education increases students’ use of problem solving strategies and mathematics literacy levels. It was indicated that there was a moderate level of relationship between problem solving strategies and mathematical literacy compared to the pre-tests, and a high level of relationship compared to the post-test, and retention tests. It has also been shown that problem-solving strategies are a significant predictor of mathematical literacy

    Pollution sources and environmental impacts at airports in Turkey

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    Türkiye'de havayolu ulaşımı son yıllarda büyük gelişme göstermektedir. Bu gelişime ile neredeyse tüm şehirlere yayılan havalimanlarımız hem yolcu hem yük taşımacılığında büyük önem taşımaktadır. Havalimanları da tüm işletmelerde olduğu gibi bazı çevresel kirliliklere neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada havalimanlarının çevreye etkileri arasında mevcut kirletici kaynakları özellikleri üzerinde durulmuş, bu kaynaklardan oluşan kirleticilerin çeşitlerinin analinizi yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Türkiye havalimanlarının uçak hizmetleri haricindeki yan faaliyetleri, işleyişleri ve havalimanı sınırları içindeki diğer unsurlar tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca, bu unsurların oluşturdukları çevresel kirliliklerin etkileri üzerinde durulmuştur. Çevresel kirlilik ve bunlara neden olan etmenler hakkında farkındalık çalışması yapılarak değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.Airline transportation in Turkey has shown great development in recent years. With this development, our airports, which spread to almost all cities, are of great importance in both passenger and cargo transportation. Airports, like all businesses, cause some environmental pollution. In this study, the characteristics of the existing pollutant sources among the environmental effects of the airports were emphasized, and it was aimed to analyze the types of pollutants formed from these sources. It is aimed to determine the side activities, operations and other elements within the airport borders of Turkish airports, excluding aircraft services. In addition, the effects of environmental pollution created by these elements are emphasized. Evaluations were made by making awareness studies about environmental pollution and the factors causing them

    Body language using skills of teacher candidates from Departments of Mathematics Education and Social Studies Education

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    Bu çalışma, 29-31 Ekim 2014 tarihleri arasında Prague[Çek Cumhuriyeti]’da düzenlenen 5. World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership’da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.This study aimed to examine if there was a difference between elementary education mathematics teacher candidates and social studies teacher candidates in their use of body language. The study was carried out in the 2012-2013 academic year with 82 teacher candidates studying at the Departments of Mathematics Education and Social Studies Education of the Education Faculty, Uludag University. With the aim of collecting data, the "Body Language Questionnaire (BLQ)" developed by benefiting from the questionnaire developed by Bagci (2008) with the aim of collecting data from students about their teachers' using body language was used. The developed questionnaire was composed of 21 items. In the statistical analyses of the data obtained through administering the BLQ to the participants, independent samples t-test was used. It was found that the teachers' use of body language did not differ according to their gender. However, a significant difference was found between the mathematics education teacher candidates' and the social studies education teacher candidates' use of body language. This difference was in favor of the social studies teacher candidates. While they thought using body language was necessary, the mathematics education teacher candidates felt doubtful about using body language

    Body Language Using Skills of Teacher Candidates from Departments of Mathematics Education and Social Studies Education

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    AbstractThis study aimed to examine if there was a difference between elementary education mathematics teacher candidates and social studies teacher candidates in their use of body language. The study was carried out in the 2012-2013 academic year with 82 teacher candidates studying at the Departments of Mathematics Education and Social Studies Education of the Education Faculty, Uludag University. With the aim of collecting data, the “Body Language Questionnaire (BLQ)” developed by benefiting from the questionnaire developed by Bağcı (2008) with the aim of collecting data from students about their teachers’ using body language was used. The developed questionnaire was composed of 21 items. In the statistical analyses of the data obtained through administering the BLQ to the participants, independent samples t-test was used. It was found that the teachers’ use of body language did not differ according to their gender. However, a significant difference was found between the mathematics education teacher candidates’ and the social studies education teacher candidates’ use of body language. This difference was in favor of the social studies teacher candidates. While they thought using body language was necessary, the mathematics education teacher candidates felt doubtful about using body language

    Seasonal Nutrient Content Changes of Leaf and Leaf + Shoots in Deciduous Christ’s thorn (Palirus spina-christi Mill.)

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    Kurak ve yarı-kurak bölgelerde doğal olarak yetişen pek çok çalı ve ağaç türleri otlanan hayvanlar için yem kaynağı olarak önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Son yıllarda çalı ve ağaç türlerinin yıllık, mevsimsel ve gelişme dönemlerine bağlı olarak besin içeriğini belirlemeye yönelik pek çok araştırma yürütülmüştür. Ancak farklı gelişme dönemlerinde sadece yaprak ve yaprak + sürgün kısımlarından örnek alımı yapılarak çalı türlerinin besin değeri üzerine odaklanılmış bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu amaçla, Ekim 2013-Eylül 2014 dönemleri arasında bir yıl süreyle Kilis ekolojik koşullarında yaygın olarak yetişen yaprağını döken Karaçalı (Palirus spina-christi Mill.) türünün yaprak ve yaprak + sürgünlerin mevsimsel besin içeriği değişimini belirlemek için bu çalışma yürütülmüştür. Araştırma şansa bağlı bloklar da faktöriyel düzenlemeye göre 4 tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuş ve bitki materyallerinde HP (ham protein), NDF (nötr çözücülerde çözünemeyen lif), ADF (asit çözücülerde çözünemeyen lif), ADL (asit çözücülerde çözünemeyen lignin), KMS (kuru madde sindirilebilirliği), SE (sindirilebilir enerji), ME (metabolik enerji) ve NYD (nispi yem değeri) içerikleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada karaçalı türünün kimyasal kompozisyon içeriği dönemler ve yem tipleri arasında önemli farklılık göstermiştir (P<0.01). Sonuçlar karaçalı türünün olgunlaşmasıyla (mevsimlere göre) HP, KMS, SE, ME ve NYD oranlarının azaldığı, NDF, ADF ve ADL oranlarının ise artığını göstermiştir. Ayrıca yaprak örneklerin arzulanan besin değerleri (HP, KMS, SE, ME ve NYD), yaprak + sürgün örneklerine göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak yaprağını döken karaçalı türü incelenen besin içerikleri açısından yarı kurak Akdeniz bölgesi makiliklerinde otlanan özellikle küçükbaş hayvanlar için iyi bir alternatif yem kaynağı olduğu ortaya konulmuştur.Many shrub and tree species growing naturally in the arid and semi-arid regions play an important role as the fodder resources for grazing animals. In recent years, multiple studies were carried out to determine the nutritional content depending on their growth stages, yearly and seasonal of the shrub and tree species. But, no studies have focused on the feeding value of shrub species by taking sample from only leaf and leaf + shoot parts in the different growth stages. For this purpose, this study was conducted to determine the change of seasonal nutrient content of leaf and leaf + shoots of the decidious christ’s thorn (Palirus spina-christi Mill.) growing intensely in Kilis ecological conditions, between the periods of October 2013-September 2014 . Experiment was established according to factorial arrangement in a randomized block design with four replications, and the crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), dry matter digestibility (DMD), digestible energy (DE), metabolizable energy (ME) and relative feed value (RFV) were determined. in the fodder samples. In the study, the chemical composition of christ’s thorn differed significantly (P<0.01) among the seasons and fodder types. Results showed that the ratios of CP, DMD, DE, ME and RFV in Christ’s thorn decreased depending on maturity, and NDF, ADF and ADL contents increased. The desired nutritional values of the leaf samples were also found to be higher than those of the leaf + shoots samples. Consequently, in terms of the nutritional contents examained it was revealed that deciduous christ’s thorn was a good alternative fodder resource especially for small cattles grazing on semi-arid Mediterranean maquis.Iğdır Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birim

    The Association between Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 and Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 Levels and Clinical Prognosis in Patients with Ischemic Stroke

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    OBJECTIVE: Recent studies report that the insulin-like growth factor system may be involved in stroke pathogenesis, and is reported to increase myelination, maturation, cell proliferation and neuronal sprouting of the central nervous system. The aim of the present study is to demonstrate the role of insulin-like growth factor system in ischemic stroke pathogenesis and its association with the prognosis by investigating insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 levels in patients diagnosed with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: : Sixty-eight patients and 20 healthy individuals were included to this study. Clinical evaluation of the patients was performed according to National Institute of Health Stroke Scale and functional outcomes were graded according to Modified Rankin Scale. Bamford classification was used for the clinical classification of ischemic strokes, and the TOAST system for etiological classification. Each patient's levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 were measured on the first, fifth and thirtieth day of ischemic stroke. RESULTS: Only the levels of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 on the day of 5 were significantly decreased compared to the control group. The decrease in IGF-1 values was associated with an increased risk of death and was accompanied by clinical worsening and decreased functionality. CONCLUSION: It has been concluded that the levels of investigating insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 may affect mortality risk, clinical condition and functionality outcomes in patients presenting with ischemic stroke, and further studies are needed for the investigation of different effects of insulin-like growth factor-1 in future