85 research outputs found


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    Observations of the extended corona obtained with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) during the solar minimum years 1996 and 1997 have been analyzed to derive the oxygen abundance in the outer corona. A comparison of the absolute coronal abundance, measured in the coronal regions surrounding the quiescent solar minimum streamers, to the heliospheric values confirms that these regions are the dominant sources of the slow solar wind. However, the inferred coronal abundances are consistent with the heliospheric values only in case the ion velocity distribution is anisotropic and enhanced across the coronal magnetic field. Thus this analysis also leads to the conclusion that energy is deposited in the slow coronal wind at least up to 2.7 R☉ and that the efficiency of energy deposition is likely to be related to the local coronal magnetic topology

    Modeling of Joint Parker Solar Probe - Metis/Solar Orbiter Observations

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    We present a first theoretical modeling of joint Parker Solar Probe (PSP) - Metis/Solar Orbiter (SolO) quadrature observations Telloni et al 2022c. The combined observations describe the evolution of a slow solar wind plasma parcel from the extended solar corona (3.5−6.33.5-6.3 R⊙_\odot) to the very inner heliosphere (23.2 R⊙_\odot). The Metis/SolO instrument remotely measures the solar wind speed finding a range from 96−20196-201 kms−1^{-1}, and PSP measures the solar wind plasma in situ, observing a radial speed of 219.34 kms−1^{-1}. We find theoretically and observationally that the solar wind speed accelerates rapidly within 3.3 -- 4 R⊙_\odot, and then increases more gradually with distance. Similarly, we find that the theoretical solar wind density is consistent with the remotely and in situ observed solar wind density. The normalized cross-helicity and normalized residual energy observed by PSP are 0.96 and -0.07, respectively, indicating that the slow solar wind is very Alfv\'enic. The theoretical NI/slab results are very similar to PSP measurements, which is a consequence of the highly magnetic field-aligned radial flow ensuring that PSP can measure slab fluctuations and not 2D. Finally, we calculate the theoretical 2D and slab turbulence pressure, finding that the theoretical slab pressure is very similar to that observed by PSP.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    LISA Pathfinder test-mass charging during galactic cosmic-ray flux short-term variations

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    none5sìMetal free-floating test masses aboard the future interferometers devoted to gravitational wave detection in space are charged by galactic and solar cosmic rays with energies > 100 MeV/n. This process represents one of the main sources of noise in the lowest frequency band (< 10(-3) Hz) of these experiments. We study here the charging of the LISA Pathfinder (LISA-PF) gold-platinum test masses due to galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) protons and helium nuclei with the Fluka Monte Carlo toolkit. Projections of the energy spectra of GCRs during the LISA-PF operations in 2015 are considered. This work was carried out on the basis of the solar activity level and solar polarity epoch expected for LISA-PF. The effects of GCR short-term variations are evaluated here for the first time. Classical Forbush decreases, GCR variations induced by the Sun rotation, and fluctuations in the LISA-PF frequency bandwidth are discussed.Article Number: 035001openGrimani, Catia; Fabi, M.; Lobo, A.; Mateos, I.; Telloni, D.Grimani, Catia; Fabi, M.; Lobo, A.; Mateos, I.; Telloni, D

    Radial Evolution of Spectral Characteristics of Magnetic Field Fluctuations at Proton Scales

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    This paper addresses the investigation of the character and the radial evolution of magnetic fluctuations within the dissipation range, right after the high-frequency spectral break, employing observations by Messenger and Wind of the same fast wind stream during a radial alignment. The same event has already been considered in literature to show, for the first time, that the high-frequency break separating the fluid from the kinetic regime moves to lower frequency as the wind expands. The present work aims to analyze the nature of the high-frequency magnetic fluctuations beyond the spectral break and show that their character is compatible with left-hand, outward-propagating, ion cyclotron waves and right-hand kinetic Alfv\acute{e}n waves. It is also shown that the low-frequency limit of these fluctuations follows the radial evolution of the spectral break, which also reflects in the behavior of their intermittency character. Finally, the total power and the compressive character of these two wave populations are analyzed and compared as a function of the heliocentric distance, leading us to conclude that the overall picture is in favor of a radial decrease

    Predicting the COSIE-C Signal from the Outer Corona up to 3 Solar Radii

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    We present estimates of the signal to be expected in quiescent solar conditions, as would be obtained with the COronal Spectrographic Imager in the EUV in its coronagraphic mode (COSIE-C). COSIE-C has been proposed to routinely observe the relatively unexplored outer corona, where we know that many fundamental processes affecting both the lower corona and the solar wind are taking place. The COSIE-C spectral band, 186--205 A, is well-known as it has been observed with Hinode EIS. We present Hinode EIS observations that we obtained in 2007 out to 1.5 Rsun, to show that this spectral band in quiescent streamers is dominated by Fe XII and Fe XI and that the ionization temperature is nearly constant. To estimate the COSIE-C signal in the 1.5--3.1 Rsun region we use a model based on CHIANTI atomic data and SoHO UVCS observations in the Si XII and Mg X coronal lines of two quiescent 1996 streamers. We reproduce the observed EUV radiances with a simple density model, photospheric abundances, and a constant temperature of 1.4 MK. We show that other theoretical or semi-empirical models fail to reproduce the observations. We find that the coronal COSIE-C signal at 3 Rsun should be about 5 counts/s per 3.1" pixel in quiescent streamers. This is unprecedented and opens up a significant discovery space. We also briefly discuss stray light and the visibility of other solar features. In particular, we present UVCS observations of an active region streamer, indicating increased signal compared to the quiet Sun cases.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Recurrent galactic cosmic-ray flux modulation in L1 and geomagnetic activity during the declining phase of the solar cycle 24

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    Galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) flux short-term variations (<<1 month) in the inner heliosphere are mainly associated with the passage of high-speed solar wind streams (HSS) and interplanetary (IP) counterparts of coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). Data gathered with a particle detector flown on board the ESA LISA Pathfinder (LPF) spacecraft, during the declining part of the solar cycle 24 (February 2016 - July 2017) around the Lagrange point L1, have allowed to study the characteristics of recurrent cosmic-ray flux modulations above 70 MeV n−1^{-1}. %These modulations are observed when the solar wind speed is >> 400 km s−1^{-1} and/or the IP magnetic field intensity >> 10 nT. It is shown that the amplitude and evolution of individual modulations depend in a unique way on both IP plasma parameters and particle flux intensity before HSS and ICMEs transit. By comparing the LPF data with those gathered contemporaneously with the magnetic spectrometer experiment AMS-02 on board the International Space Station and with those of Earth polar neutron monitors, the GCR flux modulation was studied at different energies during recurrent short-term variations. It is also aimed to set the near real-time particle observation requirements to disentangle the role of long and short-term variations of the GCR flux to evaluate the performance of high-sensitivity instruments in space such as the future interferometers for gravitational wave detection. Finally, the association between recurrent GCR flux variation observations in L1 and weak to moderate geomagnetic activity in 2016-2017 is discussed. Short-term recurrent GCR flux variations are good proxies of recurrent geomagnetic activity when the Bz_z component of the IP magnetic field is directed northern

    Study of Galactic Cosmic-Ray Flux Modulation by Interplanetary Plasma Structures for the Evaluation of Space Instrument Performance and Space Weather Science Investigations

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    The role of high-energy particles in limiting the performance of on-board instruments was studied for the European Space Agency (ESA) Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) Pathfinder (LPF) and ESA/National Astronautics and Space Administration Solar Orbiter missions. Particle detectors (PD) placed on board the LPF spacecraft allowed for testing the reliability of pre-launch predictions of galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) energy spectra and for studying the modulation of proton and helium overall flux above 70 MeV n − 1 on a day-by-day basis. GCR flux variations up to approximately 15% in less than a month were observed with LPF orbiting around the Lagrange point L1 between 2016 and 2017. These variations appeared barely detected or undetected in neutron monitors. In this work the LPF data and contemporaneous observations carried out with the magnetic spectrometer AMS-02 experiment are considered to show the effects of GCR flux short-term variations with respect to monthly averaged measurements. Moreover, it is shown that subsequent large-scale interplanetary structures cause a continuous modulation of GCR fluxes. As a result, small Forbush decreases cannot be considered good proxies for the transit of interplanetary coronal mass ejections and for geomagnetic storm forecasting


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    Density fluctuations of the low and midlatitude solar corona plasma are analyzed during the recent solar minimum period. Long time series of the intensity of the neutral hydrogen Lyα, 1216 A, line have been observed with the UltraViolet Coronagraph Spectrometer/Solar and Heliospheric Observatory at 1.7 R ☉, in low-latitude streamers and in regions where the slow solar wind is accelerated. Their frequency composition is investigated by using three different techniques, namely the Fourier, the Hurst, and the phase coherence analyses. The Fourier analysis reveals the existence of low-frequency f –α power spectra in the range from ~3 × 10–6 Hz to ~10–4 Hz, corresponding to periods from a few hours to a few days. The coronal density fluctuations are dominated by discontinuities separating structures with a minimum characteristic timescale of about 3 hr and a corresponding spatial scale of about 3 × 104 km. The nonlinear analysis technique based on the structure functions shows that for large timescales the coronal density fluctuations are statistically self-affine and give rise to an average Hurst exponent H = 0.654 ± 0.008. This indicates that the process underlying the variability of the corona and the slow wind at coronal level is a persistent mechanism, generating correlations among the plasma density fluctuations. Finally, the analysis based on the phase coherence index shows a high degree of phase synchronization of the coronal density variations for large timescales, which shows that the solar corona is dominated by phase coherent structures. The results of the analysis suggest a coupling of the variability of the solar corona and the photospheric dynamics induced by the convection at supergranular scale

    Efficient kinetic Lattice Boltzmann simulation of three-dimensional Hall-MHD Turbulence

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    Simulating plasmas in the Hall-MagnetoHydroDynamics (Hall-MHD) regime represents a valuable {approach for the investigation of} complex non-linear dynamics developing in astrophysical {frameworks} and {fusion machines}. Taking into account the Hall electric field is {computationally very challenging as} it involves {the integration of} an additional term, proportional to \bNabla \times ((\bNabla\times\mathbf{B})\times \mathbf{B}) in the Faraday's induction {law}. {The latter feeds back on} the magnetic field B\mathbf{B} at small scales (between the ion and electron inertial scales), {requiring} very high resolution{s} in both space and time {in order to properly describe its dynamics.} The computational {advantage provided by the} kinetic Lattice Boltzmann (LB) approach is {exploited here to develop a new} code, the \textbf{\textsc{F}}ast \textbf{\textsc{L}}attice-Boltzmann \textbf{\textsc{A}}lgorithm for \textbf{\textsc{M}}hd \textbf{\textsc{E}}xperiments (\textsc{flame}). The \textsc{flame} code integrates the plasma dynamics in lattice units coupling two kinetic schemes, one for the fluid protons (including the Lorentz force), the other to solve the induction equation describing the evolution of the magnetic field. Here, the newly developed algorithm is tested against an analytical wave-solution of the dissipative Hall-MHD equations, pointing out its stability and second-order convergence, over a wide range of the control parameters. Spectral properties of the simulated plasma are finally compared with those obtained from numerical solutions from the well-established pseudo-spectral code \textsc{ghost}. Furthermore, the LB simulations we present, varying the Hall parameter, highlightthe transition from the MHD to the Hall-MHD regime, in excellent agreement with the magnetic field spectra measured in the solar wind


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    This paper investigates the evolution of the plasma density fluctuations of the fast and slow solar wind from the solar corona into the interplanetary space. The study is performed by comparing the low-frequency spectra and the phase correlation of the proton density oscillations, measured in the inner heliosphere with the Helios 2 in situ instrumentation, with those due to the large-scale density perturbations observed with UVCS/SOHO in the outer corona. We find that the characteristics of density fluctuations of the fast solar wind are maintained in the transition from the outer corona to the inner heliosphere, thus suggesting a coronal imprint for the heliospheric large-scale 1/f 2 noise spectrum. In contrast, a quick dynamical evolution is observed in the slow wind, which, starting from large-scale fluctuations with strong phase correlations in the outer corona, gives rise to a Kolmogorov-like spectrum and an accumulation of density structures at small scales at 0.3 AU. This can be explained in the framework of nearly incompressible turbulence
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