161 research outputs found


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    Oral comunication about TPEA project, presented in The Europena Maritime Day, May 20th. 2014 Bremen, Germany

    The metadata catalogue of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography: a tool to implement the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)

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    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC) is responsible, among other aspects, for scientific and technical advice for the Government's fisheries policy as well as for the protection and sustainability of the marine environment. Thus, the IEO-CSIC plays a key role in the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), an EU legislative act that seeks to achieve a good environmental status of European marine waters and protect the resource base on which sustain economic and social activities related to the sea. Under this commission, the IEO-CSIC generates a large amount of marine data characterized by its spatial dispersion during acquisition as well as by its different typology. One of the main tasks is to safeguard data and to disclose what data exists and where, how and when it has been acquired and, in addition, to provide access to that data through the collaboration with different national and international organizations. To this end, the data and metadata are subjected to quality control and formatted for integration into a national Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). This SDI has a GeoNetwork catalogue (http://datos.ieo.es) with ~ 2800 oceanographic campaigns. The metadata of the campaigns known as Cruise Summary Report (CSR) follow the ISO 19139, and although similar to those reported to the pan European SeaDataNet infrastructure, here they have been adapted following an XSL transformation to facilitate the data discovery to the Spanish community. CSRs constitute the parent metadata for ~ 250 layers associated with the implementation of the MSFD. Thus, the INSPIRE-compliant layers with biological, geological and physical resource data can be found through the catalogue and are linked to the corresponding map services. Finally, relevant metadata for the implementation of the MSFD are harvested in other national infrastructures, as the InfoMar catalogue (http://www.infomar.miteco.es/), promoted by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge and maintained by the CEDEX

    Development of a Map Viewer for Archipielago de Cabrera National Park, Balearic Islands, Spain

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    This chapter describes the development of a map viewer (accessible in Spanish at http://www .ideo-cabrera.ieo.es) for the Archipelago de Cabrera National Park, Balearic Islands, Spain. The park is a region with various forms of protection, demonstrating the importance of this area and the need to expand knowledge about it and facilitate the management and monitoring of a wide range of environmental threats and hazards. The development of the map viewer (leveraging ArcGIS Viewer for Flex software) is one of the pioneering initiatives in Spain relating GIS technology to the marine environment. It is the result of extensive interinstitutional collaboration between the EU-US Marine Biodiversity research group of the Instituto Franklin-Universidad de Alcalá, the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, and the Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales. Keywords for this chapter include GIS, web mapping, map viewer, Visor, metadata, WMS, INSPIRE, ArcGIS, Geoportal, Cabrera, parque nacional, national park, Islas Baleares, Balearic Islands, España, Spain.Postprin

    EMODNET BATHYMETRY. Recopilación de datos batimétricos en el Margen Atlántico. Contribuciones desde el IEO.

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    Marine Knowledge 2020 brings together marine data from different sources with the aim to help researches, public authorities, etc., finding the data and making more effective the use and the develop of new products and services, and improving our understanding of how the seas behave. On this way, it is necessary to develop tools and platforms to provide accessibility to marine information. The UE is developing several initiatives on this way. EMODnet is an initiative from the European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG-MARE) as part of its Marine Knowledge 2020 strategy. The EMODnet aim is finding, gathering, and elaborating contínuos layers about marine data resources, and to make these available to individuals and organizations (public and private), and therefore contribute to facilitating and increasing the scientific knowledge of marine environment through improved access to quality-assured, standardized and harmonized marine data. There are six sub-portals that providing access to marine data from the following themes: ditigal bathymetry, marine geology, physical oceanography, chemistry and pollution, marine biodiversity, seabed habitat mapping and human activities. IEO are implicated in the collecting data about bathymetry, physics, chemistry, biology and seabed habitats. The EMODNET BATHYMETRY PORTAL providing access to several DTMs about Atlantic Margin, including Macaronesia. This data provides a very importante bathymetric information of reference, to support to several multidisciplinary researches in the marine environment

    Contribution of EMODNET Batrymetry Project to Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Case of use:IEO.

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    With this work we want to highlight that all data collected in EMODnet is essential information in order to have a database with reference information about the marine environment to achieve the objectives of MSFD. In the case of EMODnet bathymetry, on the one hand, the researchers of IEO are participating as partners on the development of the EMODnet bathymetry data (continous DTMs for all european seas), and in the other hand, the IEO researchers are involved in the development of research in the framework of MSFD in Spain and they are using this bathymetry as important element of reference. For the MSFD works is essential to have a continuos DTM bathymetry in order to the stablishment of indicators for each descriptor, for instance in the biodiversity descriptor It is essential to know the seadbed relief in order to know the habitat distribution, it is very important to define bathymetrical thresholds to identify the bentonic habitats domain as infralitoral, circalitoral, etc. Moreover the bathymetry it is very important in the indicators as spatial extent of loss of seabed, spatial extent of physical disturbance to seabed, distribution of habitat adversely altered by physical disturbance. Other utilities of bathymetry are to know the marine current and therefore in order to know species distribution.EMODNET BATHYMETR

    Standardized Symbology for MSP, delivered Styled Layer Descriptor for MSP INSPIRE Data model

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    Es una presentación oral sobre los trabajos realizados por personal del IEO, en relación a la elaboración de una "Style Layer Descriptor" SLD, que permite asociar una simbología común a los objetos existentes en el MSP INSPIRE Data model, desarrollado por ECOACUA.Se trata de una comunicación oral presentada en el Workshop MS11: Ready to use MSP products, enmarcado en el proyecto MSP-OR. Advancing Maritime Spatial Planning in Outermost Regions. En este workshop se muestras productos generados en otros proyectos de MSP que son de utilidad. En esta presentación se exponen los trabajos de elaboración de una SLD (Style Layer Descriptor) con el objetivo de estandarizar la simbología para el MSP INSPIRE Data model, realizados en el proyecto MARSP.MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA E INNOVACIÓN. CSIC. CN INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL DE OCEANOGRAFÍA. UNION EUROPEA

    Marine GIS Applications: GIS Spanish Institute of Oceanography

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    Poster presentado en el SIEBM XVIII Simposio Ibérico de Biología MarinaSince 1998 in the IEO is developing a MARINE GIS with the objective of organize, harmonize, standardize, integrated the geo-information of IEO. GIS tools are used in several projects carried out in the IEO related to study of living resources, natural resources, studies of evolution of natural phenomena, collecting data, marine spatial planning, etc