13 research outputs found

    Chemical, enzymatic and physical characteristic of cloudy apple juices

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    In this study cloudy juices from six apple cultivars: ‘Alwa’, ‘Fiesta’, ‘Gloster’, ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Mutsu’ and ‘Pinova’ were characterized in respect of polyphenols content by UPLC, PME (pectin methylesterase) activity, color, viscosity, and stability of turbidity. Apple cultivar affected significantly the chemical, enzymatic and physical properties of juices. Total quantitated polyphenols ranged from 686.63 mg l-1 (‘Gloster’) to 988.63 mg l-1 (‘Alwa’), and polymeric proanthocyanidins were a dominant group of these compounds. All of products contained also high content of phenolic acids, mainly chlorogenic. The thermal treatment of juices did not cause a complete inactivation of pectin methylesterase. Taking into account the % of residual enzyme activity, the pasteurization was more efficient in the case of ‘Fiesta’ and ‘Pinova’ juices (13% and 14% of the initial activity, respectively). Examined juices were characterized by low values of a stable turbidity (18.07–37.75%), despite relatively high viscosity (2.40–9.60 mPas)

    Suszone przekąski warzywne – zarys technologii wytwarzania i poziom akceptacji wśród studentów

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    Vegetables are a basic element of each diet and their relatively low consumption in Poland is a stimulus to look for new attractive forms of the products. This paper presents an outline of production technologies of dried vegetable snacks and results of a questionnaire on vegetable consumption and social acceptance of new products in the area as described in this paper. The new processing technologies of vegetable snacks are based on a drying method that generates products attractive in terms of physical and chemical properties. A questionnaire survey shows that interest among respondents to buy snacks made of root vegetables is highest with respect to carrot-based products. The respondents highly assessed visual properties of the new product, primarily the colour and shape.Warzywa to podstawowy element diety, a ich relatywnie niskie spożycie w Polsce skłania do poszukiwania nowych, atrakcyjnych form produktów. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono zarys technologii produkcji suszonych przekąsek z warzyw oraz wyniki badań ankietowych dotyczących spożycia warzyw i akceptacji społecznej dla nowych produktów w zakresie przedmiotowym opisywanym w niniejszej pracy. Nowe technologie produkcji tzw. snacków warzywnych, oparte na metodzie suszenia, pozwalają uzyskać atrakcyjne pod względem właściwości fizyko-chemicznych produkty. Z przeprowadzonych metodą ankietową badań wynika, że skłonność respondentów do zakupu przekąsek z warzyw korzeniowych była największa w przypadku produktów marchwiowych. Respondenci wysoko ocenili walory wizualne nowego produktu, w tym głównie barwę i kształt

    Hemp Seeds of the Polish ‘Bialobrzeskie’ and ‘Henola’ Varieties (Cannabis sativa L. var. sativa) as Prospective Plant Sources for Food Production

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    This publication characterizes the nutritional value of the Polish hemp seeds of the ‘Bialobrzeskie’ and ‘Henola’ varieties, including the profile/content of fatty acids and amino acids. Hemp seeds were found to be rich in protein, fat, and dietary fiber. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) dominated the unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) profile. Their average share within the total fatty acids (FA) was as high as 75%. Linoleic acid belonging to this group accounted for 55% of the total FA. Lipid profile indices (Σ n − 6/Σ n − 3, Σ PUFA/Σ SFA, the thrombogenicity index, the atherogenicity index and the hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic ratio) proved the high nutritional value of hemp oil. Considering the tyrosine + phenylalanine and histidine contents, hemp protein exhibited a great degree of similarity to egg protein, which is known and valued for its high biological value

    Degradation Kinetics of Anthocyanins in Sour Cherry Cloudy Juices at Different Storage Temperature

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    The aim of this study was to characterize in detail 25 sour cherry cultivars and provide data on their industrial processing into high-quality sour cherry cloudy juices (ScCJ). Anthocyanin composition was identified and quantified by LC-PDA-ESI-MS QTof, UPLC-PDA. Kinetic degradation (k × 103, t1/2, D value) and color (CIE La*b*) were measured before and after 190 days of storage at 4 °C and 30 °C. A total of five anthocyanins, four cyanidins (-3-O-sophoroside, -3-O-glucosyl-rutinoside, -3-O-glucoside, and -3-O-rutinoside) and one peonidin-3-O-rutinoside were detected across all investigated juices. Total anthocyanin content ranged from ~590 to ~1160 mg/L of juice, with the highest levels in Skierka, Nagy Erdigymulscu, Wilena, Wiblek, and Safir cvs., and the lowest in Dradem and Nanaones. During 190 days of storage a significant change was observed in the content of anthocyanins. Their degradation depended rather on the storage conditions (time and temperature) than on the type of anthocyanin compounds present in the ScCJ. Half-life values of ScCJ ranged from 64.7 to 188.5 days at 4 °C and from 45.9 to 112.40 days at 30 °C. Sample redness changed more rapidly than yellowness or lightness and Chroma or hue angel. These results may be useful for the juice industry and serve as a starting point for the development of tasty sour cherry juices with high levels of bioactive compounds

    Antioxidant Activity and Fatty Acid Profile of Sous-Vide Beef Marinated with Kiwiberry Fruit Pulp: Effects of Level Addition and Refrigerated Storage

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the antioxidant activity (AA) and fatty acid (FA) profile of sous-vide beef previously marinated in brine with a 10, 20 and 30% addition of kiwiberry (Actinidia arguta cv. ‘Ananasnaya’) fruit pulp, as well as changes in the parameters studied after 0, 1, 2 and 3 weeks of refrigerated storage in a vacuum package. The FA profile, FRAP (ferric-reducing antioxidant power assay), ABTS (2,2′-azinobis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-acid)), total polyphenols, chlorophylls and carotenoids were also determined in the fruit pulp. Lipid indices for meat were calculated based on the obtained FA profile. The values of FRAP and ABTS of experimental meat products were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher than those of control samples but decreased with storage time. The proportion of unsaturated FA in the lipids of sous-vide meat was higher in samples with pulp than in control samples and insignificantly decreased with storage time. Meat marinated with kiwiberry pulp was characterized by a significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher proportion of ALA (α-linolenic acid) and LA (linoleic acid), considerably affecting the more favorable value of polyunsaturated FA/saturated FA ratio. A troubling finding was the heightened level of palmitic acid (C16:0) in the lipids of beef subjected to 30% kiwiberry pulp, a factor recognized to play a significant role in the development of various diseases. Beef marinated with 20% kiwiberry pulp addition provides greater nutritional and health benefits than other sample variants because of optimal AA and FA profile changes during refrigerated storage

    Effect of the Bleaching Process on Changes in the Fatty Acid Profile of Raw Hemp Seed Oil (<i>Cannabis sativa</i>)

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    Many refined oils from soybean, rapeseed, and sunflower, among others, are available on the food market, except olive oil. Refining, on the small production scale of niche oils, is not used due to the high cost of the refining process. Unrefined oils are characterized by intense taste, odor, color, and undesirable nutrients. The problem to be solved is determining the effects of incomplete refining of niche oils on their composition. One process, which does not require the use of complex apparatus, is the bleaching process. The results presented in this article relate to the research stage, in which the aim is to evaluate the changes occurring in the oil due to the low-temperature bleaching process with different process parameters. The presented research results provide evidence of the absence of adverse changes in the fatty acid profile of hemp oil of the varieties ‘Finola’, ‘Earlina 8FC’, and ‘Secuieni Jubileu’. Seven different types of bleaching earth were used to bleach the oil in amounts of 2.5 and 5 g/100 g of vegetable oil. The fatty acid profile was obtained by gas chromatography (GC-FID). The obtained chromatograms were subjected to statistical analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). The results show that there was no effect of the type of bleaching earth and its amount on the change in the fatty acid profile of bleached oils. Only real differences between the types of hemp oils were observed. However, an overall positive effect of the bleaching process on hemp oil was found. The amount of saturated fatty acid (SFA) was reduced by 17.1% compared with the initial value, resulting in an increase in the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) by 4.4%, resulting in an unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) proportion of 90%. There was a significant improvement in the SFA/PUFA ratio by 26% over the baseline, and the omega-6/omega-3 ratio by 8.9% to a value of 3.1:1. The new knowledge from this study is evidence of the positive effect of the low-temperature bleaching process on the fatty acid profile. In contrast, the parameters of the bleaching process itself are not significant

    Analysis of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Wild Blackberry Fruits

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    Twenty three different wild blackberry fruit samples were assessed regarding their phenolic profiles and contents (by LC/MS quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) and antioxidant activity (ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) and 2,2-azinobis (3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS)) by two different extraction methods. Thirty four phenolic compounds were detected (8 anthocyanins, 15 flavonols, 3 hydroxycinnamic acids, 6 ellagic acid derivatives and 2 flavones). In samples, where pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) was used for extraction, a greater increase in yields of phenolic compounds was observed, especially in ellagic acid derivatives (max. 59%), flavonols (max. 44%) and anthocyanins (max. 29%), than after extraction by the ultrasonic technique extraction (UAE) method. The content of phenolic compounds was significantly correlated with the antioxidant activity of the analyzed samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that the PLE method was more suitable for the quantitative extraction of flavonols, while the UAE method was for hydroxycinnamic acids

    Quality of Oil Pressed from Hemp Seed Varieties: &lsquo;Earlina 8FC&rsquo;, &lsquo;Secuieni Jubileu&rsquo; and &lsquo;Finola&rsquo;

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    In the last decade, the demand for edible niche oils has increased. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the seeds hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) varieties: &lsquo;Finola&rsquo; (FIN-314)&rsquo;, &lsquo;Earlina 8FC&rsquo;, and &lsquo;Secuieni Jubileu&rsquo;, and cold and hot pressed oils were prepared from each seed. The seeds were examined for moisture content, granulometric distribution, bulk density, and fat content. Seeds were pressed without and with preconditioning (60 &deg;C), and oil yield and pressing time were recorded. The oil was filtered through cellulose membranes. Oil&ndash;water content, oil color, fatty acid profile, and sterol content were studied. From the study conducted, there are significant differences in the parameters of oil recovery and its quality compared to &lsquo;Finola&rsquo; seed oil, which is widely reported in the literature. &lsquo;Finola&rsquo; oil yield was the lowest, with an average of 79% compared to &lsquo;Earlina&rsquo; (82%) and &lsquo;S. Jubileu&rsquo; (84%). All oil samples contained a comparable amount of sterols, with campesterol (0.32 mg/g), &beta;-sitosterol (1.3 mg/g) and &Delta;5-avenasterol (0.15 mg/g) predominating. From the organoleptic evaluation, it was evident that both varieties hemp oils and marc (&lsquo;Earlina&rsquo; and &lsquo;S. Jubileu&rsquo;) were not bitter like the &ldquo;Finola&rdquo; oil and marc. More detailed studies in this direction have to be undertaken

    Determination of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Leaves from Wild Rubus L. Species

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    Twenty-six different wild blackberry leaf samples were harvested from various localities throughout southeastern Poland. Leaf samples were assessed regarding their phenolic compound profiles and contents by LC/MS QTOF, and their antioxidant activity by ABTS and FRAP. Thirty-three phenolic compounds were detected (15 flavonols, 13 hydroxycinnamic acids, three ellagic acid derivatives and two flavones). Ellagic acid derivatives were the predominant compounds in the analyzed leaves, especially sanguiin H-6, ellagitannins, lambertianin C, and casuarinin. The content of phenolic compounds was significantly correlated with the antioxidant activity of the analyzed samples. The highest level of phenolic compounds was measured for R. perrobustus, R. wimmerianus, R. pedemontanus and R. grabowskii. The study showed that wild blackberry leaves can be considered a good source of antioxidant compounds. There is clear potential for the utilization of blackberry leaves as a food additive, medicinal source or herbal tea