17 research outputs found

    Dalykinės srities žinių turinio atnaujinimo valdymo informacinių sąveikų pagrindu modelis

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    The hierarchical Detailed Value Chain Model and the Elementary Management Cycle model of educational domain knowledge content updating are formally described in this paper, wherein computerized process measures are also proposed. The paper provides a method for updating the knowledge of the analyzed domain, referred to as the “enterprise domain,” based on enterprise modelling in terms of management information interactions. A method was designed, the formal DVCM and EMC descriptions of which are provided in the BPMN notation, allowing to develop a two-level (granular) model for describing the knowledge of educational domain management information interactions. In implementing this model and its algorithms in technological terms, a subsystem of enterprise knowledge has been created in a knowledge-based CASE system (computerized knowledge-based IS engineering), which performs the function of a domain knowledge database.Straipsnyje pateiktas nagrinėjamos dalykinės srities, vadinamos „veiklos domenu“, žinių turinio atnaujinimo metodas, grindžiamas veiklos valdymo informacinių sąveikų aspektu, kai yra identifikuojamos valdymo informacinės sąveikos tarp veiklos domeno komponentų. Sukurtas dalykinės srities valdymo žinių modeliavimo metodas, leidžiantis sudaryti analizuojamo domeno valdymo informacinių sąveikų dviejų lygmenų (granuliuoto) žinių aprašymo modelį: aukščiausiojo lygmens modifikuotas vertės grandinės modelis toliau detalizuojamas į elementaraus valdymo ciklo modelių rinkinį; pasirinkta hierarchinė struktūra leidžia sudaryti naujus struktūrinius žinių modelius bei juos atnaujinti. Sukurtas žinių turinio atnaujinimo modelis aprašytas formaliai, pasiūlytos kompiuterizuoto proceso įgyvendinimo priemonės. Pasiūlytas dalykinės srities valdymo žinių modeliavimo metodas, kurio formalūs detalizuoto vertės grandinės modelio (DVGM) ir elementaraus valdymo ciklo (EVC) aprašai pateikti BPMN notacija, pasiūlytos kompiuterizuoto IS inžinerijos proceso priemonės metodui realizuoti

    Studijų proceso valdymas remiantis modifikuotu vertės grandinės modeliu

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    Straipsnyje aptartas požiūris į studijų proceso valdymo formavimą remiantis probleminės srities modeliu. Praktiniu modeliavimo metodo pagrindu parinktas M. Porterio vertės grandinės modelis (VGM). Pateiktas apibendrintas žiniomis grįstos veiklos modelis, skirtas studijų procesui valdyti. Struktūruotame VGM bet kuri veiklos valdymo funkcijos Fi ir veiklos proceso Pj pora (Fi x Pj) sumodeliuota kaip valdomas (veiklos) procesas, nes veiklos valdymo funkcija Fi siekia realizuoti konkrečius veiklos tikslus, nukreipdama (kontroliuodama) veiklos procesą Pj. Studijų proceso valdymo modelis (valdymo požiūriu) susideda iš trijų pagrindinių komponentų, susietų informaciniu grįžtamuoju ryšiu: valdančiosios sistemos, veiklos tikslų ir valdomojo objekto. Straipsnyje patikslinta valdomo proceso principinė schema (formalizuota elementaraus valdymo ciklo struktūra), įvardytas veiklos tikslų (G) poveikis valdančiajai sistemai (VS) ir valdomajam objektui (VO) informacijos transformacijos grįžtamojo ryšiokontūre. Taip pat pateikti iš VGM gauti studijų proceso parametrai: studijų proceso valdymo informacijos transformavimo žingsniai (valdymo taisyklės) ir atributai (duomenys).Study Process Management Based on the Modified Value Chain ModelJurij Tekutov, Saulius Gudas, Vitalijus Denisovas SummaryThe paper deals with the problem of studying the process management related to a particular problem. The presented approach uses the modified value chain model (VCM) to describe the formation procedure of the problem domain knowledge. The major components of the modified VCM (domain knowledge) are management functions and information flows related by the control loop to the processes in the problem domain. The formal description of information transformations of a particular management function is defined as the elementary management cycle (EMC). The concept of EMC is a formalized description of the enterprise management control as the interaction between the function and process, i.e. as two core components of enterprise from the control point of view. The modified VCM-based framework for the management of the study process has been developed and discussed.>&nbsp

    Studijų programų reikalavimų inžinerijos metodas ir informacijos sistema

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    Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos informatikos studijų programų kūrimo ir atnaujinimo aukštosiose mokyklose problemos, nagrinėjami esami informatikos studijų programų reikalavimų šaltiniai. Studijų programa nagrinėjama sisteminiu požiūriu, jai kurti, analizei, priežiūrai ir tobulinti taikomi sistemų inžinerijos metodai ir programinės įrangos priemonės. Sukurta originali studijų programos reikalavimų valdymo sistema, kuri reikalavimus saugo sistemos duomenų bazėje. Pateikta šios sistemos taikymo metodika, leidžianti analizuoti ir vertinti reikalavimus informatikos studijų programoms, modernizuoti šių studijų programų struktūrą ir turinį.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: studijų programa, reikalavimų inžinerija, programinės įrangos priemonės, studijų programų inžinerijos procesas, reikalavimų valdymo sistema.The Engineering Method and Information System of Study Programme RequirementsVitalijus Denisovas, Saulius Gudas, Jurij Tekutov SummaryThis article is devoted to the formulation and implementation of quite a novel interdisciplinary approach to curriculum development, which is based on the application of systems the engineering methods and modern CASE tools. IBM Rational RequisiteProTM is a tool chosen for curriculum requirements management. It allows the input, updating, tracking, and a review of requirements during the project lifecycle. To support the curriculum development procedure a new engineering system of study program requirements has been developed and implemented. A new methodology of using this system is provided in solving one of the most topical problems of informatics studies in Lithuania – modernization of bachelor studies in order to meet the new study regulations recently issued by the Ministry of Education. The methodology has been approbated by successfully applying it to the analysis, improvement and updating of the Informatics study programs of the Klaipeda University./span

    Digital images optimization algorithm project for brands information management system

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    The customer provided service will display digital images to many customers in the browsers of various devices. To improve the user experience using this service, it is important to provide fast and high-quality display of digital images. In addition, the data storage system will need to store many different types of digital images, which raises a problem for the storage space in it. Therefore, the developed algorithm would help to solve these problems by reducing image file sizes, in other words, optimizing digital images

    Modeling mobile program for waste collection in Kretinga district

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    This paper describes mobile program modelling through program design and partial realization for waste collection schedules in Kretinga district. The design part analyzes subject and problem areas. A requirement specification, that includes use cases for mobile application and functional and non-functional requirements of the program, are provided as well. Using an object-oriented UML modelling language, program design visualization is presented in sequence and activity diagrams. Graphical user interface of the mobile application is developed with Android Studio environment and is described in the partial implementation section

    Modeling mobile program for waste collection in Kretinga district

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    This paper describes mobile program modelling through program design and partial realization for waste collection schedules in Kretinga district. The design part analyzes subject and problem areas. A requirement specification, that includes use cases for mobile application and functional and non-functional requirements of the program, are provided as well. Using an object-oriented UML modelling language, program design visualization is presented in sequence and activity diagrams. Graphical user interface of the mobile application is developed with Android Studio environment and is described in the partial implementation section

    Digital images optimization algorithm project for brands information management system

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    The customer provided service will display digital images to many customers in the browsers of various devices. To improve the user experience using this service, it is important to provide fast and high-quality display of digital images. In addition, the data storage system will need to store many different types of digital images, which raises a problem for the storage space in it. Therefore, the developed algorithm would help to solve these problems by reducing image file sizes, in other words, optimizing digital images

    Invoice data migration management system development

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    In this paper presents the process of designing an invoice data migration management system. The purpose of the study is to design an invoice data migration management system that allows to automate invoice submissions process from “B1” to “E. Sąskaita”. While designing the system was described the problematic and subject areas of the product being developed, and created a rich picture. In order to determine the functions provided by the system, a use case diagram has been drawn and by using use case diagram was created functional and non-functional requirements. Also a static image of the system was created and the systems architectural solution was described. A graphical user interface has been created, which is linked to target user. A dynamic view of the program is prepared, main operating algorithms are presented at several levels of detail using sequence and activity diagrams

    Study Process Management Based on the Modified Value Chain Model

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    The paper deals with the problem of studying the process management related to a particular problem. The presented approach uses the modified value chain model (VCM) to describe the formation procedure of the problem domain knowledge. The major components of the modified VCM (domain knowledge) are management functions and information flows related by the control loop to the processes in the problem domain. The formal description of information transformations of a particular management function is defined as the elementary management cycle (EMC). The concept of EMC is a formalized description of the enterprise management control as the interaction between the function and process, i.e. as two core components of enterprise from the control point of view. The modified VCM-based framework for the management of the study process has been developed and discussed