34 research outputs found

    Comparative study of the effects of electron irradiation and natural disorder in single crystals of SrFe2_{2}(As1x_{1-x}Px_x)2_2 (x=x=0.35) superconductor

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    London penetration depth, λ(T)\lambda(T), was measured in single crystals of SrFe2_2(As1x_{1-x}Px_x)2_2 (x=x=0.35) iron - based superconductor. The influence of disorder on the transition temperature, TcT_c, and on λ(T)\lambda(T) was investigated. The effects of scattering controlled by the annealing of as-grown crystals was compared with the effects of artificial disorder introduced by 2.5~MeV electron irradiation. The low temperature behavior of λ(T)\lambda(T) can be described by a power-law function, Δλ(T)=ATn\Delta \lambda (T)=AT^n, with the exponent nn close to one in pristine annealed samples, as expected for superconducting gap with line nodes. Upon 1.2×10191.2 \times 10^{19} \ecm irradiation, the exponent nn increases rapidly exceeding a dirty limit value of n=n= 2 implying that the nodes in the superconducting gap are accidental and can be lifted by the disorder. The variation of the exponent nn with TcT_c is much stronger in the irradiated crystals compared to the crystals in which disorder was controlled by the annealing of the growth defects. We discuss the results in terms of different influence of different types of disorder on intra- and inter- band scattering

    Using electron irradiation to probe iron - based superconductors

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    High energy electron irradiation is an efficient way to create vacancy-interstitial Frenkel pairs in crystal lattice, thereby inducing controlled non-magnetic point - like scattering centers. In combination with London penetration depth and resistivity measurements, the irradiation was particularly useful as a phase - sensitive probe of the superconducting order parameter in iron - based superconductors lending strongest support to sign - changing s±s_{\pm} pairing. Here we review the key results on the effect of electron irradiation in iron-based superconductors

    Intermediate scattering potential strength in electron-irradiated YBa2Cu3O7δ\text{YBa}_{2}\text{Cu}_{3}\text{O}_{7-\delta} from London penetration depth measurements

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    Temperature-dependent London penetration depth, λ(T)\lambda(T), of a high quality optimally-doped YBa2Cu3O7δ\text{YBa}_{2}\text{Cu}_{3}\text{O}_{7-\delta} single crystal was measured using tunnel-diode resonator. Controlled artificial disorder was induced at low-temperature of 20~K by 2.5 MeV electron irradiation at accumulating large doses of 3.8×10193.8\times10^{19} and 5.3×10195.3\times10^{19} electrons per cm2\textrm{cm}^{2}. The irradiation caused significant suppression of the superconductor's critical temperature, TcT_{c}, from 94.6 K to 90.0 K, and then to 78.7 K, respectively. The low-temperature behavior of λ(T)\lambda\left(T\right) evolves from a TT-linear in pristine state to a T2T^{2}-behavior after the irradiation, expected for a line-nodal dd-wave superconductor. However, the original theory that explained such behavior had assumed a unitary limit of the scattering potential, whereas usually in normal metals and semiconductors, Born scattering is sufficient to describe the experiment. To estimate the scattering potential strength, we calculated the normalized superfluid density, ρs(t=T/Tc)=λ2(0)/λ2(t)\rho_{s}\left(t=T/T_{c}\right)=\lambda^{2}\left(0\right)/\lambda^{2}\left(t\right), varying the amount and the strength of non-magnetic scattering using a self-consistent tt-matrix theory. Fitting the obtained curves to a power-law, ρs=1Rtn\rho_{s}=1-Rt^{n}, and to a polynomial, ρs=1AtBt2\rho_{s}=1-At-Bt^{2}, and comparing the coefficients nn in one set, and AA and BB in another with the experimental values, we estimate the phase shift to be around 70^{\circ} and 65^{\circ}, respectively. We correlate this result with the evolution of the density of states with non-magnetic disorder

    Electron irradiation effects on superconductivity in PdTe2_2: an application of a generalized Anderson theorem

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    Low temperature (\sim 20~K) electron irradiation with 2.5 MeV relativistic electrons was used to study the effect of controlled non-magnetic disorder on the normal and superconducting properties of the type-II Dirac semimetal PdTe2_2. We report measurements of longitudinal and Hall resistivity, thermal conductivity and London penetration depth using tunnel-diode resonator technique for various irradiation doses. The normal state electrical resistivity follows Matthiessen rule with an increase of the residual resistivity at a rate of \sim0.77μΩ \mu \Omegacm/(C/cm2)(\textrm{C}/\textrm{cm}^2). London penetration depth and thermal conductivity results show that the superconducting state remains fully gapped. The superconducting transition temperature is suppressed at a non-zero rate that is about sixteen times slower than described by the Abrikosov-Gor'kov dependence, applicable to magnetic impurity scattering in isotropic, single-band ss-wave superconductors. To gain information about the gap structure and symmetry of the pairing state, we perform a detailed analysis of these experimental results based on insight from a generalized Anderson theorem for multi-band superconductors. This imposes quantitative constraints on the gap anisotropies for each of the possible pairing candidate states. We conclude that the most likely pairing candidate is an unconventional A1g+A_{1g}^{+-} state. While we cannot exclude the conventional A1g++A_{1g}^{++} and the triplet A1uA_{1u}, we demonstrate that these states require additional assumptions about the orbital structure of the disorder potential to be consistent with our experimental results, e.g., a ratio of inter- to intra-band scattering for the singlet state significantly larger than one. Due to the generality of our theoretical framework, we think that it will also be useful for irradiation studies in other spin-orbit-coupled multi-orbital systems.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Competition between orthorhombic and re-entrant tetragonal phases in underdoped Ba1-xKxFe2As2 probed by the response to controlled disorder

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    Low-temperature (22 K) irradiation with 2.5-MeV electrons, creating point defects affecting elastic scattering, was used to study the competition between stripe C-2 and tetragonal C-4 antiferromagnetic phases which exist in a narrow doping range around x = 0.25 in hole-doped Ba1-xKxFe2As2. In nearby compositions outside of this range, at x = 0.22 and x = 0.19, the temperatures of both the concomitant orthorhombic/stripe antiferromagnetic transition T-C2 and the superconducting transition T-c are monotonically suppressed by added disorder at similar rates of about 0.1 K/mu Omega cm, as revealed through using resistivity variation as an intrinsic measure of scattering rate. In a stark contrast, a rapid suppression of the C-4 phase at the rate of 0.24 K/mu Omega cm is found at x = 0.25. Moreover, this suppression of the C-4 phase is accompanied by unusual disorder-induced stabilization of the C-2 phase, determined by resistivity and specific heat measurements. The rate of the C-4 phase suppression is notably higher than the suppression rate of the spin-vortex phase in the Ni-doped CaKFe4As4 (0.16 K/mu Omega cm)