43 research outputs found

    Kajian Kesan Perbezaan Individu Dalam Strategi Pencarlan Dan Kebolehgunaan Alat Pencarlan Internet

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    Kajian ini mengkaji kesan .. perbezaan individu dalam strategi pencarian menggunakan alat pencarian Internet dan kebolehgunaan aJat pencarian Internet. Seramai tiga puluh orang subjek dari Universiti Sains Malaysia telah diuji dengan gaya kognitif dan gaya penyelesaian masalah. Google, Copernic dan Altavista telah dipilih sebagai alat pencarian dalam kajian ini. Subjek telah diberikan tiga tugas pencarian khas untuk dilakukan dalam keadaan makmal eksperimen. Tambahan pula, subjek diminta untuk menilai kebolehgunaan dan perkaitan bagi setiap alat pencarian berdasarkan tugas pencarian yang dilakukan oleh mereka. Hasil kajian menunjukkan perbezaan individu mempengaruhi strategi pencarian bagi tugas tertentu dan alat pencarian tertentu. Bidang bebas dan inventori penyelesaian masalah rendah lebih aktif dan cekap dalam pencarian mereka. Google menjadi pilihan utama subjek sebagai alat pencarian utama pada masa akan datang. Oleh itu, pendekatan yang diambil dalam kajian ini adalah untuk memahami perbezaan individu dari segi gaya kognitif dan penyelesaian masalah serta keperluan pengguna dalam menggunakan kelebihan sistem penemuan kembali maklumat Internet. Dengan ini, pereka bentuk dan pembangun penemuan kembali maklumat dapat membina struktur paparan dan antara muka yang optimum bagi ·pengguna. This study investigated the effects of individual differences on search strategy using Internet search tools and the usability of Internet search tools. Thirty subjects from the University Science Malaysia were pre-tested for cognitive style and problem solving style. Go ogle, Copernic and Altavista were chosen as search tools in this study. Subjects were given three-search tasks to perform in controlled conditions. In addition, subjects were asked to evaluate the usability and relevance for each search tool based on their own search task. Results showed that individual differences do influence the search strategy for specific task and specific search tool being used. Field independent and low problem solving inventory are more active and efficient in their search. Subjects choose Google as the primary search tool in the future. Therefore, the approach taken in this study is to understand individual differences involving cognitive and problem solving style, and user needs in using the advantages of the Internet information retrieval system. Hence the information retrieval designer and developer can build an optimum presentation structure and interface for the user

    Teaching and Learning Software Requirements Engineering: Our Experience, Reflection and Improvement

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    One problem faced by lecturers in teaching software requirements engineering subject is that it covers vast domain across multidisciplinary fields ranging from Social Science to Computer Science. Additionally, the not too practical but mainly theoretical exaggeration of the subject matter has made learning to be boring as seen by many Malaysian students. This paper shares the experience of teaching and learning software requirements engineering in Faculty of Computing and Informatics, Multimedia University under the Malaysian Software Testing Board Academic Outreach Program. Students’ feedback on the contents of reading materials, provided as complimentary for learning the software requirements engineering subject, are gathered and their comments are noted for improvement. The lecturers conducted a detailed analysis on the contents of reading materials and several suggestions for improvement on reading materials are presented. We believe that with further improvement on the contents of reading materials and certification examination together with our proposed Internet of Thing (IoT)-awared requirements engineering model, this academic outreach cum industry-link program shall continue to flourish in its effort to develop the nation with more professionals in requirements engineering. This is in-line with the 11th Malaysia Plan’s strategy of accelerating human capital development for an advanced nation, particularly in the era of IoT

    Measuring User Engagement in Mobile Classroom Response System: A Case Study

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    Mobile classroom response system, formerly known as clicker, is a promising technology to engage students in a lecture hall. Previous studies reported the positive effects of clickers on student engagement. However, most studies focused on patterns of cohort transitions using clickers during peer-instruction activities. This paper describes a mixed method approach to explore the dynamic of user engagement among undergraduate students in a local Malaysian university. Both interaction log and diary study were selected to track the pattern of ninety five registered students using mobile classroom response system across seven lecture weeks. Interaction logs were used to profile user type, participation type and submission type. The analysis of interaction logs revealed that seven visitors participated during lecture, only around 18% of registered students participated actively, registered students were more likely to answer all questions at the end of lecture compared to the beginning of lecture and middle of lecture. On the other hand, the analysis of diary entries provided qualitative information about user engagement attributes such focused attention, felt involvement, endurability, perceived usability and novelty. Both interaction log and students diary indicated that two registered students had positive engagement using mobile classroom response system during lecture

    Context-dependent multilingual lexical lookup for under-resourced languages

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    Current approaches for word sense disambiguation and translation selection typically require lexical resources or large bilingual corpora with rich information fields and annotations, which are often infeasible for under-resourced languages. We extract translation context knowledge from a bilingual comparable corpora of a richer-resourced language pair, and inject it into a multilingual lexicon. The multilingual lexicon can then be used to perform context-dependent lexical lookup on texts of any language, including under-resourced ones. Evaluations on a prototype lookup tool, trained on a English-Malay bilingual Wikipedia corpus, show a precision score of 0.65 (baseline 0.55) and mean reciprocal rank score of 0.81 (baseline 0.771). Based on the early encouraging results, the context-dependent lexical lookup tool may be developed further into an intelligent reading aid, to help users grasp the gist of a second or foreign language text

    Maritime threat response

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    This report was prepared by Systems Engineering and Analysis Cohort Nine (SEA-9) Maritime Threat Response, (MTR) team members.Background: The 2006 Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Cross-Campus Integrated Study, titled “Maritime Threat Response” involved the combined effort of 7 NPS Systems Engineering students, 7 Singaporean Temasek Defense Systems Institute (TDSI) students, 12 students from the Total Ship Systems Engineering (TSSE) curriculum, and numerous NPS faculty members from different NPS departments. After receiving tasking provided by the Wayne E. Meyer Institute of Systems Engineering at NPS in support of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense, the study examined ways to validate intelligence and respond to maritime terrorist attacks against United States coastal harbors and ports. Through assessment of likely harbors and waterways to base the study upon, the San Francisco Bay was selected as a representative test-bed for the integrated study. The NPS Systems Engineering and Analysis Cohort 9 (SEA-9) Maritime Threat Response (MTR) team, in conjunction with the TDSI students, used the Systems Engineering Lifecycle Process (SELP) [shown in Figure ES-1, p. xxiii ] as a systems engineering framework to conduct the multi-disciplinary study. While not actually fabricating any hardware, such a process was well-suited for tailoring to the team’s research efforts and project focus. The SELP was an iterative process used to bound and scope the MTR problem, determine needs, requirements, functions, and to design architecture alternatives to satisfy stakeholder needs and desires. The SoS approach taken [shown in Figure ES-2, p. xxiv ]enabled the team to apply a systematic approach to problem definition, needs analysis, requirements, analysis, functional analysis, and then architecture development and assessment.In the twenty-first century, the threat of asymmetric warfare in the form of terrorism is one of the most likely direct threats to the United States homeland. It has been recognized that perhaps the key element in protecting the continental United States from terrorist threats is obtaining intelligence of impending attacks in advance. Enormous amounts of resources are currently allocated to obtaining and parsing such intelligence. However, it remains a difficult problem to deal with such attacks once intelligence is obtained. In this context, the Maritime Threat Response Project has applied Systems Engineering processes to propose different cost-effective System of Systems (SoS) architecture solutions to surface-based terrorist threats emanating from the maritime domain. The project applied a five-year time horizon to provide near-term solutions to the prospective decision makers and take maximum advantage of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions and emphasize new Concepts of Operations (CONOPS) for existing systems. Results provided insight into requirements for interagency interactions in support of Maritime Security and demonstrated the criticality of timely and accurate intelligence in support of counterterror operations.This report was prepared for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland DefenseApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    User experience evaluation methods for mobile devices

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    There are many user experience evaluation methods available in the literature. Four different user experience evaluation methods were reviewed. However, most user experience evaluation methods measured different dimensions of user experience. Therefore, Norman's emotional design is proposed as a common conceptual framework for user experience. User experience evaluation method should measure emotional response related to visceral, behavioural and reflective. Thus, a user experience testing is designed to provide holistic view of a product. Other challenges faced in user experience evaluation methods are also discussed in detail

    Modelling and usability evaluation of collaborative awareness in synchronous distributed groupware for home modification

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    Three main problem in this thesis. First, the need for a theoretical framework to guide development of a synchronous distributed groupware. Second, the need to evaluate the usability of the groupware using standard measurement metrics. Third, the need to develop collaborative tasks that enabled measurement of collaborative awareness

    Designing the next generation of mobile tourism application based on situation awareness

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    Mobile tourism applications are changing the way travelers plan and experience tourism in the years to come. A large and growing body of literature has investigated the development of context awareness mobile applications for tourism industry. Various aspects of context awareness are studied and applied in tour guide companions and recommendation systems. However, these context awareness mobile applications do not improve traveler's situation awareness especially in pre-visiting and during visiting phases. In other words, when using mobile applications, travelers may not perceive the situation correctly, fail to comprehend the situation or they are unable to anticipate the future development. This paper proposes a theoretical approach for designing mobile tourism applications using situation awareness. Three scenarios of traveler visiting experiences are presented and suitable designs for each scenario are discussed

    Collaborative Awareness for Translation Groupware

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    Translation is a process that allows people to learn and comprehend others' ideas or cultures in their own language. Such knowledge sharing will bring major advancement on society and the economy. A translation groupware, that allows two or more human translators to edit the output of machine translation at different times and different places, is developed in order to overcome the limitation of human translators and machine translation. However, translation groupware still not widely adopted by current human translators and the effectiveness is not known. An understanding of how multiple translators work and interact within a group is vital to develop a usable groupware. It is hypothesised that collaborative awareness can improve the translation groupware usability. Collaborative awareness components, such as interpersonal space and shared workspace, are identified as important characteristics to enhance the usability of translation groupware

    Metaverse: A Bibliometric Analysis by Internet Crawler and Big Data Technology

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    Digital platforms have been widely adopted during Covid19 pandemic, but individuals and organizations have encountered various challenges with these digital platforms. Metaverse is a new Internet evolution that addresses the challenges of supporting humans in seamlessly moving between digital spaces and the physical world. Many bibliometric studies have been published on Metaverse, but previous findings on this topic are inconsistent and contradictory. Therefore, we explored trends in Metaverse research through bibliometric analysis. An online search was conducted on 16 February 2023. A total of 706 journal documents were obtained from the Scopus database. The results revealed that China was the most productive country with three China productive institutions, two China productive authors, and four China funding sponsors. This bibliometric analysis results confirmed that the rate of Metaverse research has sharply increased. The top nine most cited documents were classified as secondary research. Taking a socio-technical design approach, the Metaverse research areas identified by these review articles can be grouped into four main levels of computing: mechanical, informational, psychological, and social. The limitations of this bibliometric study were also identified