5 research outputs found

    Object-based image analysis for mapping Natura 2000 habitats.

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    Clasificación de una imagen de alta resolución "Quickbird" con la técnica de análisis de imágenes en base a objetos

    Spatial Analysis for Conservation Status Assessment within Natura 2000 Network in Forest Area "Prado de Robledela" (Ávila, Spain).

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    The aim of the Directive 92/43/EEC (EEC, 1992), commonly known as Habitats DireCli\c. "sha11 be to contribute towards ensuring bio-diversity through the cOl1selvation 01' natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora in the European teITitory of lhe Member Stales lo which the Treaty applies" (Article 2). Because of it, it is necessary to ensure the pertinent measures which may help to evaluate the status conservation (Article La) 01' the natural habitats included in Natura 2000 Network. To facilitate this work il is necessary to compil~ and process this information with GIS tools

    Delineación de rodales para la ordenación forestal a partir de información LIDAR.

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    Delineación de rodales para la ordenación forestal a partir de información LIDAR