3 research outputs found

    Strategic assessment of reproductive health in the Dominican Republic

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    This report documents the findings of a strategic assessment of reproductive health in the Dominican Republic (DR), carried out by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (SESPAS) and the Dominican Social Security Institute with support from the Population Council’s Expanding Contraceptive Choice (ECC) program and its Latin American and Caribbean regional offices, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The USAID/DR has been working closely with SESPAS to understand the major reproductive health problems in the DR. To better assist SESPAS and to plan the country’s Reproductive Health Strategy for 2002–2007, USAID asked the Population Council’s ECC program to conduct a strategic assessment of reproductive health in the DR. This participatory study was designed to identify strengths, prioritize problems, and work with community, governmental, and nongovernmental stakeholders to develop recommendations for strategic interventions to improve reproductive health in the DR


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    Reseña de: Óscar Alzaga Villaamil. Discursos parlamentarios (y otras disertaciones) (Leonardo Álvarez Álvarez)Reseña de: Uwe Volkmann. Elementos de una teoría de la Constitución alemana (Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez)Reseña de: Javier García Roca. La transformación constitucional del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos (Argelia Queralt Jiménez)Reseña de: Fernando Rey Martínez. Derecho antidiscriminatorio (David Giménez Gluck)Reseña de: Ignacio Fernández Sarasola. Reforma constitucional: pasado, presente y futuro (Javier Tajadura Tejada)Reseña de: Miguel Agudo Zamora. Reforma constitucional y Estado autonómico (Irene Sobrino Guijarro)Reseña de: Javier Matia Portilla, Ascensión Elvira Perales y Antonio Arroyo Gil (coords.). La protección de los derechos fundamentales de personas LGTB (Alicia Cárdenas Cordón