48 research outputs found

    The world OA iniciative for scientific communication in civil engineering and institutional repository as its answer – the case study of Slovenia. Poster presentation at 79th IFLA Congress.

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    Scientific communication in technics consists primarily of articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals. In our research of 2026 articles, published in JCR journals in the field of civil engineering in 2007, we found out that 21% of them are published as open accessed articles, most of them as articles archived in institutional repositories. They reached 29% of all citations in the analysed period. In accordance with these findings, in 2011 the repository at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering was built in open source tool ePrints. 1400 theses as well as 200 research articles have been archived in it till January 2013. The library was one of the most important stakeholders in its building as it is still today. Each of the repository unit is linked into Slovenian bibliographical information system COBISS and its cataloguing part COBIB as well as the part of high valuated research works of Slovenian researchers SICRIS. The statistics (150.000 visits from all over the world in one year) is a motivation for us to develop it further. In the near future the connection to the Slovenian Digital Library (dLib.si) shall be established, which will ensure the preservation of metadata

    Does the Open Access Business Model Have a Significant Impact on the Citation of Publications? Case Study in the Field of Civil Engineering

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    One of the possible benefits of open access (OA) might be the better visibility of articles,which is usually measured by the number of citations of the article. In order to\ud realistically estimate the effect of OA on citation, it is not enough to compare OA and non-OA ISI journals. Thus, as Harnad and Brody (2004) suggested, the numbers of citations\ud of OA and non-OA articles from the same journals were compared. Therefore, we have chosen to analyze the publications in three international journals in the field\ud of civil engineering. All of them have an ISI impact factor in the Civil engineering subject category in the ISI/Web of science database (WOS). The articles were classified\ud into two groups − the OA publications and the non-OA publications. We analyzed all the articles published in the same year and the number of their citations until the end of February 2012, seeking to find out if these two groups differ from each other

    Reprezentacije inštrumentalne ljudske glasbe v slovenskih zvočnih množičnih medijih v obdobju med svetovnima vojnama

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    Prispevek predstavlja spremembe, ki jih je inštrumentalna ljudska glasba doživljala med svetovnima vojnama skozi razvoj novih zvočnih medijev – gramofonskih plošč z 78 o/min in radia. S predstavljanjem inštrumentalne ljudske glasbe v medijih, njeno popularizacijo in komercializacijo se je oblikovala splošno veljavna podoba t. i. slovenske inštrumentalne ljudske glasbe, ki je recipročno vplivala tudi na ustvarjanje ljudskih godcev

    The Dynamics of Research of Instrumental Traditional Music at the Institute of Ethnomusicology at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Past and Present

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    The article presents the research of instrumental traditional music in the Slovenian space carried out by associates of the ZRC SAZU Institute of Ethnomusicology. It examines the audio resources available for the research of instrumental traditional music practices, as well as the orientations that have had an impact on the interpretation of the collected and analysed material

    The Dynamics of Research of Instrumental Traditional Music at the Institute of Ethnomusicology at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Past and Present

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    The article presents the research of instrumental traditional music in the Slovenian space carried out by associates of the ZRC SAZU Institute of Ethnomusicology. It examines the audio resources available for the research of instrumental traditional music practices, as well as the orientations that have had an impact on the interpretation of the collected and analysed material

    The institutional repository as an advantage for users and as a challenge for librarians

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    Izgradnja institucionalnih** repozitorijev je v svetu že dolgo uveljavljena praksa. Odkar jo za sofinanciranje mednarodnih projektov pogojuje tudi Evropska komisija, bi se moralo zanimanje zanje povečati tudi v Sloveniji. Na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo in geodezijo UL smo v letu 2011 zgradili repozitorij DRUGG, v katerem je konec maja 2012 okoli 1300 visokošolskih del in 100 znanstvenih objav. Z njim smo zadostili potrebam uporabnikov po odprtem dostopu do visokošolskih del in prispevali k večji vidnosti znanstvenih objav raziskovalcev UL FGG. Izgradnja repozitorija je zahteven projekt cele ustanove. Knjižnica nudi avtorjem vso vsebinsko in tehnično podporo pri odlaganju dokumentov. S tem smo dvignili pomen in ugled knjižnice, ki tako prispeva pomembno dodano vrednost h kakovosti vseh dejavnosti visokošolskega zavoda. Statistika uporabe repozitorija potrjuje njegov velik pomen v domačem in tudi mednarodnem prostoru

    Impact of open access on citation of scholarly publications in the field of civil engineering

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    The development of science is accompanied by growth of scholarly publications, primarily in the form of articles in peer-reviewed journals. Scientific work is often evaluated through the number of scientific publications in international journals and their citations. This article discusses the impact of open access (OA) on the number of citations for an institution from the field of civil engineering. We analyzed articles, published in 2007 in 14 international journals with impact factor, which are included in the Journal Citation Reports subject category “Civil Engineering”. The influence of open access on the number of citations was analyzed. The aim of our research was to determine if open access articles from the field of civil engineering receive more citations than non-open access articles. Based on the value of impact factor and ranking in quartiles, we also looked at the influence of the rank of journals on the number of citations, separately for OA and Non OA articles, in databases Web of Science (WOS), Scopus and Google Scholar. For 2,026 studied articles we found out that 22 % of them were published as OA articles. They received 29 % of all citations in the observed period. We can conclude by the significance level 5 % or less that in the databases WOS and Scopus the articles from top ranked journals (first quartile) achieved more citations than Non OA articles. This argument can be confirmed for some other journals from second quartile as well, while for the journals ranked into the third quartile it can’t be confirmed. This could be confirmed only partly for journals from the second quartile, and would not be confirmed for journals ranked into the third quartile. This shows that open access is not a sufficient condition for citation, but increases the number of citations for articles published in journals with high impact

    Contribution of the digital repository DRUGG to higher information literacy in the field of civil engineering in Slovenia

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    Building an IR is a complex project in which the whole institution has to be involved. The paper describes the steps taken in implementing the IR considering the technological infrastructure, human resources and collaboration of the library staff with other professional and administrative faculty units. The library offers all technical support to the authors by archiving publications in the IR. Thus, the importance and the reputation of the library have increased, since it brings a significant added value to the quality of all activities at the faculty. The statistics of visits and downloads after two years of operations confirms its importance in Slovenia and abroad