1 research outputs found
Use of sodium hipochlorite in sterilization of culture medium for multiplication of Eucalyptus pellita L.
Ultimamente, vem-se observando grande interesse na \ue1rea de
pesquisa em cultura de tecidos vegetais, em se descobrir novas
op\ue7\uf5es que resultem na redu\ue7\ue3o dos custos da
micropropaga\ue7\ue3o das plantas em laborat\uf3rios comerciais,
de modo a torn\ue1-la mais vi\ue1vel economicamente. Uma
op\ue7\ue3o potencialmente promissora para a redu\ue7\ue3o de
custos, mas que n\ue3o tem recebido a devida aten\ue7\ue3o,
\ue9 a perspectiva de se substituir a t\ue9cnica de autoclavagem
por outra mais econ\uf4mica. Com esse objetivo, foram realizados dois
testes utilizando um novo protocolo de preparo do meio, que consistiu
na esteriliza\ue7\ue3o qu\uedmica de todos os utens\uedlios
utilizados no preparo e acondicionamento do meio de cultura, associado
\ue0 adi\ue7\ue3o do esterilizante ao meio em diferentes
concentra\ue7\uf5es. O primeiro teste teve como objetivo observar a
influ\ueancia de diferentes concentra\ue7\uf5es de NaClO
adicionado ao meio de cultura sobre a esteriliza\ue7\ue3o deste. O
segundo objetivou verificar a rea\ue7\ue3o dos tecidos de
Eucalyptus pellita a diferentes concentra\ue7\uf5es de NaClO
adicionado ao meio de cultura. A adi\ue7\ue3o, ao meio de cultura,
de concentra\ue7\uf5es iguais ou superiores a 0,0005% no primeiro
teste e de 0,005% no segundo, permitiu completa esteriliza\ue7\ue3o
do meio, n\ue3o se tendo observado qualquer dano aos tecidos do
Eucalyptus pellita , quando cultivado em meio de cultura com at\ue9
a concentra\ue7\ue3o m\ue1xima testada, de 0,009% de NaClO. Os
resultados obtidos mostraram a viabilidade de dispensar o uso da
autoclave para a esteriliza\ue7\ue3o de meios de cultura para esta
esp\ue9cie.Lately it has been observed a great interest in the research area of
plant tissue culture in discovering new alternatives leading to cost
reduction of the plants produced in commercial laboratories, in order
to turn this alternative of plant propagation more economical. A
potentially promising alternative for this reduction of costs, but
which has not been receiving the due attention, is the possibility of
substituting the autoclaving technique to a more economical one. With
this purpose, two tests were carried out, using a new protocol of
medium preparation, which consisted of the chemical sterilization of
all the utensils used in the preparation and packaging of the culture
medium as well, associated to the addition of the sterilizing agent to
the medium, in different concentrations. The objective of the first
test was to observe the influence of different concentrations of NaClO
added to the culture medium, on its sterilization. The second test
aimed at verifying the reaction of the Eucalyptus pellita tissues to
different concentrations of NaClO in the culture medium. The addition
of NaClO to the culture medium, equal or higher than 0.0005% in the
fist test and of 0.005% in the second one, allowed complete
sterilization of the medium, without observing any damage to the
Eucalyptus pellita tissues, even when they were grown on culture medium
containing up to 0.009%, the maximum concentration tried. The results
showed the viability of eliminating the autoclave for the sterilization
of culture media