24 research outputs found

    Models for research into decision-making processes: On phases, streams and decision-making rounds.

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    This article elaborates on the question how complex decision-making can be analysed. Three conceptual models are compared: the phase model, the stream model and the rounds model. Each model is based on specific assumptions about what decision-making is and how it should be analysed. The phase model focuses on successive and distinctive stages in a process, i.e. defining a problem, searching for, choosing and implementing solutions. The stream model emphasises concurrent streams of participants, problems and solutions, defining decision-making as the connection between these streams. The rounds model combines elements of the other two models, in assuming that several actors introduce combinations of problems and solutions, and create progress through interaction. Ea

    Van kennishamsteraars naar innovatiemakelaars. Reflecties op een vitale kennis- en innovatie-infrastructuur water.

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    Inleiding Hogere eisen infrastructuur voor kennis en innovatie De samenleving stelt steeds hogere eisen aan het handelen van de overheid, zowel als het gaat om de snelheid van handelen als de kwaliteit van het resultaat. De overheid wordt vandaag afgerekend op het vermogen om knelpunten snel op te lossen met afnemende middelen, en morgen beoordeeld op de toekomstbestendigheid van de resultaten van deze acties. Vandaag hebben snel en goedkoop de meeste aandacht en morgen wordt meewarig bericht over te snelle acties met ongewenste effecten en nagelaten acties die met de kennis van achteraf toch zo evident zijn

    Samen verder werken aan de Delta

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    Droge voeten en voldoende zoetwater, zonder borging van deze belangen is het voortbestaan van Neder- land rechtstreeks in het geding. Een land grotendeels onder de zeespiegel, waar zoetwater vaak van elders komt, wordt direct en stevig geconfronteerd met veranderingen in het watersysteem, of ze nu direct of indirect het gevolg zijn van menselijk ingrijpen of veranderingen in de natuur en het klimaat. Een vooruitziende blik op mogelijke veranderingen, vroegtijdig inspelen op die veranderingen en op het juiste moment voor de lange termijn investeren zijn daarom cruciaal. Om vooruitziend op mogelijke veranderingen nu beslissingen te nemen die in de toekomst zorgen voor droge voeten en voldoende zoetwater is het Deltaprogramma opgezet. De idee achter dit programma was dat er een inspanning nodig was van alle beheerders, beleidsinstanties en gebruikers van water en ruimte om over de grenzen van hun deelbelang heen samen vast te stellen of Nederland is voorbereid op komende veranderingen, welke stappen nodig zijn en hoe deze manier elkaar efficiënt en effectief gaan versterken. Samenwerken en slagkracht staan centraal, startend van het (opnieuw) fundamenteel doordenken van het waterbeleid in het licht van veranderende omstandigheden

    Employing Complexity: Complexification Management for Locked Issues

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    In line with wicked problem literature, we argue that public management based on ordering societal issues to make them controllable and solvable (simplification) can be initially attractive, but in the long-term ineffective. We elaborate on an alternative management mode of increasing the complexity of both the problem and the approach to deal with the problem (complexification). Based on an in-depth casestudy about transforming Utrecht Central Station (the Netherlands), we present complexification as a management strategy to revitalize processes that got locked by simplification management. Path-dependency shows up as a weakness of simplification, and path-creation as a strength of complexification

    Partnership Arrangements: Governmental Rhetoric or Governance Scheme?

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    It has become popular to advocate partnership arrangements. Such partnerships may be seen as new forms of governance, which fit in with the imminent network society. However, the idea of partnership is often introduced without much reflection on the need to reorganize policy-making processes and to adjust existing institutional structures. In this contribution, we discuss the ambiguity of partnerships. An empirical basis is provided by means of an analysis of the policy making on the expansion of the Rotterdam harbor. This case indicates that although new governance schemes are being proposed and explored, they still have to comply with the existing procedures in which they are imbedded. Governments especially are not prepared to adjust to governance arrangements. Policy making continues to be based on selfreferential organizational decisions, rather than on joint interorganizational policy making. This raises questions about the added value of intended cooperative governance processes

    Institutional and Strategic Barriers to Public-Private Partnership: An Analysis of Dutch Cases.

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    Public Private Partnerships (PPP) have been much discussed throughout Europe, but does the practice match the idea of cooperating actors who achieve added value together and share risks? An analysis of three cases of PPP in The Netherlands suggests that practice tends to be less ideal than the idea. Actors have difficulties in achieving actual joint decision-making and organisation and tend to organise their interactions in a traditional way: by contracting out and by separating responsibilities. From a network perspective we will analyse the actor constellations around urban investment projects in which the use of PPP is discussed and elaborated. We will identify their institutional characteristics and the behavioural logic used by public and private actors. Despite the presence of a great many good intentions, institutional factors prevent parties from achieving actual partnerships. Because these factors (i.e. role attitudes, behavioural rules, perceptions (of each other)) cannot easily be changed – i.e. they cannot be changed by just one or two managers, but must become part of the culture within the actor constellations – there is still a long way to go before the idea of partner-ship is transformed into actual practice

    Understanding and managing the Westerschelde. Synchronizing the physical system and the management system of a complex estuary.

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    Abstract. This article analyzes the relationship between the processes of policy making, management and research and the way in which the Westerschelde estuary developed be- tween 1985 and 2006. The Westerschelde has three core functions: economically: it makes the port of Antwerp ac- ce