187 research outputs found

    Does Ménière's Disease in the Elderly Present Some Peculiar Features?

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    Object. Aim of our study was to establish some peculiar features of Ménière's Disease (MD) in a group of elderly MD patients, in which the first vertigo spell happened when over 65 years old. Material and Methods. We analyzed a group of 73 younger than 65-years-old and a group of 30 elderly MD patients. All patients underwent a neurotological evaluation, an anamnestic evaluation including a lifetime history of migraine, and blood withdrawal for autoantibody screening. Results. Some differences were found between elderly and younger MD patients. Elderly MD patients presented a higher prevalence of Tumarkin attacks and a lower prevalence of lifetime history of migraine; moreover, they presented a faster develop of hearing loss and vertigo spells than a subgroup of 32 younger patients matched for the duration of illness. Conclusions. Some clinical features of MD in elderly have been pointed out. Particularly, the lower rate of migrainous history and positivity for autoantibodies often associated with MD, in our opinion, support the hypothesis of a vascular disorder acting as a predisposing factor for MD in elderly

    Impact of vehicular emissions in an urban area of the Po valley by microscale simulation with the GRAL dispersion model

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    This work sets out the test of the GRAL model (Graz Lagrangian Model, vs.18.1) in the urban area of Modena (Po valley, Northern Italy). The simulation domain sizes 2 000 x 3 000 m2 and it features 'microscale' cells of 4 x 4 m2. The simulation focuses on an intersection featured by large traffic flows next to a school and a regulatory air quality monitoring station classified as an urban traffic site. The model is a lagrangian particle dispersion model and it takes into account the presence of buildings as obstacles and generating microscale wind fields accordingly, making this class of model suitable for investigating spatial pattern of atmospheric pollution in urban areas where local accumulation might occur. The simulation investigates traffic emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) over the period October 29 to November 10, 2016, when direct measurements of traffic flow were collected by four one-channel doppler radar traffic counters. These counters provided continuous estimate of vehicle length, speed and number. These latter data were combined with available traffic flows at rush hour by PTV VISUM mobility software and the fleet composition of the municipality to estimate the total NOx emissions by vehicular traffic over the roads included in the simulation domain. NOx simulated concentrations showed a moderate correlation with the NOx observations at the nearby monitoring site. To have a better insight on the potential and the limitations of the GRAL model, its results will be compared with the output of the lagrangian particle dispersion model PMSS over the same area

    Volcanic Risk System (SRV): ASI Pilot Project to Support The Monitoring of Volcanic Risk In Italy by Means of EO Data

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    The ASI-SRV(Sistema Rischio Vulcanico) project started at the beginning of the 2007 is funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in the frame of the National Space Plan 2003-2005 under the Earth Observations section for natural risks management. Coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), which is responsible at national level for the volcanic monitoring, the project has as main objective to develop a pre-operative system based on EO data and ground measurements integration to support the volcanic risk monitoring of the Italian Civil Protection Department. The project philosophy is to implement specific modules which allow to process, store and visualize through Web GIS tools EO derived parameters considering three activity phases: 1) knowledge and prevention; 2) crisis; 3) post crisis. In order to combine effectively the EO data and the ground networks measurements the system will implement a multi-parametric analysis tool, which represents and unique tool to analyze contemporaneously a large data set of data in “near real time”. The SRV project will be tested his operational capabilities on three Italian Volcanoes: Etna,Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei.I.N.G.V. - O.V. SEZIONE DI NAPOLI I.R.E.A. - C.N.R. E.S.A. A.S.I.PublishedNapoli1.10. TTC - Telerilevamentoope

    Residential proximity to petrol stations and risk of childhood leukemia

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    Petrol stations emit benzene and other contaminants that have been associated with an increased risk of childhood leukemia. We carried out a population-based case-control study in two provinces in Northern Italy. We enrolled 182 cases of childhood leukemia diagnosed during 1998-2019 and 726 age- and sex-matched population controls. We geocoded the addresses of child residences and 790 petrol stations located in the study area. We estimated leukemia risk according to distance from petrol stations within a 1000 m buffer and amount of supplied fuel within a buffer of 250 m from the child's residence. We used conditional logistic regression models to approximate risk ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for associations of interest, adjusted for potential confounders. We also modeled non-linear associations using restricted cubic splines. In secondary analyses, we restricted to acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases and stratifed by age (<5 and >= 5 years). Compared with children who lived >= 1000 m from a petrol station, the RR was 2.2 (95% CI 0.5-9.4) for children living<50 m from nearest petrol station. Associations were stronger for the ALL subtype (RR=2.9, 95% CI 0.6-13.4) and among older children (age >= 5 years: RR=4.4, 95% CI 0.6-34.1; age<5 years: RR=1.6, 95% CI 0.1-19.4). Risk of leukemia was also greater (RR=1.6, 95% CI 0.7-3.3) among the most exposed participants when assigning exposure categories based on petrol stations located within 250 m of the child's residence and total amount of gasoline delivered by the stations. Overall, residence within close proximity to a petrol station, especially one with more intense refueling activity, was associated with an increased risk of childhood leukemia, though associations were imprecise

    Volcanic Risk System (SRV): ASI Pilot Project to Support The Monitoring of Volcanic Risk In Italy by Means of EO Data

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    The ASI-SRV(Sistema Rischio Vulcanico) project started at the beginning of the 2007 is funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in the frame of the National Space Plan 2003-2005 under the Earth Observations section for natural risks management. Coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), which is responsible at national level for the volcanic monitoring, the project has as main objective to develop a pre-operative system based on EO data and ground measurements integration to support the volcanic risk monitoring of the Italian Civil Protection Department. The project philosophy is to implement specific modules which allow to process, store and visualize through Web GIS tools EO derived parameters considering three activity phases: 1) knowledge and prevention; 2) crisis; 3) post crisis. In order to combine effectively the EO data and the ground networks measurements the system will implement a multi-parametric analysis tool, which represents and unique tool to analyze contemporaneously a large data set of data in “near real time”. The SRV project will be tested his operational capabilities on three Italian Volcanoes: Etna,Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei

    Volcanic Risk System (SRV): ASI Pilot Project to Support The Monitoring of Volcanic Risk In Italy by Means of EO Data

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    The ASI-SRV(Sistema Rischio Vulcanico) project started at the beginning of the 2007 is funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in the frame of the National Space Plan 2003-2005 under the Earth Observations section for natural risks management. Coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), which is responsible at national level for the volcanic monitoring, the project has as main objective to develop a pre-operative system based on EO data and ground measurements integration to support the volcanic risk monitoring of the Italian Civil Protection Department. The project philosophy is to implement specific modules which allow to process, store and visualize through Web GIS tools EO derived parameters considering three activity phases: 1) knowledge and prevention; 2) crisis; 3) post crisis. In order to combine effectively the EO data and the ground networks measurements the system will implement a multi-parametric analysis tool, which represents and unique tool to analyze contemporaneously a large data set of data in “near real time”. The SRV project will be tested his operational capabilities on three Italian Volcanoes: Etna,Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei

    Outdoor artificial light at night and risk of early-onset dementia: A case-control study in the Modena population, Northern Italy

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    Background Dementia is a neurological syndrome characterized by severe cognitive impairment with functional impact on everyday life. It can be classified as young onset dementia (EOD) in case of symptom onset before 65, and late onset dementia (LOD). The purpose of this study is to assess the risk of dementia due to light pollution, and specifically outdoor artificial light at night (LAN). Methods Using a case-control design, we enrolled dementia patients newly-diagnosed in the province of Modena in the period 2017–2019 and a referent population from their caregivers. We geo-referenced the address of residence on the date of recruitment, provided it was stable for the previous five years. We assessed LAN exposure through 2015 nighttime luminance satellite images from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). Using a logistic regression model adjusted for age, sex, and education, we calculated the risk of dementia associated with increasing LAN exposure, namely using <10 nW/cm2/sr as reference and considering ≥10-<40 nW/cm2/sr intermediate and ≥40 nW/cm2/sr high exposure, respectively We also implemented non-linear assessment using a spline regression model. Results We recruited 58 EOD cases, 34 LOD cases and 54 controls. Average LAN exposure levels overlapped for EOD cases and controls, while LOD cases showed higher levels. Compared with the lowest exposure, the risk of EOD associated with LAN was higher in the intermediate exposure (OR = 1.36, 95% CI 0.54–3.39), but not in the high exposure category (OR = 1.04, 95% CI 0.32–3.34). In contrast, the risk of LOD was positively associated with LAN exposure, with ORs of 2.58 (95% CI 0.26–25.97) and 3.50 (95% CI 0.32–38.87) in the intermediate and high exposure categories, respectively. The spline regression analysis showed substantial lack of association between LAN and EOD, while almost linear although highly imprecise association emerged for LOD. Conclusions Although the precision of the estimates was affected by the limited sample size and the study design did not allow us to exclude the presence of residual confounding, these results suggest a possible role of LAN in the etiology of dementia, particularly of its late-onset form

    Comparison of questionnaire exposure data to land cover map from geographical information system to assess passive exposure to pesticides: a methodological study

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    Background: Exposure assessment based on questionnaires is frequently implemented in case-control studies, but possible information and recall bias could lead to misclassification of exposure. Methods: We evaluated passive exposure to pesticides as possible environmental risk factors for amyotrophic lateral scle-rosis (ALS) using a questionnaire mailed to participants in a case-control study in Emilia Romagna and Sicily. Results from questionnaire assessment were com-pared with a remote sensing methodology based on geographical information system, i.e. the land use within a circular 100-meter area around subjects' residence. Since land cover maps were made available only about once every ten years, we used the 2003 and 2009 maps for Emilia-Romagna and Sicily, respectively. Thus, we estimated the percent-age of 'recent' total crop density close to each participant's home, setting positive exposure above 10% of land use. Finally, we calculated the agreement between the two different methodologies using Cohen‟s kappa coefficients for all subjects, cases and controls. Results and Conclusions: Cohen's kappa was 0.364 (95% CI 0.158-0.569) in total population, 0.378 (0.056-0.700) in cases and 0.354 (0.090-0.618) in controls using the most recent land use map available close to year of case diagnosis. Although a moderate-to-low agreement could be seen between two exposure methods, similar results were found in both cases and controls, suggesting that no recall bias occurred in the most recent period. In the future, we plan to compare such agreement using historical residence over the 20-30 years prior to diagnosis, in order to validate the long-term exposure to pesticides in subjects