119 research outputs found

    Superhedging in illiquid markets

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    We study contingent claims in a discrete-time market model where trading costs are given by convex functions and portfolios are constrained by convex sets. In addition to classical frictionless markets and markets with transaction costs or bid-ask spreads, our framework covers markets with nonlinear illiquidity effects for large instantaneous trades. We derive dual characterizations of superhedging conditions for contingent claim processes in a market without a cash account. The characterizations are given in terms of stochastic discount factors that correspond to martingale densities in a market with a cash account. The dual representations are valid under a topological condition and a weak consistency condition reminiscent of the ``law of one price'', both of which are implied by the no arbitrage condition in the case of classical perfectly liquid market models. We give alternative sufficient conditions that apply to market models with nonlinear cost functions and portfolio constraints

    Liability-driven investment in longevity risk management

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    This paper studies optimal investment from the point of view of an investor with longevity-linked liabilities. The relevant optimization problems rarely are analytically tractable, but we are able to show numerically that liability driven investment can significantly outperform common strategies that do not take the liabilities into account. In problems without liabilities the advantage disappears, which suggests that the superiority of the proposed strategies is indeed based on connections between liabilities and asset returns

    Reduced form modeling of limit order markets

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    This paper proposes a parametric approach for stochastic modeling of limit order markets. The models are obtained by augmenting classical perfectly liquid market models by few additional risk factors that describe liquidity properties of the order book. The resulting models are easy to calibrate and to analyze using standard techniques for multivariate stochastic processes. Despite their simplicity, the models are able to capture several properties that have been found in microstructural analysis of limit order markets. Calibration of a continuous-time three-factor model to Copenhagen Stock Exchange data exhibits e.g.\ mean reversion in liquidity as well as the so called crowding out effect which influences subsequent mid-price moves. Our dynamic models are well suited also for analyzing market resiliency after liquidity shocks

    Reduced form models of bond portfolios

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    We derive simple return models for several classes of bond portfolios. With only one or two risk factors our models are able to explain most of the return variations in portfolios of fixed rate government bonds, inflation linked government bonds and investment grade corporate bonds. The underlying risk factors have natural interpretations which make the models well suited for risk management and portfolio design

    Stochastic programs without duality gaps

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    This paper studies dynamic stochastic optimization problems parametrized by a random variable. Such problems arise in many applications in operations research and mathematical finance. We give sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions and the absence of a duality gap. Our proof uses extended dynamic programming equations, whose validity is established under new relaxed conditions that generalize certain no-arbitrage conditions from mathematical finance