9 research outputs found

    The Interactional Styles Used by Male and Female Chairpersons in Petra Christian University Student Executive Board Meetings

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    This study examines the interactional styles related to the role of chairperson used by two female and two male chairpersons in the SEB-PCU meetings. There are three main theories used: interactional styles, gender, and chairpersons and their roles in a meeting. The method used is qualitative approach focusing on the process and the data. The findings reveal that both feminine and masculine interactional styles were used by the chairpersons. The masculine interactional styles were employed to play the roles of chairpersons. The use of interactional styles between female and male chairpersons differs in its ratio although the same linguistic clue was used for the same device. Here, conciliatory feature was not produced by the male chairpersons whereas referentially oriented feature was produced frequently by chairpersons. Overall, it proves that females use more feminine interactional styles while males use more masculine interactional styles. Thus, gender and power play an important role in meeting

    Address Terms Used by Online Shop Sellers to Their Female Teenage Customers and Young Mother Customers in Facebook

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    This study is about address terms used by online shop sellers to female teenage and young mother customers as well as their similarities and differences in Facebook. It is supported by theories of address terms by Crystal (2009), Kuntjara (2012), Wardhaugh (2006), and Holmes (2001). She observed eight online shops, four for female teenagers and four for young mothers, ten comments from each shop. The finding reveals three types of address terms were used to female teenagers and five types of address terms were used to young mothers. The similarities are all address terms are female type address terms; formal name did not occur; and several same address terms types occurred in both types of shops. The differences are kinship terms variation in online shops for female teenagers and young mothers; intimate name and other types occurred in online shops for young mothers; and the frequency of each type

    Cognitive Strategies of S²r Model Used by High Proficiency Learners of the English Department, Petra Christian University

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    This is a qualitative and quantitative study on cognitive strategies of S²R model and specific techniques employed by high proficient learners of the English Department, Petra Christian University. The high proficient learners represented by nine final-year students who have an average of very good grade (≥B+) in all language skill courses offered by the department. The data was taken by conducting interviews to each of learners based on Oxford (2011) theory. The findings showed all types of cognitive strategies are used by the high proficient learners. The highest percentage of cognitive strategies used was going beyond the immediate data (100%), the second highest was using senses to understand and remember (81%), the third highest was conceptualizing broadly (78%), then it followed by conceptualizing with details (76%), reasoning (67%), and activating knowledge (56%). Moreover, there were a lot of varieties of the specific techniques employed by the participants. The most common specific techniques used were guessing, watching English speaking films, skimming, comparing English to mother tongue, reading novels and magazine, and brainstorming. In conclusion, all proficiency learners use all cognitive strategies but they might employ different techniques in their learning process

    Request Strategies Used by Five Street Dance Groups Leaders to Male and Female Members in the Meeting

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    This study entitled “Request Strategies Used by Five Street Dance Group Leaders to Their Male and Female Members in the Meetings” was conducted to know the influence of gender toward the request made by the leaders in the street dance groups' meetings. The writer observed five young male leaders of five different street dance groups in making request to the male and female members in the meeting. The writer used the theory from Trosborg (1995) to classify the request uttered by the leaders. He found that the leaders mostly used the same request strategy, which is direct strategy to both male and female members in the meetings. The result also showed that the leaders used more indirect strategies, such as mild hints to the female than the male members probably because the leaders tried to be more polite to the female members

    Affective Strategies Used by High Proficiency Learners at Hand Fortuna Center

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    This qualitative study aims to find out the affective strategies used by high proficiency learners at Hand Fortuna Center, Kupang. The theory applied was the theory of Affective Strategies by Oxford (1990) as a main theory and Oxford (2011) as a supporting theory. The source of data was the result of the questionnaires and the transcripts of interview that have been conducted with the ten high proficiency students at Hand Fortuna Center. The findings showed that the learners mostly used the first and the second part of affective strategies, namely “lowering your anxiety” and “encouraging yourself”. There are three sub-strategies in each part such as using “progressive relaxation, deep breathing, or meditation”, “using music”, and “using laughter” (lowering your anxiety) and “making positive statements”, “taking risks wisely”, and “rewarding yourself” (encouraging yourself). The third part of affective strategies, “taking your emotional temperature”, was the least frequently used by the learners. It is possible that the learners might not be familiar with the strategies such as “using a checklist” or “writing a language learning diary”

    Improving the Company Profile of PT. Goldfindo Intikayu Pratama: a Way to Make IT More Interesting

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    PT. Goldfindo Intikayu Pratama is a company which manufactures many kinds of furniture of good quality such as beds, tables, chairs, wardrobes, and etc. The company mainly sells its products to distributors of furniture products in the USA. The problem that the company is facing is that its sales have been decreasing lately. This is due to some reasons, one of which is the promotion tool that the company uses. So far, the company has been using its company profile to promote its products. The problem is that the company profile is neither up to date nor interesting in terms of content and design. Some of the information is also irrelevant to the customers. For these reasons, the company needs to modify or change its company profile. The company needs to have a company profile that is much more impressive and interesting so that its potential customers will be interested and buy the company\u27s products. To realize this, the pictures of the furniture products displayed in the new company profile should be those which the company is currently producing, and which are in trend today or more demanded by most potential customers. In addition, the sentences in the new company profile are supposed to be communicative, simple, and impressive. With the new company profile, it is expected that more customers will be interested and buy the products of PT. Goldfindo Intikayu Pratama. As a result, the company will increase its sales and earn more profit from selling its furniture produc