203 research outputs found

    Water use and water saving in Italian hospitals. A preliminary investigation

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    Aim. The aim of this work is to investigate about water use, wastage, saving and reuse in hospitals. Methods. An anonymous ad hoc questionnaire was tested in a sample of 36 public hospitals of Lombardy Region (21% of total public hospitals). Daily water consumption reported is on average equal to 481 m3, ranging from 30 to 2280 m3. There is a strong correlation between water consumption and number of hospital beds (p < 0.005). In 33 hospitals (92%) water consumption is measured and, among them, in about 48% more than one flow meter is installed; 86% consider “important” the reduction of water consumption and about 55% recognize that wastewater could be minimized within the structures. Discussion. There is consensus about the need to train health personnel and to implement technical measures to improve the water resources management, but initiatives to raise knowledge and awareness of health personnel have been promoted only in 10% of hospitals. Results. Results show not only a lack of awareness regarding water use and saving among the personnel in general, but also among heads of the hospitas’ technical office and energy managers as well. For this reason, it will be of interest to carry out this investigation at national level and also to develop recommendations to support and promote a safe reuse of water in all the hospitals

    Geochemical tracers in complex hydrogeological settings: the Roccamonfina volcanic vs. mt. massico sedimentary aquifers (southern Italy)

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    Volcanic aquifers, sedimentary basins, hydrogeochemistry, hydrogeology, isotopic composition

    Development of Vegetal Based Thermal Plasters with Low Environmental Impact: Optimization Process through an Integrated Approach

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    The use of thermal insulating plasters represents an effective solution in energy retrofit of existing buildings. Thermal properties are usually improved through the addition on the plaster formulation of Light Weight Aggregates, as expanded polystyrene and perlite. The drawback of these thermal plasters is the higher environmental impact, especially when added to natural binders, as natural hydraulic lime. Within a research activity a process of optimization was followed in order to get the most effective blend, applying iteratively the LCA methodology, measuring the thermal conductivity and testing the environmental impact in terms of Volatile Organic Compounds and formaldehyde emission rates

    BLOCK_PLASTER: involucro in laterizio a elevate prestazioni energetico-ambientali. BLOCK-PLASTER: High energy/environmental performance brick building envelope.

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    Today, technological innovation in the construction field faces an important challenge: the identification of solutions that may not only allow to maximize energy saving in the use phase, but that may also reduce environmental impact throughout the entire life cycle of materials and components. The paper illustrates a research activity and experimentation – funded by the European Union – carried out in synergy by research centres and private companies. Its end purpose was the design, prototyping, and monitoring of an eco-friendly brick envelope named BLOCK_PLASTER. Alternative configurations to the system have been identified and technological environmental performances in the different phases of the life cycle have been verified through a multidisciplinary and a multi-objective approach

    Dynamic Relationship of Commodities prices and EUR/USD exchange rate trends in the recent past

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    Gold and Oil have always had a central role within the international economy, and meet the interests of many investors, and in particular, speculators. The Euro introduction (1999) has added the Euro-Dollar exchange rate as a further main variable that the operators, investing on these commodities, have to consider when implementing their strategies. This paper analyzes the mutual relationship between commodities prices (gold and oil) and the Euro/Dollar exchange rate, within the time frame from 2004 to 2014, so to find which specific variable can give significant information on the ex-pected variation of which other variable, and on which time horizon. This can support the of investors’ choices on tak-ing more effective speculative positions. Results obtained by means of a VAR model show some significant statistical relationship between the three variables on the short term (i.e. when considering daily data), but also some possible relationship on a longer term (monthly data), suggesting that oil prices can give significant information on the expected value of the Euro/Dollar exchange rate

    Dinamiche di pricing di oro, petrolio e tasso di cambio Euro/Dollaro nelle logiche operative di portafoglio

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    (GOLD, OIL AND EURO/DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATE LINKAGES: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FOR PORTFOLIO ALLOCATION). Gold and oil have always had a central role within the international economy. Over the years, their prices have been influenced by different events, especially during the financial crisis, which caused an excess of volatility in the relative markets. This draw attention to many investors and, above all, speculators. The introduction of Euro, in 1999, added the Euro-Dollar exchange rate as a further variable to consider when operators invest on these commodities. The aim of this paper is to analyse the mutual relationship between gold and oil prices and the Euro-Dollar exchange rate in the time period 2004-2014. Possible links between these variables could support also companies focused on the mining and processing of these commodities, and, in this way, support their needs to hedge their positions. The study is carried out by means of a VAR (Vector Auto Regression) model. Results show some significant statistical links between the three variables, both considering high frequency data (i.e. daily data) and low frequency data (i.e. monthly data). Finally, the findings of the daily analysis suggest that oil prices can give significant info on the expected value of the exchange rate, supporting market operators’ choices and their effective speculative strategies

    Dynamic Relationship of Commodities prices and EUR/USD exchange rate trends in the recent past

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    Gold and Oil have always had a central role within the international economy, and meet the interests of many investors, and in particular, speculators. The Euro introduction (1999) has added the Euro-Dollar exchange rate as a further main variable that the operators, investing on these commodities, have to consider when implementing their strategies. This paper analyzes the mutual relationship between commodities prices (gold and oil) and the Euro/Dollar exchange rate, within the time frame from 2004 to 2014, so to find which specific variable can give significant information on the ex-pected variation of which other variable, and on which time horizon. This can support the of investors’ choices on tak-ing more effective speculative positions. Results obtained by means of a VAR model show some significant statistical relationship between the three variables on the short term (i.e. when considering daily data), but also some possible relationship on a longer term (monthly data), suggesting that oil prices can give significant information on the expected value of the Euro/Dollar exchange rate

    The "Surprise Effect" of Macro Indicators on the Options Implied Volatilities Dynamics: A Test on the United States-Germany Relationship

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    This paper analyzes the “surprise effect” of some macroeconomic indicators on the US and Germany stock indexes options implied volatility, by means of a VAR model and IRFs between the two volatility indexes. Results show a significant influence of some specific macroeconomic “surprise effects” so that the US volatility has a positive influence on the German one, but not viceversa. With reference to the first considered period, January 2008-May 2012, characterized by higher volatility, the German market analysis shows a direct link between the “surprise effect” of the IFO Business Climate Index and the VDAX NEW index changes. As regard the second time period (June 2012-December 2014), characterized by lower volatility, the significant macro “surprise effects” are related to the industrial sector (US Retail Sales, German Producer Price) and the job market (US Non-Farm Payroll). These results on the linkages between the macro “surprise effects” and the volatility indexes can be useful for implementing more effective short-term speculative and hedging strategies, based on the “surprise effect” direction and his link with the volatility index

    Dynamic Relationship of Commodities prices and EUR/USD exchange rate trends in the recent past

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    Gold and Oil have always had a central role within the international economy, and meet the interests of many investors, and in particular, speculators. The Euro introduction (1999) has added the Euro-Dollar exchange rate as a further main variable that the operators, investing on these commodities, have to consider when implementing their strategies. This paper analyzes the mutual relationship between commodities prices (gold and oil) and the Euro/Dollar exchange rate, within the time frame from 2004 to 2014, so to find which specific variable can give significant information on the expected variation of which other variable, and on which time horizon. This can support the of investors’ choices on taking more effective speculative positions. Results obtained by means of a VAR model show some significant statistical relationship between the three variables on the short term (i.e. when considering daily data), but also some possible relationship on a longer term (monthly data), suggesting that oil prices can give significant information on the expected value of the Euro/Dollar exchange rate

    Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) after elective hip, knee and shoulder arthroplasty: protocol for a prospective cohort study

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    Background The number of hip, knee and shoulder arthroplasties continues to rise worldwide. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has launched an initiative (called PaRIS Initiative) for the systematic collection of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in patients undergoing elective hip and knee arthroplasty. The Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute (IOR) was selected as a pilot center for the launch of the Initiative in Italy given that IOR hosts the Registry of Orthopedic Prosthetic Implants (RIPO), a region-wide registry which collects joint implant data from all the hospitals in the Emilia-Romagna Region. In this specific geographic area information related to PROMs after joint replacement is unknown. This paper describes the protocol of a study (PaRIS-IOR) that aims to implement the collection of a set of PROMs within an existing implant registry in Italy. The study will also investigate the temporal trend of PROMs in relation to the type of prosthesis and the type of surgical intervention. Methods The PaRIS-IOR study is a prospective, single site, cohort study that consists of the administration of PROMs questionnaires to patients on the list for elective arthroplasty. The questionnaires will be administered to the study population within 30 days before surgery, and then at 6 and 12 months following surgery. The study population will consist of consecutive adult patients undergoing either hip, knee or shoulder arthroplasty. The collected data will be linked with those routinely collected by the RIPO in order to assess the temporal trend of PROMs in relation to the type of prosthesis and the type of surgical intervention. Discussion The PaRIS-IOR study could have important implications in targeting the factors influencing functional outcomes and quality of life reported by patients after hip, knee and shoulder arthroplasty, and will also represent the first systematic collection of PROMs related to arthroplasty in Italy
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