47 research outputs found

    On the detectability of strong lensing in near-infrared surveys

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    We present new lensing frequency estimates for existing and forthcoming deep near-infrared surveys, including those from JWST and VISTA. The estimates are based on the JAdes extraGalactic Ultradeep Artificial Realisations (JAGUAR) galaxy catalogue accounting for the full photometry and morphologies for each galaxy. Due to the limited area of the JAGUAR simulations, they are less suited to wide-area surveys, however we also present extrapolations to the surveys carried out by Euclid and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. The methodology does not make assumptions on the nature of the lens itself and probes a wide range of lens masses. The lenses and sources are selected from the same catalogue and extend the analysis from the visible bands into the near-infrared. After generating realistic simulated lensed sources and selecting those that are detectable with SNR>20, we verify the lensing frequency expectations against published lens samples selected in the visible, finding them to be broadly consistent. We find that JWST could yield ~ 65 lensed systems in COSMOS-Web, of which ~ 25 per cent have source redshifts >4. Deeper, narrower programs (e.g. JADES-Medium) will probe more typical source galaxies (in flux and mass) but will find fewer systems (~ 25). Of the surveys we investigate, we find 55-80 per cent have detectable multiple imaging. Forthcoming NIR surveys will likely reveal new and diverse strong lens systems including lensed sources that are at higher redshift (JWST) and dustier, more massive and older (Euclid NISP) than those typically detected in the corresponding visible surveys.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    The SPIFFI image slicer: Revival of image slicing with plane mirrors

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    SPIFFI (SPectrometer for Infrared Faint Field Imaging) is the integral field spectrograph of the VLT-instrument SINFONI (SINgle Far Object Near-infrared Investigation). SINFONI is the combination of SPIFFI with the ESO adaptive optics system MACAO (Multiple Application Concept for Adaptive Optics) offering for the first time adaptive optics assisted near infrared integral field spectroscopy at an 8m-telescope. SPIFFI works in the wavelength ranger from 1.1 to 2.5 micron with a spectral resolving power ranging from R=2000 to 4500. Pixel scale ranges from 0.25 to 0.025 seconds of arc. The SPIFFI field-of-view consists of 32x32 pixels which are rearranged with an image slicer to a form a long slit. Based on the 3D slicer concept with plane mirrors, an enhanced image slicer was developed. The SPIFFI image slicer consists of two sets of mirrors, called the 'small' and the 'large' slicer. The small slicer cuts a square field of view into 32 slitlets, each of which is 32 pixels long. The large slicer rearranges the 32 slitlets into a 1024 pixels long slit. The modifications to the 3D slicer concept affect the angles of the plane mirrors of small and large slicer and lead to an improved slit geometry with very little light losses. At a mirror width of 0.3mm the light loss is <5%. All reflective surfaces are flat and can be manufactured with a high surface quality. This is especially important for the adaptive optics mode of SINFONI. We explain the concept of the SPIFFI mirror slicer and describe details of the manufacturing process.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in SPIE proceedings 'Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2000

    ELT HARMONI: Image Slicer Preliminary Design

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    Harmoni is the ELT's first light visible and near-infrared integral field spectrograph. It will provide four different spatial scales, ranging from coarse spaxels of 60 x 30 mas best suited for seeing limited observations, to 4 mas spaxels that Nyquist sample the diffraction limited point spread function of the ELT at near-infrared wavelengths. Each spaxel scale may be combined with eleven spectral settings, that provide a range of spectral resolving powers from R 3500 to R 20000 and instantaneous wavelength coverage spanning the 0.47 - 2.45 {\mu}m wavelength range of the instrument. The consortium consists of several institutes in Europe under leadership of Oxford University. Harmoni is starting its Final Design Phase after a Preliminary Design Phase in November, 2017. The CRAL has the responsibility of the Integral Field Unit design linking the Preoptics to the 4 Spectrographs. It is composed of a field splitter associated with a relay system and an image slicer that create from a rectangular Field of View a very long (540mm) output slit for each spectrograph. In this paper, the preliminary design and performances of Harmoni Image Slicer will be presented including image quality, pupil distortion and slit geometry. It has been designed by CRAL for Harmoni PDR in November, 2017. Special emphases will be put on straylight analysis and slice diffraction. The optimisation of the manufacturing and slit geometry will also be reported.Comment: 13 pages, 19 figures, 4 tables, Submitted to SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentatio

    Very high contrast IFU spectroscopy of AB Doradus C: 9 mag contrast at 0.2" without a coronagraph using spectral deconvolution

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    We present an extension of the spectral deconvolution method (Sparks & Ford 2002) to achieve very high contrast at small inner working radii. We apply the method to the specific case of ground based adaptive optics fed integral field spectroscopy (without a coronagraph). Utilising the wavelength dependence of the Airy and speckle patterns, we make an accurate estimate of the PSF that can be scaled and subtracted from the data cube. The residual noise in the resulting spectra is very close to the photon noise from the starlight halo. We utilise the technique to extract a very high SNR H & K band spectrum of AB Dor C, the low mass companion to AB Dor A. By effectively eliminating all contamination from AB Dor A, the extracted spectrum retains both continuum and spectral features. The achieved 1 sigma contrast is 9 mag at 0.2", 11 mag at 0.5", in 20 mins exposure time, at an effective spectral bandwidth of 5.5 nm, proving that the method is applicable even in low Strehl regimes. The spectral deconvolution method clearly demonstrates the efficacy of image slicer based IFUs in achieving very high contrast imaging spectroscopy at small angular separations, validating their use as high contrast spectrographs/imagers for extreme adaptive optics systems.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. This is a joint submission with astro-ph/0703564 by L. Close et a

    Space Warps: I. Crowd-sourcing the Discovery of Gravitational Lenses

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    We describe Space Warps, a novel gravitational lens discovery service that yields samples of high purity and completeness through crowd-sourced visual inspection. Carefully produced colour composite images are displayed to volunteers via a web- based classification interface, which records their estimates of the positions of candidate lensed features. Images of simulated lenses, as well as real images which lack lenses, are inserted into the image stream at random intervals; this training set is used to give the volunteers instantaneous feedback on their performance, as well as to calibrate a model of the system that provides dynamical updates to the probability that a classified image contains a lens. Low probability systems are retired from the site periodically, concentrating the sample towards a set of lens candidates. Having divided 160 square degrees of Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) imaging into some 430,000 overlapping 82 by 82 arcsecond tiles and displaying them on the site, we were joined by around 37,000 volunteers who contributed 11 million image classifications over the course of 8 months. This Stage 1 search reduced the sample to 3381 images containing candidates; these were then refined in Stage 2 to yield a sample that we expect to be over 90% complete and 30% pure, based on our analysis of the volunteers performance on training images. We comment on the scalability of the SpaceWarps system to the wide field survey era, based on our projection that searches of 105^5 images could be performed by a crowd of 105^5 volunteers in 6 days.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, MNRAS accepted, minor to moderate changes in this versio

    The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign

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    Our team is carrying out a multi-year observing program to directly image and characterize young extrasolar planets using the Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Imager (NICI) on the Gemini-South 8.1-meter telescope. NICI is the first instrument on a large telescope designed from the outset for high-contrast imaging, comprising a high-performance curvature adaptive optics system with a simultaneous dual-channel coronagraphic imager. Combined with state-of-the-art observing methods and data processing, NICI typically achieves ~2 magnitudes better contrast compared to previous ground-based or space-based programs, at separations inside of ~2 arcsec. In preparation for the Campaign, we carried out efforts to identify previously unrecognized young stars, to rigorously construct our observing strategy, and to optimize the combination of angular and spectral differential imaging. The Planet-Finding Campaign is in its second year, with first-epoch imaging of 174 stars already obtained out of a total sample of 300 stars. We describe the Campaign's goals, design, implementation, performance, and preliminary results. The NICI Campaign represents the largest and most sensitive imaging survey to date for massive (~1 Mjup) planets around other stars. Upon completion, the Campaign will establish the best measurements to date on the properties of young gas-giant planets at ~5-10 AU separations. Finally, Campaign discoveries will be well-suited to long-term orbital monitoring and detailed spectrophotometric followup with next-generation planet-finding instruments.Comment: Proceedings of the SPIE, vol 7736 (Advances in Adaptive Optics, San Diego, CA, June 2010 meeting), in pres