965 research outputs found

    Review Processes in the CGIAR

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    Paper prepared jointly by the CGIAR and TAC secretariats proposing modifications in the conduct of center reviews (external management reviews and external program reviews), inter-center reviews, and systemwide reviews. Vernon Ruttan's 1987 'Study of the External Review Processes in the CGIAR,' provided background for this operational paper. The paper notes linkages between the different types of reviews, and the important role of reviews in strategic planning and oversight. It also considers the frequency, focus, and panel size and composition of the three review types.Among its recommendations are that external management and program reviews should be better coordinated, but conducted by separate panels with separate reports. A third system-wide review should await completion of the current revision of priorities.The paper was discussed at TAC 43, 45, and 46. A draft was distributed for comment at CGIAR International Centers Week in October 1987. The present version was discussed at ICW in October-November 1988

    Report of the Second External Programme and Management Review of ICLARM

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    Second External Program and Management Review (EPMR) of ICLARM, carried out between September 1998 and February 1999 by a panel chaired by Hans Gregersen. The document also contains an excerpt from the report of the CGIAR 1999 Mid Term Meeting, a transmittal from the TAC Chair and CGIAR Executive Secretary, TAC's commentary, ICLARM's response, and a transmittal from the review panel chair.The review panel recommended further development of ICLARM's tactical plan for Africa and West Asia, and the representation of other countries from the region on the staff at the regional headquarters in Egypt. It suggested use of external mechanisms for the review of all ICLARM research. The panel also suggested that ICLARM find an alternative to the ten year limit on staff tenure. The center should continue on the path it is on, and seek additional resources. TAC was encouraged to note a major effort at strategic planning. It hoped that ICLARM would undertake reviews of all of its research activities.The report was discussed at TAC 76, and considered by an ad hoc committee at the CGIAR Mid-Term Meeting in May 1999. The committee endorsed the panel recommendations, and its report was approved by the Group, including the decision to transfer ICLARM's headquarters to Malaysia

    A Research Agenda for the Future

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    Paper outlining the future research agenda of the CGIAR as presented to the Ministerial-Level Meeting in Lucerne, Switzerland, in February 1995. A draft paper on the CGIAR research agenda, based on previous TAC recommendations and CGIAR decisions, was prepared by TAC chairman Alex McCalla, in collaboration with chairman-designate Don Winkelmann, and Secretariat member Guido Gryseels. It was discussed at TAC 65, and debated at the CGIAR International Centers Week in October 1994. The paper was substantially revised on the basis of that discussion. At TAC 66, the Committee expressed its concurrence with the revisions

    A Research Agenda for the Future

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    Paper outlining the future research agenda of the CGIAR as presented to the Ministerial-Level Meeting in Lucerne, Switzerland, in February 1995. A draft paper on the CGIAR research agenda, based on previous TAC recommendations and CGIAR decisions, was prepared by TAC chairman Alex McCalla, in collaboration with chairman-designate Don Winkelmann, and Secretariat member Guido Gryseels. It was discussed at TAC 65, and debated at the CGIAR International Centers Week in October 1994. The paper was substantially revised on the basis of that discussion. At TAC 66, the Committee expressed its concurrence with the revisions

    Second External Programme and Management Review of IWMI

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    Report of the second external program and management review (EPMR) of IWMI (formerly IIMI) conducted between April 1999 and February 2000 by a panel chaired by Michel Petit. The document also contains an excerpt from the summary of proceedings of the CGIAR Mid Term Meeting 2000, a transmittal from the TAC Chair and CGIAR Executive Secretary, TAC's commentary, IWMI's response, and a transmittal from the review panel chair.TAC finds that the review shows an institution changed over a six year period from a focus on irrigation management and technical assistance, to a focus on strategic research and irrigation in an integrated water resources management and river basin perspective. The panel made four recommendations related to governance, and eight on research. One recommendation for a more formal process to set and implement clear priorities and assess impact drew strong support from TAC.The governance recommendations included a board development program, establishment of an audit committee, revision of board rules and regulations, and meetings twice, rather than once, per year. On research, the panel recommended adding various kinds of expertise to the staff, expansion of some activities, and adjustment of others. The panel found the Systemwide Initiative on Water Management important as a means of enhancing needed partnerships for IWMI.This review was considered by TAC, and a commentary prepared at TAC 78. The CGIAR ad hoc committee which considered the review at MTM 2000 endorsed the panel's recommendations, and encouraged increased support. Although not reflected in the meeting record printed here, the Group concurred

    Role of the CGIAR in Crop Protection Research

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    Background paper assessing how well existing international crop protection research addresses requirements, and the need for increased CGIAR involvement. This is one of a series of desk studies prepared as background for TAC panels in considering institutional options for bringing new research areas into the CGIAR. The paper presents an overview of crop protection related work underway at CGIAR centers, and at AVRDC, ICIPE, and INIBAP, which were being considered for possible CGIAR support. Pages 5 and 6 are missing from this copy.Agenda document, TAC 51 and TAC 52

    First External Programme and Management Review of ILRI

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    First External Program and Management Review (EPMR) of ILRI, carried out between September 1998 and March 1999 by a panel chaired by Samuel Jutzi. The document also contains an excerpt from the report of the CGIAR 1999 Mid Term Meeting, a transmittal from the TAC Chair and CGIAR Executive Secretary, TAC's commentary, ILRI's response, and a transmittal from the review panel chair. The report was favorably reviewed by an ad hoc committee, whose report was adopted by the CGIAR.There was unanimous praise for the manner in which ILRAD and ILCA had been combined in 1995 into ILRI, with some aspects cited as models in case of future mergers. TAC suggested that the social science research at ILRI was not covered thoroughly, but the report was otherwise complete. It found ILRI's formal report incomplete. The CGIAR asked ILRI to make a report at ICW 1999 on progress in implementing the fourteen recommendations of the review and those of the ad hoc committee. The committee asked ILRI to communicate with CGIAR members and others engaged in livestock research to sharpen its answers to strategic issues concerning ILRI research. This corresponded with a panel recommendation that IFPRI sharpen its priorities, and focus on fewer areas to ensure scientific quality and increased impact. A Deputy Director General to oversee the research program was recommended, as part of a realignment of ILRI's research structure.The panel recommended a more proactive role for the board in the strategic planning area, and a sharper delineation of the line between board and management responsibilities. It also suggested that networks should emphasize collaborative research with NARS as opposed to capacity building.The report was an agenda document at TAC 76, and the CGIAR Mid-term meeting in May 1999

    1987 Program and Budget Review Process

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    The CGIAR and TAC secretariats jointly prepared this paper describing the 1987 resource allocation cycle and the objectives, organization, and conduct of the 1987 review process, in relation to the ongoing reform of the overall procedures for review of center p&bs Agenda document, TAC 39th Meeting, March 1986

    Fifth External Programme and Management Review of CIAT

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    Report of the fifth external program and management review (EPMR) of CIAT, conducted between November 1999 and April 2000 by a panel chaired by Ronnie Coffman. The document includes an excerpt from the summary of CGIAR International Centers Week 2000, a transmittal from the TAC Chair and the CGIAR Executive Secretary, TAC's comments, CIAT's response, and a transmittal from the panel chair.The review contained 12 recommendations related to research, two covering organization and management aspects, and one on partnerships. These were endorsed by TAC at its 79th meeting, and by the CGIAR at ICW 2000. TAC said the panel did not assess scientific quality adequately, and urged particular attention to social science research. It also sent up an alarm about the predominance of project funding.CIAT had survived difficult financial and other problems. It was praised for creating a research park to house other institutions. Among the panel recommendations related to research were obtaining funding to bring the genebank up to standard, improving storage of cassava germplasm through cryopreservation, developing a comprehensive policy and operational strategy on biodiversity, committing the center to increasing the productivity of its mandate commodities, finding long term funding for the African bean project, developing a rigorous overall approach to natural resource management, assessing the impact of past efforts to integrate germplasm, natural resources, and social science research, and review of experience with partnerships.Regarding organization and management, the panel noted a strong corporate culture. It urged greater inter-project and intra-project coordination, and redesign of the financial information system to provide better information to project leaders. The panel urged the board to focus on resource allocation and monitoring implementation

    Terms of Reference and Guidelines for External Program and Management Reviews of CGIAR Centers

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    Revised terms of reference and guidelines for panels conducting external reviews of CGIAR centers. Terms of reference cover regular, interim and mid-term center reviews. These were for CGIAR approval at MTM95. Guidelines for both the regular and issue-driven format of regular external reviews were provided for information and comment.The review process was considered at TAC 63, 64 and 65. These completed documents were put forward to the CGIAR meeting in May 1995 jointly by the TAC Chairman and the Executive Secretary of the CGIAR, with a transmittal letter summarizing changes from past practice
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