25 research outputs found

    Totem: a case study in HEP

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    It is being proved that the neurochip \Totem{} is a viable solution for high quality and real time computational tasks in HEP, including event classification, triggering and signal processing. The architecture of the chip is based on a "derivative free" algorithm called Reactive Tabu Search (RTS), highly performing even for low precision weights. ISA, VME or PCI boards integrate the chip as a coprocessor in a host computer. This paper presents: 1) the state of the art and the next evolution of the design of \Totem{}; 2) its ability in the Higgs search at LHC as an example.Comment: Latex, elsart.sty, 5 pages, talk presented by I.Lazzizzera at CHEP97 (Berlin, April 1997

    Searching the Higgs with the Neurochip TOTEM

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    We show that neural network classifiers can be helpful in discriminating Higgs production events from the huge background at LHC, assuming the case of a mass value MH∌200M_H \sim 200 GeV. We use the high performance neurochip TOTEM, trained by the Reactive Tabu Search algorithm (RTS), which could be used for on-line purposes. Two different sets of input variables are compared.Comment: 4 pages,1 figure, requres espcrc2.sty and epsfig.sty. Work prsented in The 5th Topical Seminar on ``The irresistible rise of the Standard Model'', San Miniato, Tuscany, Italy, April 21-25 199

    Stochastic Minimization with Adaptive Memory

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    In this paper a non-deterministic minimization algorithm is presented. A common feature of random search algorithms is that little or no use is made of information on the local structure of the function to be minimized. While this can be justified when the function has a very complicated microstructure, it results in an unnecessary loss of efficiency when the landscape is smooth but anisotropic. To overcome this deficiency we propose a random minimization algorithm with adaptive memory: the algorithm decides by itself how much of the information gathered through the process of minimizing the function can be successfully used to guide the search. Extensive experiments (minimization of quadratic forms, computation of the minimum eigenvalue of positive definite quadratic forms of high dimensionality, eigenvalue computation in Hilbert spaces and fitting of data by superposition of gaussians) show that efficiency is increased and that the algorithm is able to adapt quickly to the current la..

    A Tool for Distributed Application Development Based on Asynchronous Message Passing

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    This paper describes a tool for the development of distributed applications. The target execution environment is a network of heterogenous general-purpose workstations. This tool (called HERMES) mainly handles the message transport layer and does not deal with aspects more directly related to parallel computing, such as the topology of communicating processes or load balancing among processors. A coarse-grained concurrence is supported and the resulting parallel architecture is based on the multiple-instructions multiple-data paradigm. This system is mainly characterized by its ability of handling special messages (alarm and urgent) that are guaranteed immediate processing by the receiving process. Messages are always asynchronous, in that they are immediately delivered to destination, without any temporary buffering by the communication system (i.e. asynchronously with respect to the program execution). The system is still under development but a preliminary version, restricted to pro..