6 research outputs found

    Cross-country collaboration for physical activity promotion: experiences from the European Union Physical Activity Focal Points Network

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    Background: An analysis of currently existing partnerships and cross-country collaboration for physical activity (PA) promotion is valuable for understanding how such partnerships operate, and how they impact national PA promotion efforts. This study aimed to outline the formation and development of the European Union's (EU) Physical Activity Focal Points Network, to evaluate its outputs and benefits and to describe its potential and challenges. Methods: A mixed methods approach were employed, including document analysis, semi-structured interviews with key officials and an online evaluation survey with the focal points. Results: The network was founded in 2014. Its main task is to coordinate the national collection of information for the EU's Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) Monitoring Framework. Besides collecting data, focal points usually meet twice a year to share best practices and plan activities for the promotion of PA within the EU. The results of the evaluation survey show that participation in the network helped members specify goals for PA promotion, gain more knowledge regarding how to promote PA, identify more opportunities to promote PA in their country and to join a collaborative project with other countries. Conclusions: The study shows that the EU Physical Activity Focal Points Network may serve as an example of successful cross-country collaboration in PA promotion. The network has been able to make a contribution to monitoring the implementation of the EU Council Recommendation on HEPA across sectors in particular and of PA promotion in the EU in general. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association.This research was conducted as part of a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Health (ZMVI1-2520WHO001 and ZMVI1-2521WHO001). The ministry was neither involved in writing this manuscript nor in the decision to submit the article for publication

    Monitoring of physical activity promotion in children and adolescents in the EU: Current status and future perspectives

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    Background: Policy action is required to address physical inactivity in boys and girls. This action can be supported by international data collection, comparisons and sharing of good practices. Thus, this study aims to present and discuss the ongoing monitoring of physical activity (PA) indicators in children and adolescents in the 28 EU Member States. Methods: Data on PA recommendations, PA prevalence, physical education (PE) and PA promotion programs for children and adolescents were provided by governments in a joint EU/WHO survey on the implementation status of the EU Council Recommendation on Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) across Sectors. Results: In 23 countries, national recommendations on PA are available. Detailed PA prevalence data among children and adolescents was available in 27 countries, in most cases separately for sex/gender and age groups. The total amount of PE lessons in schools differed greatly between countries and lessons were predominantly mandatory. After-school HEPA promotion programs were mostly implemented in EU Member States (78.6%), followed by active school breaks (57.1%), active travel to school (57.1%) and active breaks during school lessons (53.6%). Conclusions: This study summarizes the monitoring of PA indicators among children and adolescents in all EU Member States by providing a comprehensive overview of the status of PA promotion and monitoring across the region. Based on our findings, it could be concluded that the current EU monitoring system on PA promotion should be adapted to provide evidence that can inform future policy development. © 2021 The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association

    A proposed checklist for climate-friendly sport and exercise programmes

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    Background: Fighting the climate crisis is the greatest challenge of our time and will touch all aspects of people's lives. In this context, the United Nations (UN) have called on the sport sector to reduce its negative impacts on the environment and show 'climate leadership'. While some efforts have already been made with regards to mega sport events, there is still a dearth of approaches on limiting the climate impact of recreational sport and exercise programmes. Methods: Based on the UN-Framework 'Sports for Climate Action', literature reviews and additional desk research, a checklist to support local level stakeholders in providing climate-friendly sport and exercise programmes was developed. Results: The proposed checklist consists of five dimensions that need to be considered when designing and offering a climate-friendly sport and exercise programme: (i) active transport to exercise programmes, (ii) the carbon footprint of different types of exercises, (iii) low carbon sport clothing and equipment, (iv) instructors as champions for climate action and (v) advertising and communication. These five dimensions result in a 16-item checklist that supports the planning, advertising, implementation and evaluation of climate-friendly sport and exercise programmes. Conclusions: The proposed checklist intends to facilitate the development of climate-friendly sport and exercise programmes. However, additional work is needed to test the implementation of the checklist at the local level. While the sport sector can make its own contributions to reduce its climate impact, intersectoral action is needed to improve infrastructure for active transport and to build sustainable sport facilities. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association.This research was conducted as part of a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Health (ZMVI1-2521WHO001). The ministry was neither involved in writing this manuscript nor in the decision to submit the article for publication

    Impact of the First Wave of COVID-19 on Physical Activity Promotion in the European Union: Results From a Policymaker Survey

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is a major challenge for societies and governments around the world that severely affects all aspects of health promotion. This study assesses the potential influence of the first wave of the pandemic on national physical activity promotion policy in the European Union (EU). Methods: Data were collected using an online survey among members of the EU Physical Activity Focal Point Network, which consists of government officials from all EU member states. Results: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected physical activity promotion across the EU. In particular, experts indicated that it has negatively impacted opportunities for physical activity in their countries. There have, however, been positive effects of the crisis on public awareness of physical activity. While almost all countries were able to issue physical activity recommendations during quarantine, opinions varied regarding the overall impact of the pandemic on governmental capacities for physical activity promotion and policy. Conclusions: This study shows that the COVID-19 crisis has had both negative and positive effects on physical activity promotion in the EU. The positive experiences reported by some members of the Focal Point Network may assist other countries in identifying potential policy windows and strategies for the ongoing pandemic

    Status and contents of physical activity recommendations in European Union countries: a systematic comparative analysis

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    Objectives: We analysed the information on current national physical activity recommendations in all EU Member States provided by governments in a joint EU/WHO survey on the implementation status of the EU Council Recommendation on Health-Enhancing Physical Activity across Sectors. Design: Cross-sectional survey. Participants: The representatives of the 28 EU Member State governments to the EU Physical Activity Focal Point Network. Outcome measures: National recommendations on: (A) minimum frequency, duration, intensity and lengths of bouts of physical activity, (B) preventing inactivity or sedentary behaviour and (C) further recommendations for additional health benefits, obesity prevention and specific types of activity. Results: An official document could be located for 23 of the 28 EU Member States, while four are currently developing recommendations. For children and adolescents, most countries follow the 2010 WHO Global Recommendations for Physical Activity, but there are notable differences in the delimitation of age groups. 14 countries also followed WHO in their recommendations for adults, and 11 countries have additional advice on avoiding inactivity and sitting among adults. 18 Member States have recommendations for older adults, 12 of which follow WHO. Thirteen countries also address at least one special population (eg, pregnant women, people with disabilities and people with chronic diseases), but the level of detail varies substantially between countries. Conclusions: The large majority of EU Member States either has physical activity recommendations in place or is in the process of developing them. There is a general tendency to use the WHO Global Recommendations as a basis, with the greatest variation observable for children and adolescents. Comparing results with a previous round of data collection shows that the number of EU countries with physical activity recommendations is increasing and that both special groups and sedentary behaviour have become more important in recent years.The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors

    Rapid weight loss and mood states in judo athletes: A systematic review

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    Objective: Rapid weight loss (RWL) has been traditionally practiced in judo. While the effects of it on performance and health have been extensively studied, less attention is dedicated to psychological ramifications of RWL. We sought to investigate the effects of RWL on mood states in judo athletes. Method: PubMed and Web of Science were systematically searched for the relevant literature. Only original studies investigating the magnitude of RWL in judo athletes while jointly using Profile of Mood States questionnaire were eligible. Results: Six studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis. Studies varied vastly in their design (time allocated to RWL and the degree of RWL), but the common trait in virtually all studies was a significant increase in tension and significant drop in vigor following RWL. It appears that when ≥ 5% RWL per week is prompted, mood states greatly exacerbate in judo athletes. Conclusion: Overall, data showed that mood states in judo athletes are aggravated after ≥ 5% RWL with no significant difference between males and females. Future studies should explore the long-term effects of weight cycling on the mental health of judo athletes and other athletes participating in weight-classified sports