3 research outputs found

    Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks of Beka, North East of Ngaoundéré (Adamawa Plateau, Cameroon): Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Context

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    Beka area is situated in the Adamaoua Plateau of Cameroon in central Arica. Lavas in this area has not been studied before the present work.The volcanism of Beka is characterized by basalt, trachyte and phonolite domes and flows. The petrographic study shows that basaltic lavas have porphyritic microlitic textures. The felsic lavas indicate trachytic textures.The rocks are composed of olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and irontitanium oxide minerals for the basalts; clinopyroxene, alkali feldspar (including foids), sphene and titanomagnetite for the felsic lavas. Chemical analyses show that basaltic lavas are basanites. Felsic lavas contain modal feldspathoid (nepheline in phonolites). All these lavas belong to the same series, because the felsic lavas are derived from the differentiation of basaltic lavas by fractional crystallization. They show an alkaline nature according to their geochemistry. Trace elements including Rare Earth Elements characteristics show that rocks emplaced in the Winthin Plate volcanic zone. They derived from an evolved parent magma showing a low degree of partial melting and characteristics closer to a modified and evolved primitive spinel lherzolite

    New Data on the Genesis and Evolution of the Primitive Magmas of Mount Cameroon: Contribution of Melt Inclusions

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    Mount Cameroon is a Plio-Quaternary volcanic massif, without a centralcrater, made up of more than 140 pyroclastic cones. It is one of theactive volcanoes of the Cameroon Volcanic Line. Mount Cameroon meltinclusions are found in microdroplets trapped in the early minerals (olivines)from the pyroclastic products. The analysis of these melt inclusions allowedus to find primitive liquids compared to lavas. Major elements study ofthe magmatic inclusions, trapped in the most magnesian olivines (Mg#84-86) of Mount Cameroon revealed “primitive” liquids of basanite and alkalibasalt type with variable composition compared to the much more uniformbasalts of the magmatic series of Mount Cameroon. The study of thesetrapped liquids shows that: (1) the original primitive lavas did not undergothe process of evolution by FC, but rather underwent fundamentally (orexclusively) the process of partial melting; (2) the emitted lavas, evolvedessentially by FC; (3) the variations in the trace element contents of theprimitive liquids directly reflect a variation in the rate of partial melting ofa homogeneous mantelic source. The very high La/Yb ratios of the MountCameroon melt inclusions (> 20) characterize a garnet lherzolite source.Spectra of the melt inclusions show a negative anomaly or depletion in K,Rb and Ba as those of HIMU. The “primitive” liquids and lavas of MountCameroon represent a co-genetic sequence formed by varying degrees ofpartial melting of a source considered as homogeneous

    Les xénolithes comme preuve de l'infiltrations magmatiques alcalines sous le lac Nyos (ligne volcanique du Cameroun, Afrique de l'Ouest)

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    International audienceXenoliths enclosed in Lavas of the Nyos volcano (Cameroon Volcanic Line, continental sector) range from fertile lherzolites to harzburgites. One spi- nel-free wehrlite has been also sampled. The occurrence of phlogopites and pargasites in some harzburgites together with specific textural rock-type (lher- zolites transitional porphyroclastic to equigranular), including major and trace element compositions both in peridotites bulk rocks and minerals point out interactions between the mantle and basaltic magmas responsible for the for- mation of wehrlites beneath the Nyos volcano. Hydrous minerals (phlogo- pites and pargasites) and metasomatic events are their main petrogeochemi- cal signatures different from group 1 samples which are characterized by spoon-shaped REE patterns. Later on, hydrous phases, Ti-rich Cpx, CaO rich Ol, Ti, and V rich Ol wehrlite precipitated from melt enrichments due to the percolation of the mantle by basaltic magmas of alkaline affinity. The meta- somatic liquid which percolates the Nyos mantle column was a dense alkaline silicate rich in volatile, displaying low HFSE abundances in the metasomatic hydrous melts compared to the LILE. It is suggested that Nyos mantle perido- tites have experienced: 1) variable metasomatic events related to the perco- lating of the depleted mantle by a alkaline silicate liquid, 2) the spinel-free wehrlite is a group 2 sample corresponding to a cumulate of a similar melt, 3) amphibole may be a potassium-bearing mineral instead of or in addition to phlogopite at shallower levels of Nyos upper mantle and 4) transitional tex- tural rock facies express also the fingerprint of rising mantle plume which were percolated by alkaline magma during their transit to the surface