7,395 research outputs found


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    The pricing behavior of the Florida celery industry under the current federal marketing order was examined by analyzing the implied market structure of the industry using a model proposed by Appelbaum. Point estimates of the oligopoly power index suggest that some degree of price enhancement above that which would be characterized by a perfectly competitive market may have occurred. However, the bulk of statistical evidence suggests that the departure from marginal cost pricing implied by the industry's pricing behavior is not statistically significant.Demand and Price Analysis,

    The Growth of Scientific Knowledge in MIS: The MIS Paradigm

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    Has the MIS discipline matured enough to be considered a paradigm? This paper will review the MIS discipline from its inception, arguing that the discipline was created by what Thomas Kuhn would call a revolution leading to a paradigm shift. Using Kuhnian philosophy, the paper will argue that the MIS discipline has now reached a point to be considered a paradigm, according to the standards set forth by Kuhn in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The paper will identify several subject areas within the MIS paradigm that demonstrate a line of normal science. Finally, the paper will argue that to continue the growth of scientific knowledge within the MIS paradigm, researchers need to expand beyond what has been called the “IT artifact” and search for new discoveries that will create revolutions within the MIS paradigm

    Structural characterization of decomposition in rate-insensitive stochastic Petri nets

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    This paper focuses on stochastic Petri nets that have an equilibrium distribution that is a product form over the number of tokens at the places. We formulate a decomposition result for the class of nets that have a product form solution irrespective of the values of the transition rates. These nets where algebraically characterized by Haddad et al.~as SΠ2S\Pi^2 nets. By providing an intuitive interpretation of this algebraical characterization, and associating state machines to sets of TT-invariants, we obtain a one-to-one correspondence between the marking of the original places and the places of the added state machines. This enables us to show that the subclass of stochastic Petri nets under study can be decomposed into subnets that are identified by sets of its TT-invariants

    Groundwater storage dynamics in the world's large aquifer systems from GRACE: uncertainty and role of extreme precipitation

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    Under variable and changing climates groundwater storage sustains vital ecosystems and enables freshwater withdrawals globally for agriculture, drinking water, and industry. Here, we assess recent changes in groundwater storage (ΔGWS) from 2002 to 2016 in 37 of the world's large aquifer systems using an ensemble of datasets from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and land surface models (LSMs). Ensemble GRACE-derived ΔGWS is well reconciled to in situ observations (r=0.62–0.86, p value 0.5, p value 90th percentile, 1901–2016) precipitation and is inconsistent with prevailing narratives of global-scale groundwater depletion at the scale of the GRACE footprint (∼200 000 km2). Substantial uncertainty remains in estimates of GRACE-derived ΔGWS, evident from 20 realisations presented here, but these data provide a regional context to changes in groundwater storage observed more locally through piezometry


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    The Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (FAIR Act) decouples government farm subsidy payments from both price and production and provides farmers with nearly complete planting flexibility. Government spending under this act will be limited to $35.63 billion for 1996-2002 period. The net farm income for all six representative farms under the 1996 FAIR Act is projected to be higher than under the 1990 farm act early in the forecast period and lower after 1999 under the 1996 FAIR Act. Cropland prices are projected to fall 19.8% between 1996 and 2002 under the 1996 FAIR Act, while cropland prices are projected to fall 18.5% under the 1990 farm act. Cash rental rates are projected to follow cropland prices. Debt-to-asset ratios for most farms, although rising across the forecast period, do not reach levels that imperil credit- worthiness, but in the case of the low profit farm and small size farm the debt-to-asset ratios rise to a level that may imperil credit-worthiness on new borrowing. Note: Figures are not included in the machine readable file--contact the authors for copies.FAIR Act, net farm income, debt-to-asset ratio, cropland prices, land rental rates, farm operating expenses, capitalization rate, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Disintermediation and Reintermediation in the U.S. Air Travel Distribution Industry: A Delphi Reprise

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    A group of industry experts was assembled as a Delphi panel in 1997-1998. They were asked to predict the effect that Electronic Commerce technologies and disintermediation and reintermediation would exert on the major firms in the U.S. air travel distribution industry in each of five major market segments. The panel forecast that major disintermediation and reintermediation would occur and that there would be a sharp reduction in the number of traditional travel agents five and ten years in the future. The panel also identified a number of strategic threats and opportunities for the channel participants. This paper compares the panel\u27s predictions to what actually occurred and describes technology-related developments that the panel did not foresee. In particular, the panel predicted a major reduction in the number of travel agent entities between 1997 and 2002, as well as in 2007. By the end of 2002, the panel\u27s forecast was very close to what actually occurred. Our overall conclusion is that the Delphi method worked well as a predictor in this instance

    Vesivirus 2117 capsids more closely resemble sapovirus and lagovirus particles than other known vesivirus structures

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    Vesivirus 2117 is an adventitious agent that in 2009, was identified as a contaminant of CHO cells propagated in bioreactors at a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant belonging to Genzyme. The consequent interruption in supply of Fabrazyme and Cerezyme (drugs used to treat Fabry and Gaucher disease respectively), caused significant economic losses. Vesivirus 2117 is a member of the Caliciviridae; a family of small icosahedral viruses encoding a positive sense RNA genome. We have used cryo-electron microscopy and three dimensional image reconstruction to calculate a structure of vesivirus 2117 virus like particles as well as feline calicivirus and a chimeric sapovirus. We present a structural comparison of several members of the Caliciviridae, showing that the distal P domain of vesivirus 2117 is morphologically distinct from that seen in other known vesivirus structures. Furthermore, at intermediate resolutions we found a high level of structural similarity between vesivirus 2117 and Caliciviridae from other genera, such as sapovirus and rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus. Phylogenetic analysis confirms vesivirus 2117 as a vesivirus closely related to canine vesiviruses. We postulate that morphological differences in virion structure seen between vesivirus clades may reflect differences in receptor usage

    Initial estimate of NOAA-9 SBUV/2 total ozone drift: Based on comparison with re-calibrated TOMS measurements and pair justification of SBUV/2

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    Newly recalibrated version 6 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data are used as a reference measurement in a comparison of monthly means of total ozone in 10 degree latitude zones from SBUV/2 and the nadir measurements from TOMS. These comparisons indicate a roughly linear long-term drift in SBUV/2 total ozone relative to TOMS of about 2.5 Dobson units per year at the equator over the first three years of SBUV/2. The pari justification technique is also applied to the SBUV/2 measurements in a manner similar to that used for SBUV and TOMS. The higher solar zenith angles associated with the afternoon orbit of NOAA-9 and the large changes in solar zenith angle associated with its changing equator crossing time degrade the accuracy of the pair justification method relative to its application to SBUV and TOMS, but the results are consistent with the SBUV/2-TOMS comparisons, and show a roughly linear drift in SBUV/2 of 2.5 to 4.5 Dobson units per year in equatorial ozone


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    The analysis was conducted to evaluate the impacts of both the Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (FAIR) and the cattle cycle on the livestock enterprises. The North Dakota Representative Farm and Ranch Model, which uses the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute price projections as an input, was developed and used for this analysis. Net farm income and farm debt-to-asset ratios for the average and large beef cattle farms were analyzed. The U.S. cattle industry has been characterized by cyclical variations in production and prices. It appears that the current cattle cycle is in the final stages of expansion. Cattle numbers continued to increase during 1995, but at a slow rate. Industry estimates are that the bottom of cattle prices will occur in late 1996 or 1997. Price recovery is projected to start sometime in 1998 as inventory numbers decline. Prices are forecast to rise through 2002. Net farm income for the representative beef cattle farms is projected to follow the cattle cycle with the lowest net incomes during 1997- 1999. Net farm income for most representative beef cattle farms recovers by 2002-2003. The debt-to-asset ratios for the representative beef cattle farms will likely rise throughout the forecast period. FAPRI Note: Figures are not included in the machine readable copy--contact the authors for more information.livestock, representative farms, cattle cycle, Production Economics,