12 research outputs found

    Median eigenvalues of bipartite graphs

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    For a graph GG of order nn and with eigenvalues λ1λn\lambda_1\geqslant\cdots\geqslant\lambda_n, the HL-index R(G)R(G) is defined as R(G)=max{λ(n+1)/2,λ(n+1)/2}.R(G) ={\max}\left\{|\lambda_{\lfloor(n+1)/2\rfloor}|, |\lambda_{\lceil(n+1)/2\rceil}|\right\}. We show that for every connected bipartite graph GG with maximum degree Δ3\Delta\geqslant3, R(G)Δ2R(G)\leqslant\sqrt{\Delta-2} unless GG is the the incidence graph of a projective plane of order Δ1\Delta-1. We also present an approach through graph covering to construct infinite families of bipartite graphs with large HL-index

    Star complements in regular graphs: Old and new results

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    We survey results concerning star complements in finite regular graphs, and note the connection with designs and strongly regular graphs in certain cases. We include improved proofs along with new results on stars and windmills as star complements

    Interval minors of complete bipartite graphs

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    Interval minors of bipartite graphs were recently introduced by Jacob Fox in the study of Stanley-Wilf limits. We investigate the maximum number of edges in Kr,sK_{r,s}-interval minor free bipartite graphs. We determine exact values when r=2r=2 and describe the extremal graphs. For r=3r=3, lower and upper bounds are given and the structure of K3,sK_{3,s}-interval minor free graphs is studied

    The weak saturation number of K2,t\boldsymbol{K_{2, t}}

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    For two graphs GG and FF, we say that GG is weakly FF-saturated if GG contains no copy of FF as a subgraph and one could join all the nonadjacent pairs of vertices of GG in some order so that a new copy of FF is created at each step. The weak saturation number wsat(n,F)\mathrm{wsat}(n, F) is the minimum number of edges of a weakly FF-saturated graph on nn vertices. In this paper, we examine wsat(n,Ks,t)\mathrm{wsat}(n, K_{s, t}), where Ks,tK_{s, t} is the complete bipartite graph with parts of sizes ss and t t . We determine wsat(n,K2,t)\mathrm{wsat}(n, K_{2, t}), correcting a previous report in the literature. It is also shown that wsat(s+t,Ks,t)=(s+t12)\mathrm{wsat}(s+t, K_{s,t})=\binom{s+t-1}{2} if gcd(s,t)=1\gcd(s, t)=1 and wsat(s+t,Ks,t)=(s+t12)+1\mathrm{wsat}(s+t, K_{s,t})=\binom{s+t-1}{2}+1, otherwise

    Bootstrap percolation on the Hamming graphs

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    The rr-edge bootstrap percolation on a graph is an activation process of the edges. The process starts with some initially activated edges and then, in each round, any inactive edge whose one of endpoints is incident to at least rr active edges becomes activated. A set of initially activated edges leading to the activation of all edges is said to be a percolating set. Denote the minimum size of a percolating set in the rr-edge bootstrap percolation process on a graph GG by me(G,r)m_e(G, r). The importance of the rr-edge bootstrap percolation relies on the fact that me(G,r)m_e(G, r) provides bounds on m(G,r)m(G, r), that is, the minimum size of a percolating set in the rr-neighbor bootstrap percolation process on GG. In this paper, we explicitly determine me(Knd,r)m_e(K_n^d, r), where KndK_n^d is the Cartesian product of dd copies of the complete graph on nn vertices which is referred as Hamming graph. Using this, we show that m(Knd,r)=(1+o(1))dr1r!m(K_n^d, r)=(1+o(1))\frac{d^{r-1}}{r!} when n,rn, r are fixed and dd goes to infinity which extends a known result on hypercubes

    Weak saturation numbers in random graphs

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    For two given graphs GG and FF, a graph H H is said to be weakly (G,F) (G, F) -saturated if HH is a spanning subgraph of G G which has no copy of FF as a subgraph and one can add all edges in E(G)E(H) E(G)\setminus E(H) to H H in some order so that a new copy of FF is created at each step. The weak saturation number wsat(G,F) wsat(G, F) is the minimum number of edges of a weakly (G,F)(G, F)-saturated graph. In this paper, we deal with the relation between wsat(G(n,p),F) wsat(G(n,p), F) and wsat(Kn,F) wsat(K_n, F), where G(n,p)G(n,p) denotes the Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi random graph and Kn K_n denotes the complete graph on n n vertices. For every graph F F and constant p p, we prove that wsat(G(n,p),F)=wsat(Kn,F)(1+o(1)) wsat( G(n,p),F)= wsat(K_n,F)(1+o(1)) with high probability. Also, for some graphs F F including complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, and connected graphs with minimum degree 1 1 or 2 2, it is shown that there exists an ε(F)>0 \varepsilon(F)>0 such that, for any pnε(F)logn p\geqslant n^{-\varepsilon(F)}\log n, wsat(G(n,p),F)=wsat(Kn,F) wsat( G(n,p),F)= wsat(K_n,F) with high probability

    Hadamard Matrices with Few Distinct Types

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    The notion of type of quadruples of rows is proven to be useful in the classification of Hadamard matrices. We investigate Hadamard matrices with few distinct types. Apparently, Hadamard matrices with few distinct types are very rare and have nice combinatorial properties. We show that there exists no Hadamard matrix of order larger than 1212 whose quadruples of rows are all of the same type. We then focus on Hadamard metrics with two distinct types. Among other results, the Sylvester Hadamard matrices are shown to be characterized by their spectrum of types. This is a joint work with A. Mohammadian.Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)Facult

    On the unimodality of independence polynomial of certain classes of graphs

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    The independence polynomial of a graph G is the polynomial sumikxksum i_kx^k, where iki_k denote the number of independent sets of cardinality k in G. In this paper we study unimodality problem for the independence polynomial of certain classes of graphs