10 research outputs found

    Analysis of the fitness landscape for the class of combinatorial optimisation problems

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    Anatomy of the fitness landscape for a group of well known combinatorial optimisation problems is studied in this research and the similarities and the differences between their landscapes are pointed out. In this research we target the analysis of the fitness landscape for MAX-SAT, Graph-Colouring, Travelling Salesman and Quadratic Assignment problems. Belonging to the class of NP-Hard problems, all these problems become exponentially harder as the problem size grows. We study a group of properties of the fitness landscape for these problems and show what properties are shared by different problems and what properties are different. The properties we investigate here include the time it takes for a local search algorithm to find a local optimum, the number of local and global optima, distance between local and global optima, expected cost of found optima, probability of reaching a global optimum and the cost of the best configuration in the search space. The relationship between these properties and the system size and other parameters of the problems are studied, and it is shown how these properties are shared or differ in different problems. We also study the long-range correlation within the search space, including the expected cost in the Hamming sphere around the local and global optima, the basin of attraction of the local and global optima and the probability of finding a local optimum as a function of its cost. We believe these information provide good insight for algorithm designers

    BacHBerry: BACterial Hosts for production of Bioactive phenolics from bERRY fruits

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    BACterial Hosts for production of Bioactive phenolics from bERRY fruits (BacHBerry) was a 3-year project funded by the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Union that ran between November 2013 and October 2016. The overall aim of the project was to establish a sustainable and economically-feasible strategy for the production of novel high-value phenolic compounds isolated from berry fruits using bacterial platforms. The project aimed at covering all stages of the discovery and pre-commercialization process, including berry collection, screening and characterization of their bioactive components, identification and functional characterization of the corresponding biosynthetic pathways, and construction of Gram-positive bacterial cell factories producing phenolic compounds. Further activities included optimization of polyphenol extraction methods from bacterial cultures, scale-up of production by fermentation up to pilot scale, as well as societal and economic analyses of the processes. This review article summarizes some of the key findings obtained throughout the duration of the project

    Maximum satisfiability: anatomy of the fitness landscape for a hard combinatorial optimisation problem

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    The fitness landscape of MAX-3-SAT is investigated for random instances above the satisfiability phase transition. This paper includes a scaling analysis of the time to reach a local optimum, the number of local optima, the expected probability of reaching a local optimum as a function of its fitness, the expected fitness found by local search and the best fitness, the probability of reaching a global optimum, the size and relative positions of the global optima, the mean distance between the local and global optima, the expected fitness as a function of the Hamming distance from an optimum and their basins of attraction. These analyses show why the problem becomes hard for local search algorithms as the system size increases. The paper also shows how a recently proposed algorithm can exploit long-range correlations in the fitness landscape to improve on the state-of-the-art heuristic algorithms