1,585 research outputs found

    Event-by-Event Fluctuations of Particle Ratios in Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We study event-by-event dynamical fluctuations of various particle ratios at different energies. We assume that particle production in final state is due to chemical equilibrium processes. We compare results from resonance gas model with available experimental data. At SPS energies, the model can very well reproduce the experimentally measured fluctuations. We make predictions for dynamical fluctuations of strangeness and non-strangeness particle ratios. We found that the energy-dependence is non-monotonic. Furthermore, we found that fluctuations strongly depend on particle ratios.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure, 1 tabl

    Acceleration and Particle Field Interactions of Cosmic Rays I: Formalism

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    The acceleration of ultra high energy cosmic rays is conjectured to occur through various interactions with the electromagnetic fields in different astrophysical objects, like magnetic matter clumps, besides the well-known shock and stochastic Fermi mechanisms. It is apparent that the latter are not depending on the particle's charge, quantitatively. Based on this model, a considerable portion of the dynamics, that derives a charged particle parallel to a magnetic field B\mathbf{B} and under the influence of a force F\mathbf{F}, is assumed to be composed of an acceleration by a non-magnetic force F\mathbf{F}_{\parallel} and a gyromotion along B\mathbf{B} direction, plus drifts in the direction of F\mathbf{F}_{\perp}. The model and its formalism are introduced. Various examples for drift motions and accelerating forces are suggested. The formalism is given in a non-relativistic version. Obviously, the translation into the relativistic version is standard. In a forthcoming work, a quantitative estimation of the energy gained by charged cosmic rays in various astrophysical objects will be evaluated.Comment: 9 pages, 2 EPS figure

    Dissipative Processes in the Early Universe: Bulk Viscosity

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    In this talk, we discuss one of the dissipative processes which likely take place in the Early Universe. We assume that the matter filling the isotropic and homogeneous background is to be described by a relativistic viscous fluid characterized by an ultra-relativistic equation of state and finite bulk viscosity deduced from recent lattice QCD calculations and heavy-ion collisions experiments. We concentrate our treatment to bulk viscosity as one of the essential dissipative processes in the rapidly expanding Early Universe and deduce the dependence of the scale factor and Hubble parameter on the comoving time tt. We find that both scale factor and Hubble parameter are finite at t=0t=0, revering to absence of singularity. We also find that their evolution apparently differs from the one resulting in when assuming that the background matter is an ideal and non-viscous fluid.Comment: 8 pages, 2 eps figure, Invited talk given at the 7th international conference on "Modern Problems of Nuclear Physics", 22-25 September 2009, Tashkent-Uzbekista

    Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Large Hadron Collider

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    The matter-antimatter asymmetry is one of the greatest challenges in the modern physics. The universe including this paper and even the reader him(her)self seems to be built up of ordinary matter only. Theoretically, the well-known Sakharov's conditions remain the solid framework explaining the circumstances that matter became dominant against the antimatter while the universe cools down and/or expands. On the other hand, the standard model for elementary particles apparently prevents at least two conditions out of them. In this work, we introduce a systematic study of the antiparticle-to-particle ratios measured in various NNNN and AAAA collisions over the last three decades. It is obvious that the available experimental facilities turn to be able to perform nuclear collisions, in which the matter-antimatter asymmetry raises from 0\sim 0% at AGS to 100\sim 100% at LHC. Assuming that the final state of hadronization in the nuclear collisions takes place along the freezeout line, which is defined by a constant entropy density, various antiparticle-to-particle ratios are studied in framework of the hadron resonance gas (HRG) model. Implementing modified phase space and distribution function in the grand-canonical ensemble and taking into account the experimental acceptance, the ratios of antiparticle-to-particle over the whole range of center-of-mass-energies are very well reproduced by the HRG model. Furthermore, the antiproton-to-proton ratios measured by ALICE in pppp collisions is also very well described by the HRG model. It is likely to conclude that the LHC heavy-ion program will produce the same particle ratios as the pppp program implying the dynamics and evolution of the system would not depend on the initial conditions. The ratios of bosons and baryons get very close to unity indicating that the matter-antimatter asymmetry nearly vanishes at LHC.Comment: 9 pages, 5 eps-figures, revtex4-styl

    Electromechanical Properties of Aluminium Doped Barium Titanate

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    Can We Model Driver Perceptions? An In-Situ Experiment in Real-World Conditions

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    ABSTRACTIt is clear that perceptions play a significant role in traveler decisions. Consequently, traveler perceptions are a corner stone in the feasibility of traveler information systems; for traveler information systems are only valuable if the drivers are incapable of accurately acquiring the provided information on their own, and if the provided information is relevant for the drivers' decision criteria. Accuracy of traveler perceptions has been repeatedly researched in public transportation, and has been found to vary according to different reasons. However, in spite of the clear significance of traveler perceptions, minimal effort has been put into modeling it. Almost all travel behavior models are based on traveler experiences, which are assumed to reflect traveler perceptions via the addition of some random error component. This works introduces an alternative approach: instead of adding an error component to represent driver perceptions, it proposes to model driver perceptions. This work is based on a real-world route choice experiment of a sample of 20 drivers who made more than 2,000 real-world route choices. Each of the drivers' experiences, perceptions, and choices were recorded, analyzed and cross examined. The paper demonstrates that: i) driver experiences are different from driver perceptions, ii) driver perceptions explain driver choices better than driver experiences, iii) it is possible to model and predict driver perceptions of travel distance, time and speed

    Use of Carica Papaya Enzymes for Enhancement of H2 Production and Degradation of Glucose, Protein, and Lipids

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    AbstractAnaerobic batch experimentswere carried out to examine the effect of supplementation of mixed culture bacteria with Carica papayaas enzymes for enhancement of hydrogen yield from degradation of glucose, protein, and lipids. The results showed that hydrogen yield (HY) based on protein and lipids degradation increased from 52.2 ± 7.5 to 130.6 ± 8.5ml/gprotein, and from 43.0 ± 5.3 to 64.8 ± 3.1ml/glipid respectively with addition of Carica papayaas enzymes source. This corresponded to substrate degradation efficiency of 51.3 ± 4.4% for protein and 33.7 ± 2.6% for lipids. However, the hydrogen yield and degradation efficiency of glucose was slightly improved by addition of Carica papayaas enzymes