108 research outputs found

    Monitoring of HIV testing services in the EU/EEA

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    Risk of transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases in healthcare settings

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    : The transmission of infectious agents within healthcare settings is a priority public health problem. Although the main burden of healthcare-associated infections is commonly caused by Gram-negative bacteria and fungi, vaccine-preventable diseases represent an additional infectious risk for patients attending healthcare facilities. Hepatitis B, rotavirus gastroenteritis, influenza, measles, pertussis and pneumococcal and meningococcal invasive bacterial infections still represent a threat, notwithstanding the presence of universal vaccination programs. For this reason, healthcare worker immunization is an important strategy to limit the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases in such a fragile population

    Antigenic rapid test for SARS-CoV2 screening of individuals newly admitted to detention facilities : sensibility in an asymptomatic cohort

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    Background: Since the start of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic, attention was called on the potential risk of COVID-19 outbreaks occurring inside prisons. In detention facilities, timely and accurate diagnosis is essential for allowing case isolation and contact tracing to avoid the spread of the infection. Until recently, reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rt-PCR) was the recommended method to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, antigen-detecting rapid diagnostic tests (ag-RDT) have emerged as point-of-care testing techniques. Objectives: Here, we evaluate the use of ag-RDT for screening of individuals newly admitted to San Vittore prison (SV), a pre-trial prison, in Milan (Lombardy region, Italy), during the second SARS-CoV2 epidemic peak. Methods: During the period 1 October-31 December 2020, ag-RDT and rt-PCR were performed individuals newly admitted to SV. Results: Among 504 detained individuals tested, 21 (4,2%) resulted positive to rt-PCR. Of these, 10 had tested negative with ag-RDT and 11 had concordant results. Rt-PCR cycle threshold (CT) values were above 35 for the individuals with ag-RDT negative test, therefore the cases missed by the ag-RDT are unlikely to transmit disease. For all the individuals with ag-RDT positive results, CT values were below or equal to 27. In our study population, ag-RDT sensitivity was 52.4% (29.8%-74.3%), positive predictive value (PPV) was 100% and negative predictive value was 98.0% (96.8%-98.7%). Discussion: Our study showed that ag-RDT is a promising and useful component of serial testing strategies in prison settings to perform SARS-CoV2 screening at admission based to its high PPV, ease of use, lower costs and resource needs

    Performance of V3-based HIV-1 sero subtyping in HIV endemic areas

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    HIV-1 serosubtyping based on reactivity to peptides from the V3 region of gp120 is a low-cost and easy to perform procedure often used in geographical areas with high prevalence and incidence of HIV infection. We evaluated the performance of V3-based serotyping on 148 sera from 118 HIV-1-infected individuals living in Uganda, with estimated dates of seroconversion. Of the 148 tested samples, 68 (46.0%) specifically reacted with only one of the V3 peptides included in the test (SP), 64 (43.2%) did not react with any peptide (NR) and 16 (10.8%) reacted with two or more peptides (CR). According to the estimated seroconversion date, the large majority of samples collected early after infection belonged to the NR group. These samples had also a low Avidity Index. In contrast, samples collected later after infection belonged mainly to CR and SP groups and had also a higher avidity index. These results indicate that the performance of V3-based assays depends on maturation of HIV-specific immune response and can be significantly lowered when these tests are carried out on specimens collected from recently infected individuals

    Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Tuscany Region, Italy, 2016–2017: Integrating Multiple Data Sources to Investigate Underreporting

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    : Invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) is a vaccine-preventable disease characterized by the presence of Streptococcus pneumoniae in normally sterile sites. Since 2007, Italy has implemented an IPD national surveillance system (IPD-NSS). This system suffers from high rates of underreporting. To estimate the level of underreporting of IPD in 2016-2017 in Tuscany (Italy), we integrated data from IPD-NSS and two other regional data sources, i.e., Tuscany regional microbiological surveillance (Microbiological Surveillance and Antibiotic Resistance in Tuscany, SMART) and hospitalization discharge records (HDRs). We collected (1) notifications to IPD-NSS, (2) SMART records positive for S. pneumoniae from normally sterile sites, and (3) hospitalization records with IPD-related International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD9) codes in discharge diagnoses. We performed data linkage of the three sources to obtain a combined surveillance system (CSS). Using the CSS, we calculated the completeness of the three sources and performed a three-source log-linear capture-recapture analysis to estimate total IPD underreporting. In total, 127 IPD cases were identified from IPD-NSS, 320 were identified from SMART, and 658 were identified from HDRs. After data linkage, a total of 904 unique cases were detected. The average yearly CSS notification rate was 12.1/100,000 inhabitants. Completeness was 14.0% for IPD-NSS, 35.4% for SMART, and 72.8% for HDRs. The capture-recapture analysis suggested a total estimate of 3419 cases of IPD (95% confidence interval (CI): 1364-5474), corresponding to an underreporting rate of 73.7% (95% CI: 34.0-83.6) for CSS. This study shows substantial underreporting in the Tuscany IPD surveillance system. Integration of available data sources may be a useful approach to complement notification-based surveillance and provide decision-makers with better information to plan effective control strategies against IPD

    An integrated hospital-district performance evaluation for communicable diseases in low and middle-income countries: Evidence from a pilot in three sub-Saharan countries

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    INTRODUCTION: The last two decades saw an extensive effort to design, develop and implement integrated and multidimensional healthcare evaluation systems in high-income countries. However, in low- and middle-income countries, few experiences of such systems implementation have been reported in the scientific literature. We developed and piloted an innovative evaluation tool to assess the performance of health services provision for communicable diseases in three sub-Saharan African countries. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 42 indicators, 14 per each communicable disease care pathway, were developed. A sub-set of 23 indicators was included in the evaluation process. The communicable diseases care pathways were developed for Tuberculosis, Gastroenteritis, and HIV/AIDS, including indicators grouped in four care phases: prevention (or screening), diagnosis, treatment, and outcome. All indicators were calculated for the period 2017–2019, while performance evaluation was performed for the year 2019. The analysis involved four health districts and their relative hospitals in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda. RESULTS: Substantial variability was observed over time and across the four different districts. In the Tuberculosis pathway, the majority of indicators scored below the standards and below-average performance was mainly reported for prevention and diagnosis phases. Along the Gastroenteritis pathway, excellent performance was instead evaluated for most indicators and the highest scores were reported in prevention and treatment phases. The HIV/AIDS pathway indicators related to screening and outcome phases were below the average score, while good or excellent performance was registered within the treatment phase. CONCLUSIONS: The bottom-up approach and stakeholders’ engagement increased local ownership of the process and the likelihood that findings will inform health services performance and quality of care. Despite the intrinsic limitations of data sources, this framework may contribute to promoting good governance, performance evaluation, outcomes measurement and accountability in settings characterised by multiple healthcare service providers

    Life-course vaccinations for migrants and refugees. Drawing lessons from the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns

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    Covid-19 showed once more, and very evidently, that some disadvantaged subgroups, including mi- grants and refugees (M&Rs), are at higher risk of contracting a disease or suffering from its severe con- sequences in areas with high transmission [1,2]. This may be due to their living conditions, which make physical distancing difficult, and/or to their legal status, which may exclude them from health care services. Additionally, COVID-19 reminded us that M&Rs tend to also have suboptimal vaccination coverage compared to the general population due to several concurrent factors [3,4]: – exclusion from health and vaccination plans and systems, often due to a lack of legal entitlements to health care or due to administrative/residence barriers; – health system barriers due to language, lack of cultural sensitivity, lack of outreach and community engagement capacity, lack of collaboration with civil society organisations, barriers to primary care, and vaccination services access, including vaccination costs; – high mobility of M&Rs; – lack of confidence in the health system and misconceptions about the vaccine. We propose some elements useful for orienting the research agenda and generating debate based on the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. While M&Rs experienced exclusion due to the pandemic in many contexts, in others, it has been an opportunity not just to maximise coverage, but also to set up, test, and implement new, effective, and replicable approaches in vaccination services

    HIV testing in Europe: Evaluating the impact, added value, relevance and usability of the European centre for disease prevention and control (ECDC)’s 2010 HIV testing guidance

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    Background: An evaluation of the 2010 ECDC guidance on HIV testing, conducted in October 2015–January 2016, assessed its impact, added value, relevance and usability and the need for updated guidance. Methods: Data sources were two surveys: one for the primary target audience (health policymakers and decision makers, national programme managers and ECDC official contact points in the European Union/ European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries and one for a broader target audience (clinicians, civil society organisations and international public health agencies); two moderated focus group discussions (17 participants each); webpage access data; a literature citation review; and an expert consultation (18 participants) to discuss the evaluation findings. Results: Twenty-three of 28 primary target audience and 31 of 51 broader target audience respondents indicated the guidance was the most relevant when compared with other international guidance. Primary target audience respondents in 11 of 23 countries reported that they had used the guidance in development, monitoring and/or evaluation of their national HIV testing policy, guidelines, programme and/or strategy, and 29 of 51 of the broader target audience respondents reported having used the guidance in their work. Both the primary and broader target audience considered it important or very important to have an EU/EEA-level HIV testing guidance (23/28 and 46/51, respectively). Conclusion: The guidance has been widely used to develop policies, guidelines, programmes and strategies in the EU/EEA and should be regularly updated due to continuous developments in the field in order to continue to serve as an important reference guidance in the region

    Interventions to increase vaccine uptake among people who live and work in prisons : a global multistage scoping review

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    The objective of this study is to examine interventions implemented to increase vaccine uptake among people who live and work in prisons around the world. Peer-reviewed and gray literature databases were searched systematically to identify relevant information published from 2012 to 2022. Publications were evaluated by two researchers independently and underwent quality assessment through established tools. Of the 11,281 publications identified through peer-reviewed (2607) and gray literature (8674) search, 17 met the inclusion criteria. In light of limited data, the identified interventions were categorized into two categories of educational and organizational interventions, and are discussed in the text. The lack of availability of vaccination services and interventions to increase vaccine uptake among people who live and work in prisons, worldwide, is a serious public health concern. These interventions reported in this review can be adapted and adopted to mitigate the burden of infectious diseases among people who live and work in prisons

    Evaluating hepatitis C cascade of care surveillance system in Tuscany, Italy, through a population retrospective data-linkage study, 2015–2021

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    : This comprehensive retrospective data-linkage study aimed at evaluating the impact of Direct-Acting Antivirals (DAAs) on Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) testing, treatment trends, and access to care in Tuscany over six years following their introduction. Utilizing administrative healthcare records, our work reveals a substantial increase in HCV tests in 2017, attributed to the decision to provide universal access to treatment. However, despite efforts to eradicate chronic HCV through a government-led plan, the target of treating 6,221 patients annually was not met, and services contracted after 2018, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Key findings indicate a higher prevalence of HCV screening among females in the 33-53 age group, influenced by pregnancy-related recommendations, while diagnostic tests and treatment uptake were more common among males. Problematic substance users constituted a significant proportion of those tested and treated, emphasizing their priority in HCV screening. Our paper underscores the need for decentralized HCV models and alternative testing strategies, such as point-of-care assays, especially in populations accessing harm reduction services, communities, and prisons. The study acknowledges limitations in relying solely on administrative records, advocating for improved data access and timely linkages to accurately monitor HCV care cascades and inform regional plans. Despite challenges, the paper demonstrates the value of administrative record linkages in understanding the access to care pathway for hard-to-reach populations. The findings emphasize the importance of the national HCV elimination strategy and the need for enhanced data collection to assess progress accurately, providing insights for future regional and national interventions
