198 research outputs found

    Molecular dynamics of conformational substates for a simplified protein model.

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    Extended molecular dynamics simulations covering a total of 0.232 μs have been carried out on a simplified protein model. Despite its simplified structure, that model exhibits properties similar to those of more realistic protein models. In particular, the model was found to undergo transitions between conformational substates at a time scale of several hundred picoseconds. The computed trajectories turned out to be sufficiently long as to permit a statistical analysis of that conformational dynamics. To check whether effective descriptions neglecting memory effects can reproduce the observed conformational dynamics, two stochastic models were studied. A one‐dimensional Langevin effective potential model derived by elimination of subpicosecond dynamical processes could not describe the observed conformational transition rates. In contrast, a simple Markov model describing the transitions between but neglecting dynamical processes within conformational substates reproduced the observed distribution of first passage times. These findings suggest, that protein dynamics generally does not exhibit memory effects at time scales above a few hundred picoseconds, but confirms the existence of memory effects at a picosecond time scale

    Correlated theory of triplet photoinduced absorption in phenylene-vinylene chains

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    In this paper we present results of large-scale correlated calculations of triplet photoinduced absorption (PA) spectrum of oligomers of poly-(para)phenylenevinylene (PPV) containing up to five phenyl rings. In particular, the high-energy features in the triplet PA spectrum of oligo-PPVs are the focus of this study, which, so far, have not been investigated theoretically, or experimentally. The calculations were performed using the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model Hamiltonian, and many-body effects were taken into account by means of multi-reference singles-doubles configuration interaction procedure (MRSDCI), without neglecting any molecular orbitals. The computed triplet PA spectrum of oligo-PPVs exhibits rich structure consisting of alternating peaks of high and low intensities. The predicted higher energy features of the triplet spectrum can be tested in future experiments. Additionally, theoretical estimates of exciton binding energy are also presented.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Accounting for both electron--lattice and electron--electron coupling in conjugated polymers: minimum total energy calculations on the Hubbard--Peierls hamiltonian

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    Minimum total energy calculations, which account for both electron--lattice and electron--electron interactions in conjugated polymers are performed for chains with up to eight carbon atoms. These calculations are motivated in part by recent experimental results on the spectroscopy of polyenes and conjugated polymers and shed light on the longstanding question of the relative importance of electron--lattice vs. electron--electron interactions in determining the properties of these systems.Comment: 6 pages, Plain TeX, FRL-PSD-93GR

    Prediction of infrared light emission from pi-conjugated polymers: a diagrammatic exciton basis valence bond theory

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    There is currently a great need for solid state lasers that emit in the infrared, as this is the operating wavelength regime for applications in telecommunications. Existing π\pi--conjugated polymers all emit in the visible or ultraviolet, and whether or not π\pi--conjugated polymers that emit in the infrared can be designed is an interesting challenge. On the one hand, the excited state ordering in trans-polyacetylene, the π\pi--conjugated polymer with relatively small optical gap, is not conducive to light emission because of electron-electron interaction effects. On the other hand, excited state ordering opposite to that in trans-polyacetylene is usually obtained by chemical modification that increases the effective bond-alternation, which in turn increases the optical gap. We develop a theory of electron correlation effects in a model π\pi-conjugated polymer that is obtained by replacing the hydrogen atoms of trans-polyacetylene with transverse conjugated groups, and show that the effective on-site correlation in this system is smaller than the bare correlation in the unsubstituted system. An optical gap in the infrared as well as excited state ordering conducive to light emission is thereby predicted upon similar structural modifications.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, 1 tabl

    Electron correlation effects in electron-hole recombination in organic light-emitting diodes

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    We develop a general theory of electron--hole recombination in organic light emitting diodes that leads to formation of emissive singlet excitons and nonemissive triplet excitons. We briefly review other existing theories and show how our approach is substantively different from these theories. Using an exact time-dependent approach to the interchain/intermolecular charge-transfer within a long-range interacting model we find that, (i) the relative yield of the singlet exciton in polymers is considerably larger than the 25% predicted from statistical considerations, (ii) the singlet exciton yield increases with chain length in oligomers, and, (iii) in small molecules containing nitrogen heteroatoms, the relative yield of the singlet exciton is considerably smaller and may be even close to 25%. The above results are independent of whether or not the bond-charge repulsion, X_perp, is included in the interchain part of the Hamiltonian for the two-chain system. The larger (smaller) yield of the singlet (triplet) exciton in carbon-based long-chain polymers is a consequence of both its ionic (covalent) nature and smaller (larger) binding energy. In nitrogen containing monomers, wavefunctions are closer to the noninteracting limit, and this decreases (increases) the relative yield of the singlet (triplet) exciton. Our results are in qualitative agreement with electroluminescence experiments involving both molecular and polymeric light emitters. The time-dependent approach developed here for describing intermolecular charge-transfer processes is completely general and may be applied to many other such processes.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Excited states of linear polyenes

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    We present density matrix renormalisation group calculations of the Pariser- Parr-Pople-Peierls model of linear polyenes within the adiabatic approximation. We calculate the vertical and relaxed transition energies, and relaxed geometries for various excitations on long chains. The triplet (3Bu+) and even- parity singlet (2Ag+) states have a 2-soliton and 4-soliton form, respectively, both with large relaxation energies. The dipole-allowed (1Bu-) state forms an exciton-polaron and has a very small relaxation energy. The relaxed energy of the 2Ag+ state lies below that of the 1Bu- state. We observe an attraction between the soliton-antisoliton pairs in the 2Ag+ state. The calculated excitation energies agree well with the observed values for polyene oligomers; the agreement with polyacetylene thin films is less good, and we comment on the possible sources of the discrepencies. The photoinduced absorption is interpreted. The spin-spin correlation function shows that the unpaired spins coincide with the geometrical soliton positions. We study the roles of electron-electron interactions and electron-lattice coupling in determining the excitation energies and soliton structures. The electronic interactions play the key role in determining the ground state dimerisation and the excited state transition energies.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, 9 figure