6 research outputs found


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    Reviewing historical medical manuscripts shows that neurological disorders have been previously described in the Islamic Golden Age. Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna (980-1037 AD), was one of the most renowned scientists during this period. He widely practiced medicine, especially those disorders related to neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry in conventionalmedicine. In his extant book al-Qānūn fī al-Tibb (the Canon of Medicine), he claimed that some types of brain diseases can be related to the “marāqq” and called them marāqq-related disorders. From Avicenna’s viewpoint, “marāqq” is considered a membranous structure in the abdomen. Ibn Sina has illustrated the association between the “marāqq” and the brain through some direct and indirect pathways. As a result, some disturbances in the “marāqq” can influence the brain, which can contribute to the pathogenesis of a number of brain diseases. Accordingly, those patients who regularly had gastrointestinal discomfortsexperienced a higher prevalence of headache, melancholia, and epilepsy. This study aimed to explore the relationship between abdominal and brain diseases from Avicenna’s viewpoint. Furthermore, the definition, clinical manifestation, and therapeutic strategies of marāqq-related disorders were described.Pregled povijesnih medicinskih rukopisa pokazuje da su neurološki poremećaji već bili opisani u islamskome zlatnom dobu. Ibn Sina, poznat i kao Avicenna (980. – 1 037.), bio je jedan od najpoznatijih znanstvenika toga vremena. Djelovao je u mnogim područjima medicine. Posebno je proučavao poremećaje vezane uz neurologiju, neurokirurgiju i psihijatriju u konvencionalnoj medicini. U svojoj knjizi „al-Qānūn fī al-Tibb“ (Kanon medicine) tvrdio je da se neke bolesti mozga mogu povezati s „marāqqom“ i nazvao ih poremećajima povezanim s marāqqom. S Avicennina stajališta, „marāqq“ je membranska struktura u abdomenu. Ibn Sina ilustrirao je vezu između „marāqqa“ i mozga pomoću nekih izravnih i neizravnih veza. Kao rezultat toga, neki poremećaji u „marāqqu“ mogu utjecati na mozak, što može pridonijeti patogenezi brojnih bolesti mozga. Sukladno tome, pacijenti s redovitim gastrointestinalnim tegobama imali su učestalije glavobolje, melankolije i epilepsije. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio istražiti odnos između bolesti abdomena i mozga s Avicennina stajališta. Opisana je i definicija, klinička manifestacija i terapijske strategije poremećaja povezanih s „marāqqom“

    Imaging Reality: A review of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Recently, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been the main universal health concern and the most important challenge to the world. This disease affects all age groups, genders and, races. Due to lack of definitive medication detection of the disease in an early stage and prevention of its transmission plays an important role in its control. Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and chest computed tomography (CT) are the most common diagnostic methods for COVID-19. Besides a review on the general founding of the COVID-19 pandemic, we tried to collect a hand on report focusing on radiological knowledge and its applications, limitations, and instructions

    Evaluation of the antibacterial effect of nickel oxide nanoparticles against bacteria involved in dental caries

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    Tooth decay is one of the most common diseases in the oral cavity and is one of the most widespread diseases in the human population. This study aimed to determine the antibacterial effect of nickel oxide nanoparticles against bacteria involved in tooth decay. In this study, the disk diffusion method was used to determine the antibiotic susceptibility and the microdilution broth method was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Nanoparticles were also synthesized in two molecular size (A: 8.1 and B: 12 nm) by the sol-gel method. The MIC of the first nanoparticle for Streptococcus sanguinis and Streptococcus mutans was 31.25 and 125 μg/ml, respectively. The MIC of the second nanoparticle for S. sanguinis was 125 μg/ml. In the case of S. mutans up to a concentration of 500 μg/ml, no growth inhibition was observed. The results showed that nickel oxide nanoparticles have acceptable antibacterial properties against S. mutans and S. sanguinis, which can be used in dental materials to prevent dental caries. However, this requires the determination of cellular toxicity and its side effects in future studies.

    Clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients with a history of cardiovascular disease

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    New emerging severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) primarily affects the lungs, but the virus may cause cardiovascular disease (CVD), and a history of CVD is usually associated with comorbidities, which could increase the severity of infections. In this study, we collected demographic and clinical characteristics data from 123 patients with a history of CVD, who were confirmed to have SARS-CoV-2 infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test in Razi Hospital, Rasht, Iran, from March 2021 to June 2021. Chi-Square and Fisher's Exact test with a significance level of P less than 0.05 was performed. All statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software version 26.0. Among the studied patients, 99 patients were discharged and 24 of them died. 62 (50.4%) of the study population were female and 61 (49.6%) were male, and there is no significant association between gender and the outcome of patients (P = 0.159). The total mean age of patients was 68.35±12.41. Statistical analysis has represented a significant relation of death outcomes in CVD patients with age 60 years and older (P = 0.001), in comparison with patients younger than 60 years. In this present study, no significant relation between underlying disease and mortality rate was reported, but in COVID-19 patients with a history of CVD and age upper than 60 years, death outcome was more probable

    Renal aspergillosis after COVID‐19‐associated pulmonary aspergillosis: A case report

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    Key Clinical Message Renal aspergillosis is a rare condition and this case the first case of Renal aspergillosis reported after COVID‐19‐associated pulmonary aspergillosis. Renal symptoms should arise clinical suspicion to renal involvement that happened as a result of hematogenous spreading of pulmonary aspergillosis. Abstract Secondary fungal infections are among the most significant complications that can arise after COVID‐19 and have the potential to lead to a high rate of morbidity and mortality. As COVID‐19 primarily involves the airway, the majority of fungal infections reported have been related to the respiratory system. However, renal aspergillosis that we have reported is a rare condition that also can occur. A 67‐year‐old man was referred to our hospital and admitted as a COVID‐19 patient. After the initial recovery, he experienced a recurrence of fever accompanied by a productive cough. The histopathological studies were conducted on the sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage samples, which revealed the presence of Aspergillus flavus. We treated the patient with voriconazole and the patient was discharged after a period of time. However, after approximately 6 months, he returned to the hospital with a fever and abdominal pain. We started a fever workup. Two new hypoechoic abscess‐like masses were spotted in the right kidney in the ultrasonography (U/S) and the direct molecular studies of the biopsy sample obtained under U/S guidance identified Aspergillus flavus. Although renal aspergillosis is a rare condition, it should not be overlooked, especially in patients with severe COVID‐19 and pulmonary aspergillosis, as these conditions can lead to renal aspergillosis, which may present with symptoms such as abdominal pain with fever. Therefore, it is necessary to perform radiological and histopathological studies when renal aspergillosis is suspected

    Diabetes as one of the long-term COVID-19 complications: from the potential reason of more diabetic patients’ susceptibility to COVID-19 to the possible caution of future global diabetes tsunami

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    According to recent researches, people with diabetes mellitus (type 1 and 2) have a higher incidence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is caused by a SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this regard, COVID-19 may make diabetic patients more sensitive to hyperglycemia by modifying the immunological and inflammatory responses and increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS) predisposing the patients to severe COVID-19 and potentially lethal results. Actually, in addition to COVID-19, diabetic patients have been demonstrated to have abnormally high levels of inflammatory cytokines, increased virus entrance, and decreased immune response. On the other hand, during the severe stage of COVID-19, the SARS-CoV-2-infected patients have lymphopenia and inflammatory cytokine storms that cause damage to several body organs such as β cells of the pancreas which may make them as future diabetic candidates. In this line, the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) pathway, which is activated by a number of mediators, plays a substantial part in cytokine storms through various pathways. In this pathway, some polymorphisms also make the individuals more competent to diabetes via infection with SARS-CoV-2. On the other hand, during hospitalization of SARS-CoV-2-infected patients, the use of some drugs may unintentionally lead to diabetes in the future via increasing inflammation and stress oxidative. Thus, in this review, we will first explain why diabetic patients are more susceptible to COVID-19. Second, we will warn about a future global diabetes tsunami via the SARS-CoV-2 as one of its long-term complications