49 research outputs found

    Low temperature magnetism of KAgF3

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    KAgF3_3 is a quasi one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet hosting a series of intriguing structural and magnetic transitions. Here we use powder neutron diffraction, μ\muSR spectroscopy, and Density Functional Theory calculations to elucidate the low temperature magnetic phases. Below TN1=29T_{N1}=29K we find that the material orders as an A-type antiferromagnet with an ordered moment of 0.47μB\mu_{\rm B}. Both neutrons and muons provide evidence for an intermediate phase at temperatures TN1<T<TN2T_{N1}<T<T_{N2} with TN266T_{N2}\approx 66 K from a previous magnetometry study. However, the evidence is at the limit of detection and its nature remains an open problem.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Supplementary information is included in a separate fil

    Low-temperature magnetism of KAgF3

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    KAgF3 is a quasi-one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet hosting a series of intriguing structural and magnetic transitions. Here we use powder neutron diffraction, μSR spectroscopy, and density functional theory calculations to elucidate the low-temperature magnetic phases. Below TN1 = 29 K we find that the material orders as an A-type antiferromagnet with an ordered moment of 0.52 μ B . Both neutrons and muons provide evidence for an intermediate phase at temperatures TN1 < T < TN2 with TN2 ≈ 66 K from a previous magnetometry study. However, the evidence is at the limit of detection and its nature remains an open problem

    Epidemiology and Treatment Guidelines of Negative Symptoms in Schizo-phrenia in Central and Eastern Europe: A Literature Review

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    AIM: To gather and review data describing the epidemiology of schizophrenia and clinical guidelines for schizophrenia therapy in seven Central and Eastern European countries, with a focus on negative symptoms. Methods : A literature search was conducted which included publications from 1995 to 2012 that were indexed in key databases. Results : Reports of mean annual incidence of schizophrenia varied greatly, from 0.04 to 0.58 per 1,000 population. Lifetime prevalence varied from 0.4% to 1.4%. One study reported that at least one negative symptom was present in 57.6% of patients with schizophrenia and in 50-90% of individuals experiencing their first episode of schizophrenia. Primary negative symptoms were observed in 10-30% of patients. Mortality in patients with schizophrenia was greater than in the general population, with a standardized mortality ratio of 2.58-4.30. Reasons for higher risk of mortality in the schizophrenia population included increased suicide risk, effect of schizophrenia on lifestyle and environment, and presence of comorbidities. Clinical guidelines overall supported the use of second-generation antipsychotics in managing negative symptoms of schizophrenia, although improved therapeutic approaches are needed. Conclusion : Schizophrenia is one of the most common mental illnesses and poses a considerable burden on patients and healthcare resources alike. Negative symptoms are present in many patients and there is an unmet need to improve treatment offerings for negative symptoms beyond the use of second-generation antipsychotics and overall patient outcomes

    Prognozowanie uszkodzeń statków powietrznych dla celów obsługi konserwacyjnej na podstawie ich parametrów oraz danych z eksploatacji

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    Aircraft maintenance and repair organizations (MROs) have to be competitive and attractive for both existing and new customers. The aircraft ground time at MROs should be as short as possible and cost effective without reducing the quality of the work. Process optimization in MROs requires the continuous improvement of processes and the elimination of non-value-added activities during maintenance checks. There is, on the one hand, an obligation to follow the prescribed procedures and, on the other hand, pressure for time and cost reduction. The aircraft servicing process has been analysed according to a lean methodology. The optimization of logistics processes is recognized as the most promising method for reducing the maintenance service time and costs of spare parts. The probability of aircraft faults is calculated on the basis of historic data from previously completed service projects. Aircraft parameters, such as aircraft type, operator, aircraft age, flight hours, flight cycles, engine type and operation location, are taken into consideration in the fault forecasting. The fault probability is used as an indicator for defining a priority list for the accomplishment of jobs included in the aircraft maintenance service. The proposed methodology was validated and confirmed on four different projects.Organizacje zajmujące się konserwacją i naprawami statków powietrznych (MRO) muszą dbać o swoją konkurencyjność i atrakcyjność zarówno dla istniejących jak i nowych klientów. Czas trwania obsługi naziemnej w MRO powinien być jak najkrótszy a konserwacja powinna pociągać za sobą jak najmniejsze koszty, bez konieczności obniżania jakości pracy. Optymalizacja procesów przeprowadzanych w MRO wymaga ciągłego doskonalenia oraz eliminacji nieuzasadnionych czynności przeglądowych. Z jednej strony pracownicy MRO muszą przestrzegać określonych procedur, z drugiej zaś strony, ciąży na nich presja redukcji czasu i kosztów obsługi. Proces obsługi statku powietrznego analizowano zgodnie z metodologią szczupłego utrzymania ruchu. Optymalizację procesów logistycznych uznaje się za najbardziej obiecujący sposób redukcji czasu obsługi serwisowej oraz kosztów części zamiennych. Prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia uszkodzeń statku powietrznego obliczano na podstawie danych historycznych z uprzednio przeprowadzonych prac obsługowych. W prognozowaniu uszkodzeń, uwzględniano takie parametry statku powietrznego, jak typ statku, jego operator, wiek, liczba godzin w powietrzu, liczba cykli lotów, typ silnika oraz miejsce stacjonowania. Prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia uszkodzeń wykorzystano jako wskaźnik do hierarchizacji zadań obsługi technicznej statku powietrznego. Przydatność proponowanej metodologii zweryfikowano i potwierdzono na przykładzie czterech różnych projektów

    Changeability and agility enablers in one-of-a-kind product development and design processes

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    The smart factories that are already beginning to appear employ a completely new approach to product creation. Smart products are uniquely identifiable and know both their current status and alternative routes to achieving their target state. Smart factories allow individual customer requirements to be met, meaning that even one-off items can be manufactured profitably. In smart industry, dynamic business and engineering processes enable last-minute changes to design and production, delivering the ability to respond flexibly to disruptions and failures on behalf of suppliers. This paper presents a case study of product development and design process renovation according to changeability paradigm in one-of-a-kind industrial environment. It demonstrates how integration of changeability with agile design strategies crucially contribute to improve the operations of a highly individualized product development business. Successful management of ‘never-ending’ engineering changes appears to be the most important aspect in this field. Contribution of the presented work is a generalized framework that demonstrates how companies in such specific environments can improve competitiveness through the utilization of changeability concepts. The included case study validated the proposed changeability model and offers valuable insights into how to implement this in practice

    Timing System Solution for MedAustron; Real-time Event and Data Distribution Network

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    MedAustron is an ion beam research and therapy centre under construction in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The facility features a synchrotron particle accelerator for light ions. The timing system for this class of accelerators has been developed in close collaboration between MedAustron and Cosylab. Mitigating economical and technological risks, we have chosen a proven, widely used Micro Research Finland (MRF) timing equipment and redesigned its FPGA firmware, extending its high-logic services above transport layer, as required by machine specifics. We obtained a generic real-time broadcast network for coordinating actions of a compact, pulse-to-pulse modulation based particle accelerator. High-level services include support for virtual accelerators and a rich selection of event response mechanisms. The system uses a combination of a real-time link for downstream events and a non-real-time link for upstream messaging and non time-critical communication. It comes with National Instruments LabVIEW-based software support, ready to be integrated into PXIe based front-end controllers. This article explains the high level logic services provided by the real-time link, describes the non-real-time interfaces and presents the software configuration mechanisms

    Fault diagnosis of a vacuum cleaner motor by means of sound analysis

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    Achieving high quality standards and 100% defect-free deliverables is becoming a trend among manufacturers of household appliances. In that respect, thorough and reliable end-tests represent an important step towards this goal. This paper deals with the design of end-test procedures for vacuum cleaner motors based on sound analysis. It is well known that sound carries important information about the condition of contact surfaces in rotating parts. The paper aims first to provide a thorough analysis of sound sources within the motor. Second, by using simple yet effective signal processing tools, it is shown that with sound analysis alone it is possible to clearly distinguish fault-free motors from those with mechanical faults. Moreover, the proposed algorithm exhibits a certain isolation capability, i.e., it is able to distinguish three clusters of faults. Finally, a summary of experimental results obtained on a sample of 75 motors is provided