547 research outputs found

    From SMEs networks towards collaborative management

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    The main problem of small companies in a global market is to be recognized by potential customers and provide them the products at a competitive price. Their small size, in terms of design and production capacity, puts them in crisis (about 30% of small Italian enterprises have disappeared or have been greatly reduced, since 2007). Hence micro and small enterprises are forced to come together in a "enterprises network", to conclude a "network contract" and to evaluate the advantages to be collaborative members of a network. This paper discusses the problem of analyzing the types of Small Mid Enterprises (SMEs) networks that have been be established in some European countries, the evolution in time of their organization, and the contractual arrangements to establish them. A discussion of some performance indicators will show how a collaborative management can improve the SME networks strength, thus giving them a competitive advantage

    Investigating defensive functioning and alexithymia in substance use disorder patients

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    Background: Substance Use Disorder (SUD) causes a great deal of personal suffering for patients. Recent evidence highlights how defenses and emotion regulation may play a crucial part in the onset and development of this disorder. The aim of this study was to investigate potential differences in the defensive functioning between SUD patients and non-clinical controls. Secondly, we aimed at investigating the relationships between alexithymia and maladaptive/assimilation defenses. Methods: The authors assessed defensive functioning (Response Evaluation Measure-71, REM-71), personality (MMPI-II), and alexithymia (TAS-20) of 171 SUD patients (17% female; mean age = 36.5), compared to 155 controls. Authors performed a series of ANOVAs to investigate the defensive array in SUD patients compared to that of nonclinical controls. Student t test for indipendent samples was used to compare clinical characteristics between the SUD group and the controls. To investigate the role of single defenses in explaining alexithimia’s subscores, stepwise multiple regression analysis were carried out on socio-demographic characteristics of participants (gender, age, and years of education), with REM-71 defenses as predictors. Results: SUD patients presented a more maladaptive/assimilation (Factor 1) defensive array (p < .001). Among SUD sub-groups, Alcohol Use Disorder patients showed more disfuncional defenses. Factor 1 defenses were related to a worse psychological functioning. In addition, alexyhimia (particularly DIF) was strongly related to Factor 1 defenses, expecially Projection (38% of variance explained, β = .270, p < .001). Conclusion: The REM-71 and the TAS-20 might be useful screening instruments among SUD patients

    Oligodendroglioma cells lack glutamine synthetase and are auxotrophic for glutamine, but do not depend on glutamine anaplerosis for growth

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    In cells derived from several types of cancer, a transcriptional program drives high consumption of glutamine (Gln), which is used for anaplerosis, leading to a metabolic addiction for the amino acid. Low or absent expression of Glutamine Synthetase (GS), the only enzyme that catalyzes de novo Gln synthesis, has been considered a marker of Gln-addicted cancers. In this study, two human cell lines derived from brain tumors with oligodendroglioma features, HOG and Hs683, have been shown to be GS-negative. Viability of both lines depends from extracellular Gln with EC of 0.175 ± 0.056 mM (Hs683) and 0.086 ± 0.043 mM (HOG), thus suggesting that small amounts of extracellular Gln are sufficient for OD cell growth. Gln starvation does not significantly affect the cell content of anaplerotic substrates, which, consistently, are not able to rescue cell growth, but causes hindrance of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and protein synthesis attenuation, which is mitigated by transient GS expression. Gln transport inhibitors cause partial depletion of intracellular Gln and cell growth inhibition, but do not lower cell viability. Therefore, GS-negative human oligodendroglioma cells are Gln-auxotrophic but do not use the amino acid for anaplerosis and, hence, are not Gln addicted, exhibiting only limited Gln requirements for survival and growth

    Acute occlusion of descending thoracic aorta

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    Acute aortic occlusion is a rare but potentially devastating clinical event, which requires a prompt diagnosis and emergency treatment. Only 5 cases of native thoracic aorta acute occlusion have so far been reported with different pathologic causes. The clinical features depend on the level of occlusion. Sometimes the diagnosis could be misinterpreted as a stroke or other diseases of the central nervous system. This could lead to a delay in the diagnosis and revascularization procedure, followed by a morbidity or mortality increase. Open surgery has been considered the first-line approach. This study is of a female patient suffering from acute descending thoracic aorta occlusion undergoing, for the first time to our knowledge, endovascular surgical treatment

    Structural distinctions of Fe2O3-In2O3 composites obtained by various sol-gel procedures, and their gas-sensing features

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    New and various approaches to the sol–gel synthesis of advanced gas-sensing materials based on nanosized Fe2O3–In2O3 (9:1 mol) mixed oxides, which differ in phase composition and grain size, have been considered in this paper. The correlation between the structural features of the composites and their gas-sensing behavior has been established. It was found that multi-phase Fe2O3–In2O3 composites containing metastable -Fe2O3 structure are characterized by the greatest sensitivity to both reducing (C2H5OH) and oxidizing (NO2) gases tested in this paper. The influence of synthesis conditions on the structural peculiarities of the Fe2O3–In2O3 composites was studied in detail and the possibility to adjust fine structure of the materials was demonstrated

    The desire of parenthood. Correlation between co-parental interactions and the romantic relationship quality among Italian same-sex couples.

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    In several longitudinal studies, co-parental interactions have been formerly observed during the pregnancy, demonstrating how these interactive dynamics can predict the quality of family interactions with the presence of the baby. Cooperation between the parents during the first year after childbirth is the most predictive factor of the best future adjustment of the baby during the school age and social and affective development.In the last years, research focused on such interactive dynamics recognisable during the process of transition to parenthood; nevertheless, these studies pointed out features regarding a particular type of family defined as \u201ctraditional\u201d, formed by a mother, a father and their biological children. Thanks to the development of the medicine concerning the medical assisted procreation, nowadays parenthood is accessible by gay and lesbian couples as well; gay and lesbian parenting is becoming a reality increasingly relevant also in Italy. Couple satisfaction, co-parental interactions and intuitive parental competences have been evaluated among a sample formed by 45 stable heterosexual, gay and lesbian couples without a child that want to become parents in the future. We used the systemic approach by the prenatal Lausanne Trilogue Play, a semi-naturalistic role-play: this tool involves in a cooperative task the two \u201cparents\u201d and a doll, which represents the child-to-be. Couple satisfaction has been evaluated with the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS Spanier, 1976). Preliminary data suggest that there are no differences between the three groups regarding co-parental intuitive competences and that a higher cohesion between the couple involves a better cooperation between the partners

    Late Evaluation of Silent Cerebral Ischemia Detected by Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging after Filter-Protected Carotid Artery Stenting

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Postoperative diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) often discloses new lesions after carotid artery stent placement (CAS), most of them asymptomatic. Our aim was to investigate the fate of these silent ischemic lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We prospectively studied 110 patients undergoing protected transfemoral CAS, 98 of whom underwent DWI before and after the intervention. Patients in whom DWI disclosed silent postoperative lesions also had delayed MR imaging. Preoperative, postoperative, and delayed scans were compared. RESULTS: Of the 92 patients without postoperative symptoms, DWI disclosed 33 new silent ischemic lesions in 14 patients (15.2%), 13 of whom (30 lesions) underwent delayed MR imaging after a mean follow-up of 6.2 months. In 8 of these 13 patients (61%), MR imaging disclosed 12 persistent lesions (12/30, 40%). The reversibility rate depended significantly on the location (cortical versus subcortical) and size (0–5 versus 5–10 mm) of the lesions ( P χ 2 test). CONCLUSIONS: Because many silent ischemic lesions seen on postoperative DWI after CAS reverse within months, the extent of permanent CAS-related cerebral damage may be overestimated

    La genitorialità reclusa: essere padri in carcere

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    Essere padri detenuti rientra nella categoria di genitorialità a rischio, in quanto la condizione di detenzione fa venire meno alcuni presupposti fondamentali dell’esercizio della funzione genitoriale. Il genitore dovrebbe riuscire trasmettere al bambino fiducia nelle sue capacità di crescita perché il bambino si nutre di questo e non di tutte le cose che gli possono essere date materialmente (Bouregba, 2004)1. Per i detenuti, la famiglia, molto spesso, costituisce la più importante fonte di speranza, benessere e legame con l’esterno (Magaletta, Herbst, 2001)2. Ma l'ingresso in carcere interrompe ed altera la natura bidirezionale e reciproca dello scambio comunicativo e interattivo genitore-figlio. Un padre detenuto non può esercitare nella contiguità fisica, spaziale e temporale il ruolo di genitore. Va inoltre considerato che stereotipi e pregiudizi possono contribuire a creare una rappresentazione culturalmente condivisa del detenuto come soggetto incapace di essere un buon genitore, e ciò potrebbe determinare, nei soggetti in questione, un vissuto di fallimento e di inadeguatezza rispetto alla percezione di sé come padre e al proprio ruolo (Cassibba, Luchinovich, Montatore, Godelli, 2008)3. Inoltre l’assenza di modelli di riferimento adeguati, le condizioni iniziali di svantaggio, la povertà degli strumenti cognitivi, comunicativi e relazionali disponibili, uniti all’esperienza di un contesto restrittivo quale il carcere, rendono difficile la costruzione e il mantenimento di un legame fra padre-figlio adeguato alle esigenze di sviluppo del minore e stabile nel tempo (Cassibba et al, op cit, 2008). Sulla base di tale impostazione teorico-concettuale, l'obiettivo del presente contributo è quello di presentare i dati preliminari di una ricerca che ha visto la collaborazione tra l'Università di Bari e di Modena e Reggio Emilia, coinvolgendo nel contempo le amministrazioni penitenziarie delle due rispettive regioni, con lo scopo di indagare l'auto-percezione del ruolo paterno in padri in stato detentivo, esplorando nel contempo la relazione tra tale forma di auto-percezione e lo stile di attaccamento dei partecipanti alla ricerca. Dal punto di vista metodologico, per la misurazione delle variabili in oggetto sono stati utilizzati l'Attachment Style Questionnaire- ASQ (Feeney, Noller e Hanrahan, 1994) e il questionario sull'Auto-percezione del Ruolo Paterno (Harter, 1982)

    Deterministic and fuzzy-based methods to evaluate community resilience

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    Community resilience is becoming a growing concern for authorities and decision makers. This paper introduces two indicator-based methods to evaluate the resilience of communities based on the PEOPLES framework. PEOPLES is a multi-layered framework that defines community resilience using seven dimensions. Each of the dimensions is described through a set of resilience indicators collected from literature and they are linked to a measure allowing the analytical computation of the indicator’s performance. The first method proposed in this paper requires data on previous disasters as an input and returns as output a performance function for each indicator and a performance function for the whole community. The second method exploits a knowledge-based fuzzy modeling for its implementation. This method allows a quantitative evaluation of the PEOPLES indicators using descriptive knowledge rather than deterministic data including the uncertainty involved in the analysis. The output of the fuzzy-based method is a resilience index for each indicator as well as a resilience index for the community. The paper also introduces an open source online tool in which the first method is implemented. A case study illustrating the application of the first method and the usage of the tool is also provided in the paper

    How to combine CTA, 99mTc-WBC SPECT/CT, and [18F]FDG PET/CT in patients with suspected abdominal vascular endograft infections?

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    Purpose - We aimed at comparing Tc-99m-HMPAO white blood cells (Tc-99m-WBC) scintigraphy, 18fluorine-fluorodeoxyglucose ([F-18]FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and CT angiography (CTA) in patients with suspected abdominal vascular graft or endograft infection (VGEI). Moreover, we attempted to define a new visual score for interpreting [F-18]FDG PET/CT scans aiming at increasing its specificity. Methods - We prospectively compared Tc-99m-WBC SPECT/CT, [F-18]FDG PET/CT, and CTA in 26 patients with suspected abdominal VGEI. WBC scans were performed and interpreted according to EANM recommendations. [F-18]FDG PET/CT studies were assessed with both qualitative (Sah's scale and new visual score) and semi-quantitative analyses. CTA images were interpreted according to MAGIC criteria. Microbiology, histopathology or a clinical follow-up of at least 24 months were used to achieve final diagnosis. Results - Eleven out of 26 patients were infected. [F-18]FDG PET/CT showed 100% sensitivity and NPV, with both scoring systems, thus representing an efficient tool to rule out the infection. The use of a more detailed scoring system provided statistically higher specificity compared to the previous Sah's scale (p = 0.049). Tc-99m-WBC SPECT/CT provided statistically higher specificity and PPV than [F-18]FDG PET/CT, regardless the interpretation criteria used and it can be, therefore, used in early post-surgical phases or to confirm or rule out a PET/CT finding. Conclusions - After CTA, patients with suspected late VGEI should perform a [F-18]FDG PET/CT given its high sensitivity and NPV. However, given its lower specificity, positive results should be confirmed with Tc-99m-WBC scintigraphy. The use of a more detailed scoring system reduces the number of Tc-99m-WBC scans needed after [F-18]FDG PET/CT. Nevertheless, in suspected infections within 4 months from surgery, Tc-99m-WBC SPECT/CT should be performed as second exam, due to its high accuracy in differentiating sterile inflammation from infection
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