3 research outputs found

    Kompetensi Kepribadian Guru Prespektif KH Hasyim Asy’ari Dalam Kitab Adabul Alim Wal Muta’allim

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the personality competence of KH Hasyim Asy'ari's perspective teacher and its relevance to current education. The teacher's personal competence is the main requirement for carrying out his duties as an educator. Competence must be owned by the teacher because the teacher will meet various kinds of student characters, the teacher's task is to improve the character and morals of students. The method used in this study is a qualitative type of library (library research), namely the type of research that refers to the treasures of literature such as books, articles and e-journals. The results showed that personality competencies according to KH Hasyim Asy'ari were: straightening intentions (intent to seek Allah's blessing), motivators, loving students, making it easier for students to understand lessons, enthusiastic when teaching and mastering various teaching methods, evaluation, mentorship, behaving the same to all students, monitoring the behavior of students, the teacher behaves well towards students, the teacher provides assistance to students, the teacher pays attention to the presence of students, is humble before students, and speaks kind words to students. Besides that, there is also harmony between the adabul alim wa wal muta'alim book and Permendiknas no 14 of 2005 concerning teacher personality. The elucidation of Article 10 paragraph (1) teacher's personal competence includes: solid personality, noble, wise and authoritative as well as being a role model for students

    Advances in 6C seismology: Applications of combined translational and rotational motion measurements in global and exploration seismology

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    Over the past few decades, the potential of collocated measurements of 6C data (3C of translational and 3C of rotational motion) has been demonstrated in global seismology using high-sensitivity, observatory-based ring laser technology. Proposed applications of 6C seismology range from tomographic reconstruction of near-receiver structure to the reduction of nonuniqueness in seismic source inverse problems. Applications to exploration problems have so far been hampered by the lack of appropriate sensors, but several applications have been proposed and demonstrated with array-derived rotational motion estimates. With the recent availability of, for example, fiber-optic-based high-sensitivity rotational motion sensors, widespread applications of 6C techniques to exploration problems are in sight. Potential applications are based on, for example, the fact that the extended set of combined translational and rotational motion observations enables carrying out array-type processing with single-station recordings such as wavefield separation and surface-wave suppression. Furthermore, measuring the rotational component (curl) of the seismic wavefield enables direct isolation of the S-wave constituents and could significantly improve S-wave exploration. Rotational measurements provide estimates of the spatial wavefield gradient at the free surface that allow carrying out analyses such as local slowness estimation and wavefield reconstruction. Furthermore, rotational motion measurements can help to resolve wavefield infidelity introduced by seismic instruments that are not well-coupled to the ground