284 research outputs found

    Analisis Ketepatan Prediksi Metode Altman terhadap Terjadinya Likuidasi pada Lembaga Perbankan [ Kasus Likuidasi Perbankan di Indonesia ]

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    Penelitian ini mencoba mengangkat kasus likuidasi perbankan yang terjadi di Indonesia untuk dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Altman. Metode Altman ini merupakan sebuah metode yang digunakan dalam memprediksi terjadinya kebangkrutan pada sebuah Perusahaan yang terdiri dari beberapa rasio keuangan yaitu, Working Capital to Total Assets, retained earning to Total Assets, earning before interest and tax to Total Assets, market value equity to bookvalue of debt dan rasio sales to Total Assets. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka fenomena baru yang ingin dibuktikan dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah metode Altman tersebut dapat diimplementasikan dalam memprediksi kemungkinan terjadinya likuidasi pada sebuah lembaga perbankan dan dapatkah rata-rata rasio keuangan sebelum terjadi likuidasi digunakan untuk memprediksi kemungkinan terjadinya likuidasi pada bank-bank tersebut.Dari hasil analisis data terhadap dua kelompok sampel penelitian, yaitu 25 sampel bank terlikuidasi dan 25 sampel bank yang tidak terlikuidasi terlihat bahwa nilai Z-score dari kedua kelompok sampel bank tersebut menunjukkan perbedaan yang cukup signifikan. Nilai Z-score bank-bank terlikuidasi sangat jauh berbeda bila dibandingkan dengan nilai Z-score dari bank-bank yang tidak terlikuidasi. Rasio-rasio keuangan yang terdapat dalam metode Altman menunjukkan bahwa rasio-rasio keuangan kelompok bank-bank yang terlikuidasi jauh lebih kecil dari pada rasio-rasio keuangan kelompok bank-bank yang tidak terlikuidasi. Dari hasil ini kemudian dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode Altman juga dapat diterapkan dalam memprediksi kemungkinan terjadinya likuidasi pada lembaga perbankan. Penelitian ini tidak hanya memperkuat teori yang ditemukan oleh Altman, tetapi sekaligus memberikan perluasan konsep dalam hal ruang lingkup penggunaan dari teori Altman tersebut. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa antara satu kelompok industri dengan kelompok industri yang lainnya mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda, sehingga sebuah metode analisis belum tentu dapat diterapkan pada semua kelompok industri tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini telah membuktikan bahwa Metode Altman juga dapat diimplementasikan pada industri perbankan untuk memprediksi terjadinya likuidasi pada bank tersebu

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Berkarakter Peduli Lingkungan Tema ā€œKonservasiā€ Berpendekatan Science-edutainment

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran IPA terpadu berkarakter peduli lingkungan pada tema konservasi dengan pendekatan science-edutainment. Metode yang dipakai untuk mencapai tujuan yaitu melalui penelitian pengembangan (Development Research) yang diarahkan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran IPA terpadu berkarakter peduli lingkungan tema konservasi bagi siswa SMP, yang berupa puzzle, crossword maupun squareword berbasis TIK. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar IPA terpadu tema konservasi mengalami peningkatan. Secara keseluruhan peningkatan (gain) hasil belajar sebesar 0,85 yang artinya peningkatannya dengan kriteria tinggi. Rata-rata total skor indikator karakter peduli lingkungan adalah 93,75 yaitu telah menunjukkan kriteria membudaya (MK) dikalangan siswa. The aim of this research is to develop a character integrated science learning media on the theme of conservation with science edutainment approach. The method used to achieve the goal of development through Research and Development (R and D) is directed to develop media integrated science learning environment characterized by caring conservation theme for junior high school students, in the form of puzzles, crossword and ICT-based squareword. The results of this study indicate that the integrated science learning outcomes increased conservation theme. Overall of the improvement (gain) learning outcomes of 0.85, means increase with height criteria. The average total score of the indicator is 93.75 environmentally conscious characters that have shown entrenched criteria (MK) among students

    Potensi Pengembangan Tanaman Kedelai di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

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    Produksi kedelai perlu ditingkatkan karena produksi nasional barumampu memenuhi 3540% dari kebutuhan dalam negeri. Salah satuupaya untuk meningkatkan produksi kedelai adalah mengembangkankedelai pada perkebunan kelapa sawit. Luas perkebunan kelapasawit terus meningkat dari 4,15 juta ha pada tahun 2000 menjadi8,04 juta ha dan pada tahun 2010, terutama di Sumatera danKalimantan. Perkebunan kelapa sawit umumnya terdapat di lahankering dan lahan kering masam dengan tanah podsolik. Introduksibudi daya kedelai di perkebunan kelapa sawit perlu memperhitungkankesesuaian varietas kedelai dengan tingkat naungan tajuk kelapasawit, serta peningkatan kesuburan tanah melalui ameliorasi dengankapur (dolomit atau kalsit) dan/atau bahan organik dan pemupukanhara N, P, dan K. Teknologi produksi kedelai di lahan kering masampodsolik melalui pendekatan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu(PTT) telah tersedia, meliputi varietas unggul dan teknologi budidaya spesifik lokasi. Penerapan teknologi tersebut dapat meningkatkanproduktivitas kedelai sekitar 2 t/ha. Teknologi PTT kedelaidapat dikembangkan pada area kelapa sawit dengan menggunakanvarietas kedelai toleran naungan seperti Wilis

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) Kabupaten Pemalang Pada Periode 2006-2010

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    This study was conducted to explain the results of the evaluation of Human Development Index (HDI) in Pemalang. Human Development Index is one measure of UNDP to determine the progress of development in an area especially of human development. The indicators for measuring the Human Development Index is the life expectancy index, education index and the income index. In Pemalang, the achievement that gained was 69.89% in 2010 with a ranking of 34 from all district / city in Central Java. When compared with Pekalongan District in ranking 23 and Tegal District in ranking 8, Pemalang very far behind. So the question is why the Human Development Index in Pemalang low? What the programs of increasing the Human Development Index was according to the target? Human Resources was available? Was the amount of budget also supporting?In order to explain the evaluation of Human Development Index in Pemalang, then used the evaluation method and descriptive analysis with using a quantitative approach. Where the source data obtained from secondary data sources. The coverage of analysis through a qualitative approach that aimed to relevant agencies namely Education, Health, Labor and Transmigration, Bappeda, public hospital, Economy, Doctors, Midwives and School principal.The results showed that when viewed from criteria of the Dunn evaluation, improvement programs of Human Development Index has been fairly good. Although in terms of funds allocated is also still an obstacle due to the increasing needs of the community. The low rankingof Pemalang also not free from the causes therein, the awareness factor of the community in accessing services from the government and the lack of investment development in Pemalang district. Moreover, with substantial funds in education sector reached 58%, medical of 13% and purchasing power of 7%. It showed that Pemalang District was seriously in the increase of Human Development Index. Although ranking that obtained still ranking of 34 but each year the percentage of Human Development Index showed an increasing of 67.4% in 2006 to 69.89% in 2010. This is also evidenced by the superiority of several indicators with Tegal district in education and health sector.Recommendations for this study are to develop an active standby village, improving healthcare, optimizing procurement scholarship, Packet, infrastructure and economic development, increasing local investment, and all that

    Design of Science Mobile Learning of Eclipse Phenomena with Conservation Insight Android-based App Inventor 2

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    Learning application is a medium that can be used to convey the content of the material involving mobile devices such as mobile phones based on Android. Learning Phenomens of Eclipse is android-based multimedia application that is created as a supplementof science instructional material in concepts of eclipses that can be accessed using a mobile device such as mobile phone. The methodology used to make this application is waterfall methodology. The purpose of making the application is the conception of conservation and science mobile learning is expected to help the students in particular and scientific community in general to get the ease of learning the concept of solar and lunar eclipses using a smartphone device without having to print using paper (paperless). The application also comes with interactive features of images, videos and quizzes. The conclusion is that mobile learning science applications of eclipse phenomenon in conception of conservation is developed and feasible to be used to study the concept of eclipse and support theefforts to reduce the use of paper (paperless)

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Desa Tangguh Bencana Di Kabupaten Kendal Tahun 2016

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    Disaster tough village is of village that have own capability to adapted and facing disaster potential threat, and healing soon from disaster impact. Board of Disaster Manajemen District of Kendal (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Kabupaten Kendal or BPBD) its a branch of government that have responbility to countermeasures the disaster. I of to decrease disaster risk, BPBD Kendal district there have step before disaster with continue to doing program disaster tough village with society involve to the man actor. In 2016 Kendal district that have 3 disaster tough village in diference of kind disaster.This research used metodic of descriptive qualitative used collective data teknik through interview, observation, and document. The informan in this research is people that knowen well about this field aplication program development.This research, researcher using theory of Thomas Dye ā€œevalution of policy its a objective, investigation, systematic and empiris to policy and public program target from the purposeā€. On the basic from this theory, the implementation disaster tough village program in Kendal district thats couldn\u27t doing well, because limited facility and there\u27s no good kaderisasion program of volunter, and lack of awareness from young generation, there\u27s no budgeting to operasional and there\u27s no facility to on decrease risk disaster effort, and also theres no participation yet from branch of government in Kendal district to decrease risk disaster effort in Kendal district.Based on reseacrh result, we can the conclusion that the implementation program disaster tough village in Kendal district 2016 still have the of stacles to get purpose. To the next time development disaster tough village program can increase quality and quantity, increase the amount of volunteers, and also have facility support budgeting well

    Pengaruh Preheat terhadap Sifat Mekanis Sambungan Metal Inert Gas (MIG) pada Baja Karbon Rendah

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    The objective of this research is to find out the effect of preheat on mechanical properties of the metal inert gas welding (MIG) on low carbon steel. The welding method uses a MIG welding on a low carbon steel strip plate specimen, in the V angle of 60Ā°, using ER70S-6 electrode wire and CO2 for protection, the variable of this research is a preheat temperature of 100 oC, 200 oC, 300 oC and non-preheat. The test results showed that the highest Vickers hardness value is owned by the preheat 200 oC temperature with Vickers hardness value of 206.674 kg/mm2, the tensile test specimens with preheat 200 oC temperature variations have the greatest tensile strength is the average of 54.87 Kgf/mm2, the value of the highest impact energy on preheat 100 oC of 98.399 Joules
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