7 research outputs found


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    Abstrak-Kantor Walikota Palopo merupakan salah satu wadah dari pemerintah Kota Palopo dalam mendukung pelayanan terhadap masyarakat. Namun, kondisi Kantor Walikota Palopo saat ini sebagai pusat aktifitas pemerintahan kota sudah tidak layak pakai. Redesain Kantor Walikota Palopo merupakan upaya  untuk merancang ulang bentuk dan tampilan bangunan yang mencerminkan suatu lambang pusat pemerintahan yang representatif. Bangunan kantor yang memadai, diharapkan dapatmenciptakan sebuah sistem atau mekanisme kerja instansi pemerintah kota yang terintegritas dan menyeluruh, mewujudkan pola layanan masyarakat yang efektif dan efisien, mengembangkan dan meningkatkan pembangunan fisik, ekonomi maupun social. Dalam meredesain Kantor Walikota Palopo, dibutuhkan sebuah konsep dasar rancangan yang lebih baik dan tidak merusak lingkungan serta sesuai dengan konsep kearifan Arsitektur Lokal masyarakat setempat. Kata Kunci :Arsitektur Lokal, Kantor Walikota Palopo, Redesai


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    Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare, angkatan XXV Kelompok 4 Tahun 2023 di lokasi kampus II UM Parepare, melaksanakan salah satu Tri Dharma Pergurun Tinggi yang menjadi keharusan bagi Mahasiswa yang ingin menyelesaikan studinya yang berlokasi di Kampus UM Parepare. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pemahaman tentang sanitasi lingkungan di kampus UM Parepare, serta pelatihan membuat produk UMKM. Progran kerja dilakukan berorintasi pada kebersihan lingkungan kampus, pengolahan sampah menjadi produk yang bernilai ekonomis. Hasil pengabdian memberikan gambaran meningkatnya pengetahuan warga kampus dalam hal ini mahasiswa, staf dan dosen di lingkup UM Parepare tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan dengan cara menjaga kebersihan kampus melalui kegiatan pembersihan kampus, mushallah, toilet, serta pengolahan sampah yakni pembuatan komposter serta pembuatan produk yang bernilai ekonomi

    Permodelan Pengekangan Kolom Pada Beton Mutu Normal Dengan Metode Elemen Hingga 3-D: Column Restructuring Model in Normal Quality Concrete with 3-D Finite Element Method

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    The column is a critical element in the building structure, the failure of the column will directly result in the collapse of other related structural components. The column must have strength, stability and ductility. In increasing the capacity and ductility of the column by providing confinement, to protect concrete elements from breaking due to the influence of the working pressure. Analyzing ultimate axial load capability, stress-strain distribution patterns and crack patterns in concrete elements and column ductility. Tests of several models and variations of the restraint distance in short columns of normal concrete quality with longitudinal reinforcement of steel steels and carbon steel transversal reinforcement. The columns were analyzed using the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method with the help of a full scale ANSYS 3-D application, with material properties for concrete using SOLID65 and steel reinforcement using LINK8 and SOLID45 loading plates. The type of pedestal used is the joints with axial loading (axial loadstep) centric direction. The effect of the restraint model and the variation of the restraint distance to the value of the column ultimate axial load for the whole model is relatively small with a ratio of 1.079, while for the ratio of the axial deformation ratio of 1.496. The pattern of stress and strain distribution when yielding spreads throughout the column area but when it reaches the ultimate distribution the concentration is concentrated in the support area. The first dominant crack occurs in the pedestal area and generally occurs in the concrete blanket layer, in the ultimate condition cracks have occurred evenly throughout the column area. The ratio of the ratio of ductility values ​​for all column models and the restraint distance is relatively large with a ratio value of 1.52


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    Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Beton mutu tinggi merupakan sesuatu yang saat ini masih asing dalam pelaksanaan, konstruksi di Indonesia, tetapi dengan kemajuan teknologi yang memudahkan pembuatannya, dapat diharapkan pemakaiannya dalam waktu mendatang. Artikel ini membahas transformasi diagram tegangan-regangan beton mutu tinggi menjadi segi empat ekivalen seperti biasa digunakan untuk beton mutu biasa

    The application of backpropagation neural network method to estimate the sediment loads

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    Nearly all formulations of conventional sediment load estimation method were developed based on a review of laboratory data or data field. This approach is generally limited by local so it is only suitable for a particular river typology. From previous studies, the amount of sediment load tends to be non-linear with respect to the hydraulic parameters and parameter that accompanies sediment. The dominant parameter is turbulence, whereas turbulence flow velocity vector direction of x, y and z. They were affected by water bodies in 3D morphology of the cross section of the vertical and horizontal. This study is conducted to address the non-linear nature of the hydraulic parameter data and sediment parameter against sediment load data by applying the artificial neural network (ANN) method. The method used is the backpropagation neural network (BPNN) schema. This scheme used for projecting the sediment load from the hydraulic parameter data and sediment parameters that used in the conventional estimation of sediment load. The results showed that the BPNN model performs reasonably well on the conventional calculation, indicated by the stability of correlation coefficient (R) and the mean square error (MSE)

    The application of backpropagation neural network method to estimate the sediment loads

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    Nearly all formulations of conventional sediment load estimation method were developed based on a review of laboratory data or data field. This approach is generally limited by local so it is only suitable for a particular river typology. From previous studies, the amount of sediment load tends to be non-linear with respect to the hydraulic parameters and parameter that accompanies sediment. The dominant parameter is turbulence, whereas turbulence flow velocity vector direction of x, y and z. They were affected by water bodies in 3D morphology of the cross section of the vertical and horizontal. This study is conducted to address the non-linear nature of the hydraulic parameter data and sediment parameter against sediment load data by applying the artificial neural network (ANN) method. The method used is the backpropagation neural network (BPNN) schema. This scheme used for projecting the sediment load from the hydraulic parameter data and sediment parameters that used in the conventional estimation of sediment load. The results showed that the BPNN model performs reasonably well on the conventional calculation, indicated by the stability of correlation coefficient (R) and the mean square error (MSE)