18 research outputs found

    Effects of pot fishing on the physical condition of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) and southern Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi)

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    The effects of commercial fishing with crab pots on the physical condition of the snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) and southern Tanner crab (C. bairdi) were investigated in the Bering Sea and in Russian waters of the Sea of Okhotsk. In crabs that were subjected to pot hauling, the presence of gas embolism and the deformation of gill lamellae were found in histopathological investigations. Crab vitality, which was characterized subjectively through observation of behavioral responses, depended on not only the number of pot hauls but also the time between hauls. Immediately after repeated pot hauls at short time intervals (≤3 days), we observed a rapid decline in vitality of crabs. When hauling intervals were increased to >3 days, the condition of crabs did not significantly change. After repeated pot hauls, concentration of the respiratory pigment hemocyanin ([Hc]) was often lower in the hemolymph of crabs than in the hemolymph of freshly caught animals. Our research indicated that changes in [Hc] in crabs after repeated pot hauls were caused by the effects of decompression and not by starvation of crabs in pots or exposure of crabs to air. We suggest that the decrease in [Hc] in hemolymph of snow and southern Tanner crabs was a response to the adverse effects of decompression and air-bubble disease. The decrease in [Hc] in affected crabs may be a result of mechanisms that regulate internal pressure in damaged gills to optimize respiratory circulation

    Phylogenetic Relationships, Pathogenic Traits, and Wood-Destroying Properties of Porodaedalea niemelaei M. Fischer Isolated in the Northern Forest Limit of Larix gmelinii Open Woodlands in the Permafrost Area

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    The phytopathogenic and wood destroying traits were studied in a basidiomycete fungus, Porodaedalea niemelaei M. Fischer, widespread in Siberian permafrost woodlands of Gmelinii larch, Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. Numerous stands of dying out and fallen larch trees with white-rot („corrosion rot“) were found in the study area. Butt rot incidence varied from 63 to 100 % depending on the stand age and raised up to 0.5-1.5 m above root collar on average or up to 9 m maximum. Root rot was also widespread, including larch undergrowth. The biodiversity of xylotrophic fungi was low, with a pronounced dominance of P. niemelaei. The main factors of dying out of L. gmelinii were infection by P. niemelaei promoted by mechanical damage of roots by reindeers during migration and climate anomalies. The cultures isolated from the fruiting bodies were identified as Porodaedalea niemelaei M. Fischer based on the combination of morphological, culture, and molecular genetic methods. Under laboratory conditions, the strains were characterized as psychrotolerant (temperature limit from 6 to 22 °C) and preferred cultural media based mostly on natural and plant substrates. The most active biodegradation occurred on the broadleaf wood substrates causing up to 50 % of the biomass loss accompanied by active decomposing of the lignocellulosic complex and increasing the amount of water-soluble substances. The phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that P. niemelaei is clearly different from other well-studied Porodaedalea species, such as P. chrysoloma, P. pini, and P. cancriformans, and is very close to a group of unclassified fungi isolated in Norway and Finland. The phylogenetic analysis included 43 isolates and was based on four genetic markers – ITS, nLSU, rpb2, and tef1, commonly used in fungal phylogenetic

    Optimization of the extraction process of

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    The paper presents the results of optimizing the process of extraction of the bark of Pinus sylvestris L. Scotch pine. The input parameters were the duration of the process and the concentration of the monoethanolamine solution. The experimental data were processed using the STATGRAPHICS® Centurion software package. It has been established that the maximum extraction of extractive substances occurs when the duration of the extraction process is 5 hours with a concentration of monoethanolamine of 5%

    Bark of Siberian Conifers: Composition, Use, and Processing to Extract Tannin

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    The rational use of natural resources, including the creation of new and improvement of existing technologies in order to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment, is currently an important task. This review covers different methods of softwood bark processing. Bark is used for the production of heat-insulating plates, and also as filler in adhesives and composites. In agriculture, it is used as a mulch. Softwood bark is a valuable raw material for chemical processing. Extractive substances of the bark are of particular interest. Among them, phenolic compounds are very important, in particular of tannin nature, which are used as tanning agents in leather production. Bark is used for the isolation of substances with antibacterial activity for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications. Aqueous-alkaline solutions, in particular monoethanolamine, are used as an extracting agent. Currently, tannins have been applied into many different fields, including medicine, food, beverage, the manufacture of ink and adhesives, the dye and tanning industry, plastic resins, water purification, and surface coatings. Tanning extracts obtained as a result of extraction are refined by ultrafiltration. The obtained extracts are of high purity. The extraction residue, the so-called tan, is a promising raw material for obtaining a cellulosic product. In addition to the chemical conversion of tan, biotechnological processing is an alternative option. In the process of tan biodegradation by the microscopic Trichoderma fungus, a biological product trichodermin is obtained, which is used to protect plants from phytopathogens

    Bioconversion of Fallen Leaves of the Poplars Filamentous Fungi of the Genus Trichoderma

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    Изучено влияние грибов рода Trichodermа на биоконверсию опавших листьев тополя и состав полученных биопродуктов. Установлено, что в процессе микробиологической конверсии субстрата мицелиальными грибами получается препарат типа «Триходермин» и гуминовые вещества. Использование опавших листьев тополя в качестве сырья для биоконверсии позволяет решить проблему утилизации растительных отходовThe paper shows the possibility of using the fallen leaves of poplar for cultivating mushrooms of the genus Trichodermа. It is established that the litter is available as a substrate for growth of filamentous fungi. In the process of microbiological conversion is possible to type the drug “Trichodermin” and humic substances. Using the fallen leaves of the poplar as raw materials for bioconversion allows to solve the problem of disposal of vegetable waste

    Conversion of Waste Processing of the Vegetative Part of the Poplar by Indigenous Strains of Fungi of the Genus Trichoderma

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    Приведены результаты исследования воздействия ферментного комплекса штаммов М99-9 и К6-15 микроскопических грибов рода Trichoderma на смешанный субстрат. Установлено, что в результате этого воздействия в субстрате снижается содержание экстрактивных веществ в 2,1-2,4 раза, полисахаридов – 1,5-1,8 раза и лигниновых веществ – 1,2-1,4 раза. При этом отмечено накопление до 9-12 % гуминовых веществ. Убыль массы субстрата в процессе культивирования штамма М99-9 составила 17,3 %, а К6-15 – на 30 % меньше. Наиболее продуктивным на данном субстрате является штамм К6-15. Продуктивность этого штамма за две недели культивирования составила 16,6·108 КОЕ/г, а штамма М99-9 – 11,5·108 КОЕ/г. Высокий выход спор и образование гуминовых веществ в процессе культивирования дают основания использовать вегетативную часть тополя в качестве сырья для получения биопрепарата для сельского хозяйстваThe article presents the results of a study of the impact of the enzyme complex strains M99-9 and K6-15 micro-peach fungi of the genus Trichoderma on a mixed substrate. It is established that in the process of biodegradation with strains K6-15 M99-9 in the substrate reduced content of extractives 2.1-2.4 times that of the polysaccharide is 1.5-1.8 times, and ligninase substances 1.2-1.4 times. This was an accumulation of up to 9-12% of humic substances. The decrease in the mass of the substrate during the cultivation of the strain M99-9 was 17.3%, and the strain K6 – 15-30% less. The most productive on this substrate is strain K6-15. The growth of conidia within two weeks of cultivation for strain K6-15 was 16.6·108 CFU/g and strain M99-9 – 11,5·108 CFU/g. High yield of spores and formation of humic substances during cultivation of fungi of the genus Trichoderma makes it possible to use the vegetative part of a poplar as raw materials for receiving a biological product “Trichodermin” or humification of the soi

    Bioconversion of Fallen Leaves of the Poplars Filamentous Fungi of the Genus Trichoderma

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    Изучено влияние грибов рода Trichodermа на биоконверсию опавших листьев тополя и состав полученных биопродуктов. Установлено, что в процессе микробиологической конверсии субстрата мицелиальными грибами получается препарат типа «Триходермин» и гуминовые вещества. Использование опавших листьев тополя в качестве сырья для биоконверсии позволяет решить проблему утилизации растительных отходовThe paper shows the possibility of using the fallen leaves of poplar for cultivating mushrooms of the genus Trichodermа. It is established that the litter is available as a substrate for growth of filamentous fungi. In the process of microbiological conversion is possible to type the drug “Trichodermin” and humic substances. Using the fallen leaves of the poplar as raw materials for bioconversion allows to solve the problem of disposal of vegetable waste

    Physiological and Pathological Remodeling of Cerebral Microvessels

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    There is growing evidence that the remodeling of cerebral microvessels plays an important role in plastic changes in the brain associated with development, experience, learning, and memory consolidation. At the same time, abnormal neoangiogenesis, and deregulated regulation of microvascular regression, or pruning, could contribute to the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental diseases, stroke, and neurodegeneration. Aberrant remodeling of microvesselsis associated with blood–brain barrier breakdown, development of neuroinflammation, inadequate microcirculation in active brain regions, and leads to the dysfunction of the neurovascular unit and progressive neurological deficits. In this review, we summarize current data on the mechanisms of blood vessel regression and pruning in brain plasticity and in Alzheimer’s-type neurodegeneration. We discuss some novel approaches to modulating cerebral remodeling and preventing degeneration-coupled aberrant microvascular activity in chronic neurodegeneration

    Modification of All-Union Unified Method for Determination the Content of Tanning Substances in Extracts of Bark of Conifers

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    Кожевенно-технологические свойства растительных дубителей определяются по показателю доброкачественности. В качестве стандартного метода для определения доброкачественности дубильных материалов принят всесоюзный единый метод, в основу которого положено свойство таннидов адсорбироваться гольевым порошком. Поскольку производство гольевого порошка прекращено, вопрос о его замене остается открытым. В данной статье сравниваются результаты ряда методов, с помощью которых возможно определять доброкачественность дубителей. Показана возможность замены гольевого порошка на коллаген при определении таннидов всесоюзным единым методом в нашей модификацииTechnological properties of plant tanning extracts are defined in terms of their quality. Standard method for determining the quality of tanning materials adopted by the all-Union unified method is based on the property of leather powder to adsorb tannins. Since the production of leather a powder was terminated it is necessary to find the alternative method. Different methods of determination of tanning matter quality were compared. The possibility to use the collagen instead of leather powder for evaluation of quality of tannins was shown experimentall

    Destruction of Oil by Immobilizovannoy Mikrofl oroy

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    В модельных экспериментах показана эффективность использования иммобилизованой нефтеокисляющей микрофлоры при концентрации загрязнителя в почве 5 и 15 % (об). В качестве иммобилизующего агента использован полимерный сорбент типа «Унисорб». С использованием метода хромато-масс-спектрометрии установлено изменение компонентного состава нефти в процессе биоремедиации. Показано, что за девять недель экспонирования при 5 % (об) содержании загрязнителя в почве утилизация нефти составила 95 %, а при 15 % (об) – 86 %. Это свидетельствует о высокой эффективности предлагаемого способа деструкции нефти с применением иммобилизованной микрофлоры – сорбента «Унисорб-Био». Полученные результаты позволяют рекомендовать его для борьбы с нефтяными загрязнениями и создавать резервные запасы на случай возникновения аварийных ситуацийIn model experiments shows the effi ciency immobilized oil-degrading bacteria when the concentration of contaminant in soil 5 and 15 % (vol). As immobilizing agent used, the polymer sorbent of the type “Unisorb”. Using the method of chromato – mass – spectrometry we have determined the changes of the component composition of oil in the process of bioremediation. It is shown that for the nine weeks of exposure at 5 % (about) of the contaminant in the soil disposal of oil was 95 %, while 15 % (about) – 86 %. What testifi es to high effi ciency of the proposed method of destruction of oil using immobilized microfl ora – sorbent “Unisorb-Bio”. The obtained results allow to recommend it for combating oil and create backup reserves in case of emergencie