28 research outputs found

    Современное состояние и проблемы научных коммуникаций на русском языке на пространстве стран СНГ

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    The results of the study include the consequences of the researchers survey from the CIS countries, that made it possible to identify the prevalence of scientific communications in Russian language in the CIS countries. Russian-language communications in the field of science, which origins are associated with the times of the USSR, provide an opportunity for the development of integration between countries. As a result of the study, the authors made conclusions on the degree of use of the Russian language in the field of science in various CIS countries, including for publishing articles, preparing dissertations, holding conferences, and informal communication. As a result of the survey and the authors’ analytical work, key problems associated with scientific communications in Russian in the CIS space were identified, and measures for their solution were proposed.Los resultados del estudio incluyen los resultados de una encuesta de investigadores de los países de la CEI, que permitió identificar la prevalencia de las comunicaciones científicas en ruso en los países de la CEI. Las comunicaciones en idioma ruso en el campo de la ciencia, cuyos orígenes se asocian con los tiempos de la URSS, brindan una oportunidad para el desarrollo de la integración entre países. Como resultado del estudio, se sacaron conclusiones sobre el grado de uso del idioma ruso en el campo de la ciencia en varios países de la CEI, incluso para publicar artículos, preparar disertaciones, celebrar conferencias y comunicarse de manera informal. Como resultado de la encuesta y del trabajo analítico de los autores, se identificaron los problemas clave asociados con las comunicaciones científicas en ruso en el espacio de la CEI y se propusieron medidas para su solución.Os resultados do estudo incluem os resultados de uma pesquisa com pesquisadores dos países da CEI, que permitiu identificar a prevalência de comunicações científicas em russo nos países da CEI. As comunicações em língua russa no campo da ciência, cujas origens estão associadas aos tempos da URSS, proporcionam uma oportunidade para o desenvolvimento da integração entre os países. Como resultado do estudo, foram tiradas conclusões sobre o grau de uso da língua russa no campo da ciência em vários países da CEI, incluindo a publicação de artigos, a preparação de dissertações, a realização de conferências e a comunicação informal. Como resultado da pesquisa e do trabalho analítico dos autores, foram identificados os principais problemas associados às comunicações científicas em russo no espaço da CEI, e foram propostas medidas para sua solução.Результаты исследования включают результаты опроса исследователей из стран СНГ, который позволил выявить уровень распространенности научных коммуникаций на русском языке в странах-участниках СНГ. Русскоязычные коммуникации в сфере науки, истоки распространения которых связаны с временами существования СССР, обеспечивают возможность развития интеграции между странами. В результате исследования сделаны выводы о степени использования русского языка в сфере науки в различных странах СНГ, в том числе для публикаций статей, подготовки диссертаций, проведения конференций, неформального общения. В результате опроса и аналитической работы авторов были выделены ключевые проблемы, связанные с научными коммуникациями на русском языке на пространстве СНГ, и предложены мероприятия для их решения

    Современные подходы к оценке массовых открытых онлайн-курсов и их реализация на примере курсов для изучения русского языка

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    Los autores sistematizaron los enfoques modernos para evaluar los cursos en línea públicos masivos basados en Fuentes oficiales y publicaciones en la Prensa abierta. Se destacaron los criterios de evaluación más importantes, en virtud de los cuales se estableció su propia técnica de autor. Se ha utilizado para evaluar y clasificar los cursos en línea abiertos masivos en ruso, cuyos resultados se dan en el trabajo.The authors systematized modern approaches to assessing massive open online courses based on official sources and publications in the open press. The most significant evaluation criteria were identified. The own author's methodology was formed based on this criteria. The methodology was used to evaluate and rank the massive open online Russian language courses, which results are in this paper.Авторы систематизировали современные подходы к оценке массовых открытых онлайн-курсов на основании официальных источников и публикаций в открытой печати. Были выделены наиболее значимые критерии оценки, на основании которых была сформирована собственная авторская методика. Она была использована для оценки и ранжирования массовых открытых онлайн курсов по русскому языку, результаты которой приведены в работе

    Оценка результатов реорганизации научных организаций в Российской Федерации

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    The article provides an overview of the study results of the scientific organizations’s reorganization in the Russian Federation, that was made at the federal level, starting in 2013, and was associated with the mergering of a number of research institutes for various reasons. As a result of the study, it was found out that most of the new structures were formed by joining smaller organizations to larger research centers located in territorial proximity and performing work in close scientific fields. In some cases, mergering of scientific organizations was due to the need to ensure an interdisciplinary approach to research.  As a result of the assessment of key performance indicators of scientific organizations before and after the reorganization, it was concluded that at present the positive trends are not fully visible, while in some cases there is an increase in key performance indicators. The authors concluded on the need for additional research, covering the assessment of the quality level of achieved results, as well as the dynamics of indicators within 3-5 years after the restructuring.El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio sobre la reorganización de organizaciones científicas en la Federación de Rusia, que se llevó a cabo a nivel federal, a partir de 2013, y se asoció con la unificación de varios institutos de investigación por diversos motivos. Como resultado del estudio, se encontró que la mayoría de las nuevas estructuras se formaron al unir organizaciones más pequeñas a centros de investigación más grandes ubicados en las proximidades y realizando trabajos en campos científicos cercanos. En algunos casos, la asociación de organizaciones científicas se debió a la necesidad de garantizar un enfoque interdisciplinario de la investigación. Como resultado de la evaluación de los indicadores clave de rendimiento de las organizaciones científicas antes y después de la reorganización, se llegó a la conclusión de que, en la actualidad, las tendencias positivas no son totalmente visibles, mientras que en algunos casos hay un aumento en los indicadores clave de rendimiento. Los autores concluyen sobre la necesidad de investigación adicional, que cubra la evaluación del nivel de calidad de los resultados alcanzados, así como la dinámica de los indicadores dentro de los 3-5 años posteriores a la reestructuración.Статья представляет собой результаты исследования вопросов реорганизации научных организаций в Российской Федерации, которая осуществлялась на федеральном уровне, начиная с 2013 года, и была связана с объединением ряда научно-исследовательских институтов по различным основаниям. В результате исследования было установлено, что большинство новых структур было образовано путем присоединения небольших организаций к более крупным научно-исследовательским центрам, расположенным в территориальной близости и выполняющим работы по близким научным направлениям. В ряде случаев объединении научных организаций было обусловлено необходимостью обеспечения междисциплинарного подхода в исследованиях. В результате оценки ключевых показателей деятельности научных организаций до и после реорганизации были сделаны выводы о том, что на текущий момент не в полной мере заметны положительные тренды, при этом в ряде случаев отмечается рост ключевых оценочных показателей. Авторы делают вывод о необходимости проведения дополнительного исследования, охватывающего оценку качественного уровня достигнутых результатов, а также динамики показателей в течение 3-5 лет после проведения реструктуризации

    Review of studies on the use of synbiotic feed additives in compound feeds

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    The article discusses feed additives with probiotic activity, the composition and methods of their preparation, an assessment of the situation of the use of synbiotic additives in compound feeds. Generalised literature data on the use of synbiotics in animal husbandry and aquaculture are presented, their advantages and disadvantages are revealed. A review of studies on the use of feed with probiotic activity in the diet of animals, birds and fish proves the high effectiveness of their use: there is an increase in survival, a decrease in feed conversion, an improvement in the microbiota and the general condition of the animal. Based on the review, a new substrate for growing bacterial strains based on a grain heap of wheat in the early stages of ripeness is proposed

    Personal and professional development of the individual in the civil service of the Russian Federation

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    The presence of professional highly qualified personnel in the civil service, together with modern information technologies, is possible thanks to the existence of a democratic state governed by the rule of law. The professional activity of civil servants acts as a subsystem within the civil service system. The study of the peculiarities of personal and professional development of the individual in the civil service will contribute to the disclosure of the psychological mechanisms of this process, the resolution of a number of pressing questions about the methods and possibilities of optimizing professional and personal development, which in turn will contribute to improving labour efficiency. To study the features of personal and professional development of the individual in the Russian Federation Civil Service. Survey among civil servants and comparative analysis of the results obtained in all study groups; statistical processing of the results. 120 respondents took part in the study: federal-state civil servants (40 people) and civil servants of other types (80 people). The main problems and features of personal and professional development of the individual in the civil service of the Russian Federation are identified and the main directions of optimization of the studied process are determined. The process of personal and professional development of civil servants, as will be shown in this study, is an overall result of the professional education and additional professional education, including retraining, advanced training, and internships. The main directions of optimization of the studied process are the following: improving scientific, methodological, and organizational support; increasing the motivation for professional activity and career advancement; improving the efficiency of additional professional education; developing a program for personal and professional self-development; introducing additional forms and technologies for improving professional skills of state civil servants

    Study of Changes in the Amino Acid Composition of Spiked Cereals during the Ripening Process

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    Introduction. The amino acid composition of compound feed is of great importance in feeding all kinds of animals. The lack of one or another amino acid limits the assimilation of other amino acids, resulting in excessive compound feed consumption, deterioration of the metabolism in the bodies of animals and increasing of their susceptibility to diseases. The use of grain heaps of wheat in the early ripening stages as feed raw materials is a promising direction for the development of the fodder base that will provide a balanced amino acid composition of compound feed with a lower content of expensive fish meal, which is the main source of protein in compound feeds. Aim of the Article. The article is aimed at determining the optimal ripening stage of spiked cereals, at which a high content of protein and proteinogenic amino acids is observed. The proposed technology and technological tools for early harvesting of spiked cereals will reduce agrotechnical terms of harvesting, reducing losses from shatter losses, and get grain of enhanced nutritive value. Materials and Methods. To study the amino acid composition, 4 samples of a winter wheat grain heap were taken: the winter wheat varieties Admiral and Luchezar, the perennial winter wheat (trititrigia) variety Pamyati Lyubimovoy and the gray wheatgrass variety Sova. Harvesting the wheat of these varieties was carried out by a combing-threshing unit in 5 phenological stages (growth stages are presented on the BBCH scale): 77 – late milk ripeness, 83 – early phase of wax ripeness, 87 – gold wax ripeness, 89 – full ripeness, 92 – overripeness. Results. The results of analyzing amino acid composition of 4 samples of wheat grain heap showed a high content of almost all the amino acids studied in the phase of gold wax ripeness, except of aspartic acid and asparagine, glutamic acid and glutamine, and tryptophan. Discussion and Conclusion. Grain heap of waxy ripeness wheat is a promising grain raw material for the production of compound feeds, which will reduce the amount of expensive components, such as fishmeal

    Detection of IgG against Rickettsia typhi: a population-based study in southern Kazakhstan

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    Uvod. Rickettsia typhi svrstava se u skupinu pjegavih tifusa i uzrokuje endemski tifus. Slučajevi endemskog tifusa i seropozitivnosti na R. typhi zabilježeni su u susjednoj Kini i Rusiji. Međutim, o endemskom tifusu u Kazahstanu se malo zna. Svrha ove studije bila je procijeniti prevalenciju IgG protutijela na R. typhi u populaciji južne regije Kazahstana. Metode. U istraživanje je uključeno ukupno 253 osoba (142 žena, 111 muškaraca) u dobi od 1 do 71 godine. Detekcija serumskih IgG protutijela na R. typhi provedena je imunoenzimskim ELISA testom. Rezultati. Ukupna seropozitivnost na R. typhi iznosila je 34,4%. Najveća seroprevalencija od 91,8% zabilježena je u regiji Turkestan. Najniža seropozitivnost od 6,1% otkrivena je u selu Lepsinsk, regija Almaty. Seroprevalencija se nije značajno razlikovala prema spolu. Seropozitivnost kod odraslih pojedinaca nije bila značajno povezana s dobi, ali pozitivni rezultati nisu otkriveni u dobnoj skupini djece mlađe od 14 godina. Zaključak. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju aktivnu cirkulaciju R. typhij u regijama Turkestan i Almaty u Kazahstanu. Podaci ukazuju na hitnu potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima čiji je cilj procijeniti klinički učinak R. typhi u južnoj regiji Kazahstana.Background. Rickettsia typhi belongs to the typhus group of rickettsiae and causes endemic typhus. Cases of endemic typhus and seropositivity to R. typhi have been reported in the neighbouring China and Russia. However, little is known of the endemic typhus in Kazakhstan. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of IgG antibodies to R. typhi in the population of southern region of Kazakhstan. Methods. A total of 253 individuals (142 women, 111 men) aged from 1 to 71 years were recruited into the study. Detection of serum IgG antibodies against R. typhi was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results. The overall R. typhi seropositivity has reached 34.4%. The highest seroprevalence of 91.8% was recorded in the Turkestan Region. The lowest seropositivity of 6.1% was detected in the village Lepsinsk, Almaty Region. The seroprevalence did not differ significantly between genders. Seropositivity in adult individuals was not significantly associated with age, but positive results were not detected in the age group of children under 14 years. Conclusion. The obtained results confirm active circulation of R. typhi in the Turkestan and Almaty Regions of Kazakhstan. The data indicate an urgent need for further studies aimed to evaluate the clinical impact caused by R. typhi in the southern region of Kazakhstan

    Modelling of Water-Saturated Grounds under a Curved Section of an Oil and Gas Pipeline

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    The paper studies the influence of the oil and gas pipeline on the base of water-saturated soil in terms of external forces effect (from the pipeline). The developed mathematical model of stress-strain state of “the oil and gas pipeline and the grounds” system allows us to identify the maximum load resulting from the impact of a curved section of the pipeline on the base as well as the deformations occurring in the grounds

    Modelling of saturated soil slopes equilibrium with an account of the liquid phase bearing capacity

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    The paper presents an original method of solving the problem of uniformly distributed load action on a two-phase elastic half-plane with the use of a kinematic model. The kinematic model (Maltsev L.E.) of two-phase medium is based on two new hypotheses according to which the stress and strain state of the two-phase body is described by a system of linear elliptic equations. These equations differ from the Lame equations of elasticity theory with two terms in each equation. The terms describe the bearing capacity of the liquid phase or a decrease in stress in the solid phase. The finite element method has been chosen as a solution method