19 research outputs found

    Development of factoring market in Russia

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    The article studies types of factoring used in the Russian Federation. The current state of the market of factoring services in the Russian Federation is analyzed, and main players which occupy leading positions in this market are determined. As a result of the conducted research if modern tendencies which take place in the Russian economy and analysis of the state of factoring market, and with the use of methods of scientific generalization, the tendencies of development of factoring market in Russia are substantiated. The main tendencies are: stagnation or reduction; growth of debtors’ default level; reduction of factoring rates for SME and large business; development of electronic factoring. The authors determined key factors which allow Russian factoring companies to occupy corresponding niche in the sphere of international trade relations. It is determined that at the current stage, the toppriority directions in development of factoring market are: development of E-factoring, deals with small and medium business, and factoring without financing.peer-reviewe

    Distance learning as a phenomenon of modern education: teachers' opinion

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    Today distance learning, is among the most relevant and promising ways of learning which is implemented using the capabilities of modern telecommunication technologies, the main role belongs to the global Internet. Meanwhile, the first experiences of using electronic educational resources in practice took place in the second half of the 20th century in the USA, Great Britain, France, China, determining an important place for distance learning in a number of additional education. The deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in 2020 sharply actualized the issues of using distance learning technologies, which is a factor confirming the relevance of the research.The purpose of the research is to present the point of view of the pedagogical community on the problem of distance learning in modern conditions.The research objectives are to reveal the category of "distance learning" and a number of related concepts ("online learning", "E-learning", "electronic information educational environment"); to present the experience of the universities of the Republic of Adygea in the use of educational resources (online platforms) in the practice of distance learning of higher and secondary educational institutions; to conduct a survey of the opinion of the pedagogical community on distance learning.Material and the research methods. The solution of the tasks set was facilitated by the use of scientific research methods: theoretical ones (analysis of the experience of using distance learning technologies in the practice of educational institutions, comparison, analogy method); empirical ones (survey, observation, description). The information and analytical base was made up of information resources of the Internet network.The research results. Distance learning is learning remotely using current educational technologies (Internet services, online learning platforms, cloud technologies, etc.). The following educational resources (online platforms) are actively used in the distance learning of the universities of the Republic of Adygea: Zoom, Skype, Moodle. A pilot study of the opinions of teachers (teachers of universities and colleges) has made it possible to identify certain problems of online learning, including the likelihood of a decrease in the quality of training of students in a distance format, a number of technical equipment problems, an insufficient level of digital literacy of teachers, etc.Key conclusions: the basis of distance learning is information and communication resources of the Internet; the optimal software resources for organizing online learning are Zoom, Skype, Moodle; promising is the solution to the problem of creating a unified digital educational platform that allows developing unified information standards for distance learning

    Activization of Innovative Activities of Russian Commercial Banks

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    In the article the authors use systemic and historic analysis to determine the significant stages of formation and development of the Russian banking system. The authors study the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia and substantiate its influence on activization of innovative activities of commercial banks which determined the stability and reliability of the whole banking system. Despite the preconditions for activization of innovative processes in the banking sector, there still remains a range of unsolved problems. That’s why the authors allocated the key factors which allow reaching rapid development and allow the Russian banking sector to become competitive in the global banking society. As a result of the conducted study of modern tendencies that take place in the Russia’s economy and analysis of innovative activities of commercial banks and with the help of methods of scientific generalization, the authors substantiate the directions of development of innovative activities of commercial banks. The main of them are: development of electronic banking technologies, increase of quality and accessibility of banking services on the basis of development of modern types of customer service and improvement of security of banking business. It is found that as of now, the top-priority directions of activities of the Bank of Russia are development of national payment system and system of online banking. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s6p20

    Blended learning in the context of digitalization

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    The realities of digitalization require changes in strategies for choosing educational technologies. The modern educational process is not possible without the use of digital technologies. Digital technologies have led to the arising and development of blended learning. However, its effectiveness is determined not only by technology. The human factor receives special attention in this direction. Analysis of the World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends allows us to identify digital competence as a necessary condition for the successful use of digital technologies, and hence blended learning. Learning interactions designing in the process of implementing blended learning requires timely diagnosis of the level of digital competence. A popular tool for this is the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. To clarify the peculiarities of its use was made an analysis of the experimental implementation results of blended learning in the industrial training in sewing for intended masters. During the research, it was revealed that the most important digital competence areas for the variable learning establishment in the training of future professionals are Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration and Problem solving. In addition, competence for area Problem solving conduce to increase the level of competence for all other areas. The level of digital competence of the subjects mainly coincide to the characteristics of basic and secondary levels. The obtained data clarified the reasons for the difficulties, decrease motivation and cognitive activity that occur among students using distance courses-resources learning designed for blended learning. Thus, the use of the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens at the initial stage of implementing blended learning can make a rational choice of strategies for combining face-to-face and distance learning technologies