13 research outputs found

    Scientific and Technological Mapping in Essential Oils Therapists in Dentistry

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    Essential oils play a very important role in terms of both applicability and economics, and their use in dentistry brings natural alternatives to diseases with a worldwide scope. Science needs incentives to generate knowledge and when used in technology, it benefits society. The aim of this study was to assess the balance between scientific and technological research. It is an exploratory and descriptive research of essential oils in dentistry, in two international databases, Scopus and Espacenet. It was possible to extract quantitative data from scientific documents produced by affiliated entities in each country, profile of scientific production with support from funding entities, countries that most published scientific documents, international classification of patent applications and number of published patents

    University-industry cooperation network in academic and technological productivity

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    Knowing the gear of the triple-helix is fundamental to analyze the impact of public policies in the scenario of a country, especially when the variables linked to innovation refer to the chronological production of the facts. In this perspective, an analysis was assembled from intentional samples per regions of Brazil linked to the engineering areas, identifying indices that could demonstrate this evolutionary line, highlighting mainly in their numbers, the quantitative of patents of engineering deposited with and without the relation university-enterprise partnership (EU), with state mapping of the federation, public and private investments in P&D, patents with their respective classifications and scientific production of Engineering indexed to Scopus .It was concluded that from the years of 2005 with the Innovation Law there was a boost in these indices making It possible to understand that the numbers of articles began to scale a greater use for the production of patents, with emphasis on the South and Southeast universities of the country, although It is still a number that needs greater expressiveness for the country's future.São Cristóvão, S