349 research outputs found

    Wavefunctions and Yukawa Couplings on Resolutions of T2/ZNT^2/\mathbb{Z}_N Orbifolds

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    We propose matter wavefunctions on resolutions of T2/ZNT^2/\mathbb{Z}_N singularities with constant magnetic fluxes. In the blow-down limit, the obtained wavefunctions of chiral zero-modes result in those on the magnetized T2/ZNT^2/\mathbb{Z}_N orbifold models, but the wavefunctions of ZN\mathbb{Z}_N-invariant zero-modes receive the blow-up effects around fixed points of T2/ZNT^2/\mathbb{Z}_N orbifolds. Such blow-up effects change the selection rules and Yukawa couplings among the chiral zero-modes as well as the modular symmetry, in contrast to those on the magnetized T2/ZNT^2/\mathbb{Z}_N orbifold models.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, v2: published versio

    Modular flavor symmetries of three-generation modes on magnetized toroidal orbifolds

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    We study the modular symmetry on magnetized toroidal orbifolds with Scherk-Schwarz phases. In particular, we investigate finite modular flavor groups for three-generation modes on magnetized orbifolds. The three-generation modes can be the three-dimensional irreducible representations of covering groups and central extended groups of ΓN\Gamma_N for N=3,4,5,7,8,16N=3,4,5,7,8,16, that is, covering groups of Δ(6(N/2)2)\Delta(6(N/2)^2) for N=N= even and central extensions of PSL(2,ZN)PSL(2,\mathbb{Z}_{N}) for N=N=odd with Scherk-Schwarz phases. We also study anomaly behaviors.Comment: 34 page

    Texture zeros of quark mass matrices at fixed point τ=ω\tau=\omega in modular flavor symmetry

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    We study systematically derivation of the specific texture zeros, that is the nearest neighbor interaction (NNI) form of the quark mass matrices at the fixed point τ=ω\tau=\omega in modular flavor symmetric models. We present models that the NNI forms of the quark mass matrices are simply realized at the fixed point τ=ω\tau=\omega in the A4A_4 modular flavor symmetry by taking account multi-Higgs fields. Such texture zero structure originates from the STST charge of the residual symmetry Z3Z_3 of SL(2,Z)SL(2,Z). The NNI form can be realized at the fixed point τ=ω\tau = \omega in A4A_4 and S4S_4 modular flavor models with two pairs of Higgs fields when we assign properly modular weights to Yukawa couplings and A4A_4 and S4S_4 representations to three generations of quarks. We need four pairs of Higgs fields to realize the NNI form in A5A_5 modular flavor models.Comment: 37 page

    Quark hierarchical structures in modular symmetric flavor models at level 6

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    We study modular symmetric quark flavor models without fine-tuning. Mass matrices are written in terms of modular forms, and modular forms in the vicinity of the modular fixed points become hierarchical depending on their residual charges. Thus modular symmetric flavor models in the vicinity of the modular fixed points have a possibility to describe mass hierarchies without fine-tuning. Since describing quark hierarchies without fine-tuning requires ZnZ_n residual symmetry with n6n\geq 6, we focus on Γ6\Gamma_6 modular symmetry in the vicinity of the cusp τ=i\tau=i\infty where Z6Z_6 residual symmetry remains. We use only modular forms belonging to singlet representations of Γ6\Gamma_6 to make our analysis simple. Consequently, viable quark flavor models are obtained without fine-tuning.Comment: 29 page