7 research outputs found

    The Negative Impact of the Cruising Industry on the Environment

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    Tourism and travel make a vital contribution to the global economy and are considered particularly important for developing countries. The cruise industry, as part of the tourist offer, created in the beginning by demand from North America, had a dynamic growth for over nearly 40 years. Many studies show that today there is still an increased demand for a form of vacation spent on a cruise ship. For this reason, new cruise destinations are increasingly being developed and cruise ships are getting bigger, which has an increasing impact on the environment. The paper explores the causes and consequences of dynamic cruise industry growth on environment. The aim of the research is to identify the challenges facing the cruising industry when it comes to environmental impact. The research was conducted on the basis of available secondary data sources


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    Primjenom kružnog gospodarstva mijenjaju se poslovni modeli, navike i način razmiÅ”ljanja te se novim dizajnom i izradom proizvoda produžuje njegov životni vijek. Cilj rada je analiziranje uspjeÅ”nosti koriÅ”tenja modela kružne ekonomije putem pokazatelja kružnog gospodarstva u zemljama Europske unije, te davanje pregleda postojećih mjera i mogućnosti koje gospodarstvima stoje na raspolaganju putem kojih se može jednostavnije uvesti ovaj koncept u gospodarstvo. Hipoteze koje se ispituju u radu su sljedeće: H1ā€“ Postoji međuodnos između aktivnosti recikliranja i ekonomskog rasta; H2 ā€“ Investicije, zaposlenost i dodana vrijednost u domeni kružnog gospodarstva povezane su s ekonomskim rastom. Hipoteze su se ispitale uz pomoć ekonometrijskog modela koristeći podatke Eurostata za sve zemlje EU (EU 28) u razdoblju 2008-2016. U radu se koristila korelacijska i regresijska analiza. Kod korelacijske analize koriÅ”ten je Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije, a kod regresijske analize univarijatni OLS kod kojeg je nezavisna varijabla bila postotak reciklaže, a zavisna varijabla logaritmirani BDP. Rezultati istraživanja kazuju da zemlje koje imaju veći BDP, odnosno, koje su ekonomski razvijenije, imaju i bolje pokazatelje koriÅ”tenja kružnog gospodarstva.By applying a circular economy business models, habits and ways of thinking change and the new design and production of a product extends its lifespan. The aim of the paper is to analyze the success of using the circular economy model through the indicators of the circular economy in the EU countries and to provide an overview of existing measures and opportunities available to economies by which this concept can be more easily introduced into the economy. The hypotheses tested in the paper are as follows: H1ā€“ There is a relationship between recycling activities and economic growth; H2ā€“ Investment, employment and added value in the circular economy are linked to economic growth. The hypotheses were tested using an econometric model using Eurostat data for all EU countries (EU 28) in the period 2008-2016. The paper used correlation and regression analysis. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used in the correlation analysis, and the univariate OLS was used in the regression analysis, where the independent variable was recycling percentage and the dependent variable was logarithmic GDP. The results show that countries that have higher GDP, or in other words more economically developed ones, also have better indicators of circular economy use


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    Klimatske promjene predstavljaju jedinstveni izazov cjelokupnoj ljudskoj civilizaciji i utječu na sve aspekte ljudskog života, pa tako i na turizam. Zemlja je u ovom trenutku toplija za 0.7 Ā°C u odnosu na 1900. godinu, a ako se sve emisije stopiraju danas, Zemlja će se u idućem desetljeću zagrijati za daljnjih 0.5 ā€“ 1 ĀŗC. Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća sve se viÅ”e pažnje pridaje promjenama vezanim uz klimu. Istraživanja pokazuju da najveći utjecaj na te promjene ima ispuÅ”tanje ugljikova dioksida u atmosferu, koji zbog svojih svojstava pojačava učinak staklenika na Zemlji. Turistička industrija, kao jedna od gospodarskih aktivnosti, zauzima velik udio u cjelokupnim emisijama CO2 koje nastaju ljudskom aktivnoŔću, a najveći utjecaj na to imaju promet, smjeÅ”taj i ostale aktivnosti. Isto kao Å”to turizam ima utjecaj na klimatske promjene, tako i klimatske promjene imaju utjecaj na turizam. U radu je koriÅ”tena regresijska analiza s ciljem utvrđivanja učinka nezavisne varijable (temperatura zraka) na zavisnu varijablu (noćenja gostiju). Osnovni cilj istraživanja je ispitati utjecaj temperature na broj noćenja u odabranim gradovima Republike Hrvatske te utvrditi hoće li se buduće planirano povećanje temperature negativno odraziti na turistička ostvarenja u promatranim područjima. Na temelju provedene analize može se zaključiti kako klimatske promjene, iskazane pomoću temperature zraka, zaista utječu na turizam, i to pozitivno. No, potrebno je naglasiti da postoji ograničenje u smislu optimalne temperature, odnosno, kada ona prijeđe tu granicu, broj turista će se (ako se ne poduzmu određene mjere prilagodbe turističkog sektora) početi smanjivati.Climate change represents a unique challenge to the entire human civilization and affects all aspects of human life, including tourism. At this point of time, the Earth is warmer by 0.7 Ā°C than in the 1900ā€™s. Various studies show that these changes are mostly affected by the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which due to its properties, enhances the greenhouse effect on Earth. The tourism industry, as one of major economic activities, generates a large share in the total human CO2 emissions, mostly by traffic, accommodation and other activities. Just as tourism has an impact on climate change, climate change has an impact on tourism. In this paper, regression analysis is used to determine the effect of an independent variable (air temperature) on a dependent variable (number of tourist overnight stays). The main objective of the study is to examine the effect of temperature on the number of overnight stays in the selected cities of the Republic of Croatia and to determine whether future increase in temperature will have negative effects on tourism in the observed areas. Based on the conducted analysis, it can be concluded that climate change, expressed by air temperature, does affect tourism, but in a positive way. However, it is necessary to emphasize that there are limitations in terms of optimal temperature, i.e. if temperature exceeds that limit, and no specific tourism sector adjustment measures are taken, the number of tourists will begin to decrease

    Kemijske komponente kvalitete zrna sh2 genotipova kukuruza Å”ećerca (Zea mays L. saccharata Sturt.) u ovisnosti o roku berbe

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    Kernel water (KW) and total soluble sugars (TSS) are major components of sweet corn taste, while total carotenoids (TC), total phenols (TP) and antioxidant activity (AA) contribute to its health benefits. Main objective was to determine the effect of genotype, harvest date and year on chemical components of kernel quality in shrunken (sh2) sweet corn. Nine sh2 genotypes were harvested at 3-day intervals from 20 to 32 days after pollination (DAP) over two years. Growing season significantly affected TC and TP only. Significant differences among genotypes were found for KW (75.3 - 77.4%), TTS (282.4 - 343.2 mg/g), TC (9.3 - 15.7 Āµg/g), TP (243.6 - 289.4 mg GEA/100 g) and AA (74.6 - 83.6 % inhibition). Effect of harvest date and genotype by harvest date interaction was significant for all traits. Compared to the 20 DAP, KW and TSS decreased, while TC, TP and AA tended to increase with later harvest dates. Based on KW, genotypes OS 5Esh and Overland extended harvest window up to 29 DAP. In contrast, optimum harvest window for genotype OS 244sh finished at 20 DAP. Extended harvest window for genotype Overland resulted in significant increase of TC (62.8%), TP (12.1%) and AA (12.4%).Voda u zrnu (KW) i ukupni topivi Å”ećeri (TSS) su glavne komponente okusa kukuruza Å”ećerca, dok ukupni karotenoidi (TC), ukupni fenoli (TP) i antioksidacijska aktivnost (AA) doprinose njegovim zdravstvenim benefitima. Glavni cilj bio je utvrditi utjecaj genotipa, rokova berbe i godine na kemijske komponenete kvalitete zrna shrunken (sh2) kukuruza Å”ećerca. Devet sh2 genotipova brano je u trodnevnim intervalima od 20. do 32. dana nakon oplodnje (DAP) kroz dvije godine. Vegetacijska sezona značajno je utjecala samo na TC i TP. Utvrđene su značajne razlike između genotipova za KW (75.3 - 77.4%), TTS (282.4 - 343.2 mg/g), TC (9.3 - 15.7 Āµg/g), TP (243.6 - 289.4 mg GEA/100 g) i AA (74.6 - 83.6% inhibicije). Utjecaj roka berbe i interakcije genotipa s rokom berbe, bio je značajan za sva svojstva. U odnosu na 20. DAP, KW i TSS su se smanjili, dok su TC, TP i AA imali tendenciju porasta u kasnijim rokovima berbe. Na osnovu KW, genotipovi OS 5Esh i Overland su produžili rokove berbe do 29. DAP. Nasuprot tome, optimalni rok berbe za genotip OS 244sh zavrÅ”io je na 20. DAP. Produženi period berbe za genotip Overland rezultirao je značajnim povećanjem TC (62.8%), TP (12.1%) i AA (12.4%)

    BraŔno - Kruh '15

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    Proceedings contains 28 original research articles presented at 8th International Congress Flour ā€“ Bread ā€™15 and 10th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists BraÅ”no ā€“ Kruh ā€™1

    Effect of Harvest Date on Kernel Quality and Antioxidant Activity in <i>su1</i> Sweet Corn Genotypes

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    In order to achieve a high-quality product, sweet corn should be harvested at the optimal stage of maturity. The taste of sweet corn depends largely on the kernel moisture (KM) and total sugars (TS) content while its health properties are attributed to the content of total phenols (TPH) and antioxidant activity (AO). This study aimed to estimate quality in sugary (su1) sweet corn hybrids based on the maximum content of kernel chemical compounds and the content change during maturation. During two growing seasons, five harvests by year were made at 2-day intervals from 17 to 25 days after pollination (DAP). KM decreased among hybrids from 6.6% to 14% over an eight-day period, or 0.8% to 1.8% per day. TS content was the highest at 17 DAP (16.5ā€“28.7 mg/g DW) and decreased during maturation from 27% to 67%. Hybrids differed significantly in TPH at 17 DAP (204.4ā€“357.1 mg GAE/100 g DW). TPH change during maturation ranged from the no significant differences up to a 29.3% decrease. DPPH- radical scavenging activity ranged among genotypes from 52.5% to 74.9% inhibition at 17 DAP and significantly increased during maturation. A well-defined hybrid-specific harvest window is necessary to maintain kernel quality in su1 sweet corn