7 research outputs found

    Resonance Raman study of reduced cytochromes.

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    <p>The RRS spectra of the studied cytochromes in the reduced state: WT—wild type; M1—T78N/K79Y/M80I/I81M/F82N, M2—T78S/K79P, M3—I81Y/A83Y/G84N. For clearer presentation, the spectra are shifted in vertical position. X axis is a frequency shift, cm<sup>-1</sup> and Y axis is RRS intensity, a.u.</p

    The informational structure of horse cytochrome <i>c</i> and its mutant forms: Result of the analyzis of the amino acid sequence using the ANIS method.

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    <p>(A) The hierarchically organized highest rank ELIS (continuous lines) and the fragments of the bipartite graph that cannot be revealed using the ANIS method (dashed line). X axis is the size of the smoothing interval a/2 [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0178280#pone.0178280.ref021" target="_blank">21</a>], Y axis is the number N of amino acid in the primary structure of horse cytochrome <i>c</i>; (B), (C), (D) The hierarchically organized highest rank ELIS in mutant forms T78S/K79P, I81Y/A83Y/G84N, T78N/K79Y/M80I/I81M/F82N, respectively; (E) The spatial structure of horse cytochrome <i>c</i> (1HRC.PDB). The highest rank ELIS in the spatial structure of cytochrome c are shown. His18 and Met 80 residues coordinated to the Fe atom are indicated. The ADD- site (P76-A83) with the abnormally low density of first rank ELIS is shown by the arrows.</p

    SERS study of oxidized cytochromes.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> The SERS spectra of the studied cytochromes in the oxidized state: WT—wild type; M1—T78N/K79Y/M80I/I81M/F82N, M2—T78S/K79P, M3—I81Y/A83Y/G84N. For clearer presentation, the spectra are shifted in vertical position. Numbers above peaks indicate positions of their maxima used in the analysis. X axis is a frequency shift, cm<sup>-1</sup>; Y axis is SERS intensity, a.u. (B) Structural formula of heme <i>c</i> with numeration of C atoms.</p