2 research outputs found

    Forage nutritive value and predicted fiber digestibility of Kernza intermediate wheatgrass in monoculture and in mixture with red clover during the first production year

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    Kernza intermediate wheatgrass is thefirst perennial grain crop in the world and has been de-veloped with conventional breeding to increase seed yield of forage intermediate wheatgrass(Thinopyrum intermedium(Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey). When managed for dual-use (grainand forage), Kernza intermediate wheatgrass can produce grain, crop residue (straw) in thesummer, and green forage in the spring and fall. Mixtures of this grass with legumes could in-crease forage yield and nutritive value and provide other environmental and economic benefits.Despite the growing interest in these dual-use production systems, forage nutritive value ofKernza intermediate wheatgrass forage in a dual-use system in the Upper Midwest is unknown. Areplicatedfield experiment was established in two locations in southern Wisconsin (Arlingtonand Lancaster) with two treatments: Kernza intermediate wheatgrass grown in monoculture andmixture with red clover (Trifolium pratenseL.). Forage samples were collected at late vegetativestage in the spring, at grain harvest in the summer, and at the end of the regrowth period in thefall. Forage nutritive value of the monoculture was greatest in the spring with 456, 249 and 225 gkg−1for neutral detergentfiber (NDF), acid detergentfiber (ADF) and crude protein (CP), re-spectively; lowest in the summer with 702, 427 and 51 g kg−1NDF, ADF and CP, respectively,and intermediate in the fall with 590, 337 and 119 g kg−1NDF, ADF and CP, respectively.Predicted total-tract neutral detergentfiber digestibility (ttNDFD) was 0.53 for the spring forageand averaged 0.37 for the summer and fall forage, with no differences between the mixture andmonoculture. The relative forage quality (RFQ) for the monoculture was 175 for the springforage, 65 for the summer residue, and 116 for the fall. Intercropping red clover with Kernzaintermediate wheatgrass increased CP of the summer crop residue by 69%, and increased CP andRFQ of the fall forage by 49% and 11%, respectively, while reducing NDF and ADF of the fallforage by 25% and 18%, respectively. Therefore, Kernza intermediate wheatgrass forage is sui-table for lactating beef cows, dairy cows, and growing heifers when harvested in the spring andfall, and it offers high potential for dual-use grain and forage systems