3 research outputs found

    Chronology of the development of Active Queue Management algorithms of RED family. Part 1: from 1993 up to 2005

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    This work is the first part of a large bibliographic review of active queue management algorithms of the Random Early Detection (RED) family, presented in the scientific press from 1993 to 2023. The first part will provide data on algorithms published from 1993 to 2005

    Treadmill training effect on the myokines content in skeletal muscles of mice with a metabolic disorder model

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    The effect of treadmill training loads on the content of cytokines in mice skeletal muscles with metabolic disorders induced by a 16 week high fat diet (HFD) was studied. The study included accounting the age and biorhythmological aspects. In the experiment, mice were used at the age of 4 and 32 weeks, by the end of the experiment—respectively 20 and 48 weeks. HFD feeding lasted 16 weeks. Treadmill training were carried out for last 4 weeks six times a week, the duration 60 min and the speed from 15 to 18 m/min. Three modes of loading were applied. The first subgroup was subjected to stress in the morning hours (light phase); the second subgroup was subjected to stress in the evening hours (dark phase); the third subgroup was subjected to loads in the shift mode (the first- and third-weeks treadmill training was used in the morning hours, the second and fourth treadmill training was used in the evening hours). In 20-weekold animals, the exercise effect does not depend on the training regime, however, in 48-week-old animals, the decrease in body weight in mice with the shift training regime was more profound. HFD affected muscle myokine levels. The content of all myokines, except for LIF, decreased, while the concentration of CLCX1 decreased only in young animals in response to HFD. The treadmill training caused multidirectional changes in the concentration of myokines in muscle tissue. The IL-6 content changed most profoundly. These changes were observed in all groups of animals. The changes depended to the greatest extent on the training time scheme. The effect of physical activity on the content of IL-15 in the skeletal muscle tissue was observed mostly in 48-week-old mice. In 20-week-old animals, physical activity led to an increase in the concentration of LIF in muscle tissue when applied under the training during the dark phase or shift training scheme. In the HFD group, this effect was significantly more pronounced. The content of CXCL1 did not change with the use of treadmill training in almost all groups of animals. Physical activity, introduced considering circadian rhythms, is a promising way of influencing metabolic processes both at the cellular and systemic levels, which is important for the search for new ways of correcting metabolic disorders

    Stationary waiting time in a queueing system with inverse service order and generalized probabilistic priority [ВРЕМЯ ОЖИДАНИЯ В СИСТЕМЕ ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЯ С ИНВЕРСИОННЫМ ПОРЯДКОМ ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЯ И ОБОБЩЕННЫМ ВЕРОЯТНОСТНЫМ ПРИОРИТЕТОМ]

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    The paper considers a single-server queueing system with a buffer of infinite capacity. Customers arrive according to a Poisson process. Service discipline is LIFO (Last In, First Out) with generalized probabilistic priority. It is assumed that at any instant, the remaining service time of each customer present in the system is known. Upon arrival of a new customer, its service time is compared with the remaining service time of the customer in service. As a result of the comparison, one of the following occurs: both customers leave the system; one customer leaves the system and the other occupies the server; and both customers stay in the system (one of the two occupies the server). These actions are governed by probabilistic functions. Whenever a customer remains in the system, it acquires a new (random) service time. The paper proposes the methods for calculating customer's sojourn time distribution and busy period (in terms of Laplace-Stieltjes transform) and several performance characteristics. © 2015 Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved