5 research outputs found

    Consilience, Abduction and Mimetic Theory: an epistemological inquiry into René Girard's Interpretation of the Oedipus Myth

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    El propósito de este trabajo es describir la evolución de las pautas fundamentales según la interpretación de René Girard del mito de Edipo. Tras un examen minucioso, parece que la metodología de Girard metodología de Girard se basa en cuatro niveles complementarios: (1) el seguimiento de sentido común de las substituciones de sacrificio; (2) el análisis cuidadoso de las simetrías y disimetrías en los textos míticos; (3) la identificación de estereotipos de persecución transculturales e históricos; (4) la aplicación del estándar de prueba común (es decir, la culpabilidad más allá de toda duda razonable) para la condena penal. A lo largo del documento, mostraremos que el enfoque de Girard tiene un gran parecido con con el método de consiliencia de William Whewell, así como con los puntos de vista de Charles Sanders Peirce sobre las ciencias históricas. histórico de Charles Sanders Peirce.post-print18 p

    Microbiology of Dental Disease in Pet Rabbits

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    Maintenance of oral health and hygiene represents an essential condition in avoiding dental disease for humankind but also for the animal kingdom. This study aimed to present the importance of prevention techniques and treatment options for dental disease in pet rabbits. The research was focused on 16 rabbits that had been diagnosed with dental disease based on clinical and paraclinical examination, we obtained samples from the dental injury site using a sterile cotton swab and followed up with bacteriological examination and antibiotic sensitivity testing for identifying the bacteria and the resistances. Out of 16 samples sent to the laboratory for testing, 4 were negative (25%), showing no bacterial growth, from the rest of the samples the following bacterial strains were identified: 18,75% Staphylococcus spp, 18,75% Streptococcus spp, 6,25% Streptococcus β hemolytic, 6,25% Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 6,25% Klebsiella spp. 3 cases presented with multiple-strain infection as follows: 6,25% Streptobacillus spp and Klebsiella spp; 6,25% Proteus spp and Streptoccus spp; 6,25% Pseudomonas spp and Streptoccus spp. After obtaining the antibiotic sensitivity test results, we found that the most efficient drug was Amikacin, no bacteria presented resistance to this medicine, and it was followed by Trimethoprim/sulfa (TMPS) and Ciprofloxacin. All the identified bacterial strains were presenting resistance to Amphotericin and Clindamycin. Antimicrobial resistance and the limited availability of veterinary-use-approved drugs constitute strong arguments that sustain the importance of this study in the management of dental disease in pet rabbits.  

    Clinical and radiologic diagnosis in dental disease in pet rabbits

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    Rabbits became more and more popular pets these last few years. For assuring their good health and wellbeing both the owners and the veterinarians are equally responsible. Sudden change in diet or inadequate nutrients, poor husbandry or stressing factors can all cause complex systemic pathologies to appear that often start at the oral cavity and the teeth. The aim of this study was to identify and apply the most accurate methods of approach, restrain, examination and diagnosis in dental disease in pet rabbits. This study included 19 rabbits, one of them clinically healthy and 18 were identified with dental disease. The patients had multiple affections but we categorized them according to the primary disease. 6 of them presented with pathologies of the incisors (31.57%), 10 had issues starting with the premolars (52.63%) and 2 with the molars (10.52%). The highest rate was 52.63% represented by the ones that presented dental disease at the premolars. The most met pathology in this study was odontogenic abscess formation in 11 out of 19 cases (57.89%), in most cases the abscesses appeared secondary due to periodontal infections. Knowing the specific features of the oral cavity, of the approach and the restraining methods as well as the clinical and imagistic diagnosing can assure proper management of dental disease in pet rabbits.  


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    The aim of this study was to determine the normal and pathological behavior of captive primates in a zoo in Tirgu-Mures. The biological material consisted of 59 monkeys belonging to 11 species. The ethological research involved the following instruments: observation, experimentation, ethogram, spectrum analyzer, video, respectively the causal analysis. The obtained results revealed that the captive monkeys sheltered in isolated cages, with a similar development to what is found in their natural environment and placed at a tolerable distance away from visitors’ activity show no behavioral changes. On the other hand, in the case of those primates sheltered in cages which are exposed to visitors’ noise, we observed the presence of oral and motor stereotypies but also an attitude of lethargic disappointment and preoccupation. The collected data allow to define the investigated primates’ needs and also to get an idea of their welfare in zoo in Tirgu-Mures