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    Pelayanan Kesehatan Pasien Rawat Jalan di Poliklinik Bedah RSU Haji Makassar

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    In order to health care management can reach desired target then must fulfill various of requirements, for example : available, appropriate, continue, acceptable, accesible, affordable, quality. All the requirement is referred same the importance and at recently effort upgrade service growing gets larger ones attention, easy to understand this condition because if certifiable health care can to carry out, not only will improve health care effectivity, but also also will be able to improve health care efficiency (Aditama, 2002). This research bent on for getting the information of outpatient health care in polyclinic of Hospital surgical operation Haji Makassar Tahun 2008 that evaluated from some aspects namely : Service pattern that given the party of hospital and service standard that expect patient. Method as used in research this is the research qualitative. Data is collected with method indepth interview, observation, and document study. Base research focus, amount infoman 13 where 6 on ones part RS one who are assumed competent and control aspect of outpatient health care management and 7 people on ones part patient. From research result obtained information about outpatient health care in surgical operation polyclinic RSU Haji Makassar in 2008 namely: 1) pattern of outpatient health care that given RS Haji specially in surgical operation polyclinic according to the party of service hospital that they give that have been good and in accordance with patient expectation, 2) Standard that defined by outpatient in surgical operation polyclinic RSU Haji Makassar, where patient does not find its expectation satisfaction to service that given RS, 3) By see conclusion of both variable above then two and two make four seen that the happening of difference between what given the party of hospital by what expect patient, where RS have not yet can give desired service the party of patient so its proves existence of weak service pattern. Service pattern in RS Haji specially in surgical operation polyclinic show existence of difference between RS as [the] provider and patient as user where RS have not yet can realize what expect patient start from registration process where lack of facilities and basic facilities makes patient kick ones heelses to get service either on counter or in pharmacy and time of doctor inspection that quick. Situation is referred show weak service pattern. Standard Nothing that defined by patient, where patient does not find its expectation satisfaction to service that given RS for no standard applied, specially in surgical operation polyclinic RS Haji.Key Words : Service Pattern and Service Standard