1,055 research outputs found

    A scalable system for microcalcification cluster automated detection in a distributed mammographic database

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    A computer-aided detection (CADe) system for microcalcification cluster identification in mammograms has been developed in the framework of the EU-founded MammoGrid project. The CADe software is mainly based on wavelet transforms and artificial neural networks. It is able to identify microcalcifications in different datasets of mammograms (i.e. acquired with different machines and settings, digitized with different pitch and bit depth or direct digital ones). The CADe can be remotely run from GRID-connected acquisition and annotation stations, supporting clinicians from geographically distant locations in the interpretation of mammographic data. We report and discuss the system performances on different datasets of mammograms and the status of the GRID-enabled CADe analysis.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; Proceedings of the IEEE NNS and MIC Conference, October 23-29, 2005, Puerto Ric

    Heat Conduction and Microconvection in Nanofluids: Comparison between Theoretical Models and Experimental Results

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    A nanofluid is a suspension consisting of a uniform distribution of nanoparticles in a base fluid, generally a liquid. Nanofluid can be used as a working fluid in heat exchangers to dissipate heat in the automotive, solar, aviation, aerospace industries. There are numerous physical phenomena that affect heat conduction in nanofluids: clusters, the formation of adsorbate nanolayers, scattering of phonons at the solid–liquid interface, Brownian motion of the base fluid and thermophoresis in the nanofluids. The predominance of one physical phenomenon over another depends on various parameters, such as temperature, size and volume fraction of the nanoparticles. Therefore, it is very difficult to develop a theoretical model for estimating the effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids that considers all these phenomena and is accurate for each value of the influencing parameters. The aim of this study is to promote a way to find the conditions (temperature, volume fraction) under which certain phenomena prevail over others in order to obtain a quantitative tool for the selection of the theoretical model to be used. For this purpose, two sets (SET-I, SET-II) of experimental data were analyzed; one was obtained from the literature, and the other was obtained through experimental tests. Different theoretical models, each considering some physical phenomena and neglecting others, were used to explain the experimental results. The results of the paper show that clusters, the formation of the adsorbate nanolayer and the scattering of phonons at the solid–liquid interface are the main phenomena to be considered when ϕ = 1 ÷ 3%. Instead, at a temperature of 50 ◦C and in the volume fraction range (0.04–0.22%), microconvection prevails over other phenomen

    Deployment of solar sails by joule effect: thermal analysis and experimental results

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    Space vehicles may be propelled by solar sails exploiting the radiation pressure coming from the sun and applied on their surfaces. This work deals with the adoption of Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) elements in the sail deployment mechanism activated by the Joule Effect, i.e., using the same SMA elements as a resistance within suitable designed electrical circuits. Mathematical models were analyzed for the thermal analysis by implementing algorithms for the evaluation of the temperature trend depending on the design parameters. Several solar sail prototypes were built up and tested with different number, size, and arrangement of the SMA elements, as well as the type of the selected electrical circuit. The main parameters were discussed in the tested configurations and advantages discussed as well

    In the Interests of clients or commerce? Legal aid, supply, demand, and 'ethical indeterminacy' in criminal defence work

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    As a professional, a lawyer's first duty is to serve the client's best interests, before simple monetary gain. In criminal defence work, this duty has been questioned in the debate about the causes of growth in legal aid spending: is it driven by lawyers (suppliers) inducing unnecessary demand for their services or are they merely responding to increased demand? Research reported here found clear evidence of a change in the handling of cases in response to new payment structures, though in ways unexpected by the policy's proponents. The paper develops the concept of 'ethical indeterminacy' as a way of understanding how defence lawyers seek to reconcile the interests of commerce and clients. Ethical indeterminacy suggests that where different courses of action could each be said to benefit the client, the lawyer will tend to advise the client to decide in the lawyer's own interests. Ethical indeterminacy is mediated by a range of competing conceptions of 'quality' and 'need'. The paper goes on to question the very distinction between 'supply' and 'demand' in the provision of legal services

    Insufficient adaptive capability of pancreatic endocrine function in dexamethasone-treated ageing rats.

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    This study was aimed at exploring the capability of the pancreatic endocrine adaptive mechanisms of ageing Sprague-Dawley rats to counteract the metabolic challenge induced by the prolonged administration of dexamethasone (DEX) (0.13 mg/kg per day for 13 days). DEX treatment induced peripheral insulin resistance in 3-, 18- and 26-month-old rats, as indicated by the significant and persistent rise of plasma insulin levels in each age group (plasma insulin in 3-, 18- and 26-month-old rats from basal values of 4.3+/-0.8, 4.7+/-0.5 and 5.6+/-1.0 ng/ml (means+/-s.e.m.) respectively, rose to 11.9+/-1.7, 29.1+/-5.5 and 27.9+/-2.7 ng/ml respectively, after 9 days of administration). However, plasma glucose concentrations remained unchanged during the treatment in young rats, whereas they increased up to frankly diabetic levels in most 18-month-old and in all 26-month-old animals after a few days of DEX administration. Plasma free fatty acid concentrations increased 2-fold in 3- and 26-month-old rats and 4-fold in 18-month-old rats and could possibly be involved in the glucocorticoid-induced enhancement in insulin resistance, although they showed no significant correlation with glycaemic values. Incubation of pancreatic islets obtained from treated rats showed that DEX administration increased the insulin responsiveness of islets from not only younger but also older donors. However, in the islets of ageing rats, which already showed an age-dependent impairment of the sensitivity to glucose and other secretagogues, this enhancing effect was clearly attenuated with respect to the younger counterpart. Furthermore, DEX treatment depressed significantly the priming effect of glucose in islets isolated from all the three age groups. In conclusion, our results show that ageing rats are unable to counteract effectively a prolonged hyperglycaemic challenge as such induced by DEX administration. This homeostatic defect can be ascribed to the age-dependent failure of the endocrine pancreas to provide enough insulin to overcome the aggravation of an antecedent state of increased peripheral insulin resistance

    Controllo in linea e finale di manufatti ottenuti per deformazione plastica

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    Questa memoria riprende i temi di una presentazione alla G.d.S. AIM “Aspetti metallurgici e tecnologicidella deformazione plastica” tenutasi a Milano nel giugno 2005. Vengono descritte con alcuni esempile applicazioni industriali di due tecniche sperimentali, la prova FIMEC e l’analisi mediante diffrazionedei raggi X, per il controllo in linea dei processi e finale della qualità dei prodotti

    Attempts to identify Cassava Brown Streak Virus in western Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Open Access ArticleRoot necrosis similar to those of the cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) were observed on cassava in western provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR.Congo) in the early 2000’s. However molecular laboratory diagnosis were not able to detect any causative agent responsible for the attacks, hence, the disease related to these symptoms was named CBSD-like disease. In order to assess the distribution and the incidence of the CBSD-like disease, surveys were carried out in four western provinces, comprising, Kwango and Kwilu, Sud Ubangi, Kinshasa and Kongo Central. CBSD-like disease was observed in all surveyed provinces on the basis of root symptoms because foliar symptoms were different to those of the documented cases of CBSD in other parts of east Africa. CBSD-like disease incidence was high in Kongo Central and Sud Ubangi, exceeding an average of 50 %, but low in Kwango and Kwilu (32.8%) and in Kinshasa (19.1%). During the surveys, cassava leaf samples were collected for lab identification of the causal agent. PCR diagnosis was done on these samples using primers specific for the two known CBSVs. All samples tested negative with no amplification of DNA fragments of the correct size. Thus, further analysis on the causative organism is needed using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) approaches. NGS approaches will help also to identify the causative organism in other Central Africa countries (Angola, Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon) where such cassava root necrosis have been reported or are suspected

    Ottimizzazione del contenuto di TiH2 e SiC nelle schiume di Al

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    Mediante il processo sviluppato all’Istituto Fraunhofer di Brema sono state prodotte schiume di alluminio impiegando diverse composizioni di Al, SiC e TiH2 nella miscela di polveri. I campioni sono stati sezionati ed esaminati mediante analisi d’immagine, sono stati definiti dei criteri di selezione sulla base di distribuzione e morfologia dei pori e si sono identificati gli intervalli di composizione che permettono di ottenere le schiume con migliori caratteristiche. La struttura delle schiume è stata studiata con osservazioni di microscopia elettronica in scansione (SEM) e microanalisi EDS

    Cell death and impairment of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion induced by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in the beta-cell line INS-1E.

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    The aim of this research was to characterize 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) toxicity on the insulin-secreting beta-cell line INS-1E. A sharp decline of cell survival (below 20%) was observed after 1 h exposure to TCDD concentrations between 12.5 and 25 nM. Ultrastructurally, beta-cell death was characterized by extensive degranulation, appearance of autophagic vacuoles, and peripheral nuclear condensation. Cytotoxic concentrations of TCDD rapidly induced a dose-dependent increase in intracellular calcium concentration. Blocking calcium entry by EGTA significantly decreased TCDD cytotoxicity. TCDD was also able to rapidly induce mitochondrial depolarization. Interestingly, 1 h exposition of INS-1E cells to very low TCDD concentrations (0.05-1 nM) dramatically impaired glucose-stimulated but not KCl-stimulated insulin secretion. In conclusion, our results clearly show that TCDD exerts a direct beta-cell cytotoxic effect at concentrations of 15-25 nM, but also markedly impairs glucose-stimulated insulin secretion at concentrations 20 times lower than these. On the basis of this latter observation we suggest that pancreatic beta-cells could be considered a specific and sensitive target for dioxin toxicity
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