22 research outputs found

    Beam current from downramp injection in electron-driven plasma wakefields

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    We study the stability of plasma wake wave and the properties of density-downramp injection in an electron-driven plasma accelerator. In this accelerator type, a short high-current electron bunch (generated by a conventional accelerator or a laser-wakefield acceleration stage) drives a strongly nonlinear plasma wake wave (blowout), and accelerated electrons are injected into it using a sharp density transition which leads to the elongation of the wake. The accelerating structure remains highly stable until the moment some electrons of the driver reach almost zero energy, which corresponds to the best interaction length for optimal driver-to-plasma energy transfer efficiency. For a particular driver, this efficiency can be optimized by choosing appropriate plasma density. Studying the dependence of the current of the injected bunch on driver and plasma parameters, we show that it does not depend on the density downramp length as long as the condition for trapping is satisfied. Most importantly, we find that the current of the injected bunch primarily depends on just one parameter which combines both the properties of the driver (its current and duration) and the plasma density

    Direct electron attachment to fast hydrogen in 10^-9 contrast 10^18 Wcm^-2 intense laser solid target interaction

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    The interaction of an ultra-short (10^18 Wcm^-2) laser pulse with a solid target is not generally known to produce and accelerate negative ions. The transient accelerating electrostatic-fields are so strong that they ionize any atom or negative ion at the target surface. In spite of what may appear to be unfavourable conditions, here it is reported that H- ions extending up to 80 keV are measured from such an interaction. The H- ion flux is about 0.1 % that of the H+ ions at 20 keV. These measurements employ a recently developed temporally-gated Thomson parabola ion spectrometry diagnostic which significantly improves signal-to-noise ratios. Electrons that co-propagate with the fast protons cause a two-step charge-reduction reaction. The gas phase three-body attachment of electrons to fast neutral hydrogen atoms accounts for the measured H- yield. It is intriguing that such a fundamental gas-phase reaction, involving the attachment of an electron to a hydrogen atom, has not been observed in laboratory experiments previously. Laser-produced plasma offers an alternative environment to the conventional charged particle beam experiments, in which such atomic physics processes can be investigated

    Mass selection in laser-plasma ion accelerator on nanostructured surfaces

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    When an intense laser pulse interacts with a solid surface, ions get accelerated in the laser-plasma due to the formation of transient longitudinal electric field along the target normal direction. However, the acceleration is not mass-selective. The possibility of manipulating such ion acceleration scheme to enhance the energy of one ionic species (either proton or carbon) selectively over the other species is investigated experimentally using nanopore targets. For an incident laser intensity of approximately 5×1017 W/cm2, we show that the acceleration is optimal for protons when the pore diameter is about 15-20 nm, while carbon ions are optimally accelerated when the pore diameter is close to 40-50 nm. The observed effect is due to tailoring targetry by the pulse pedestal of the laser prior to the arrival of the main pulse

    Recombination of Protons Accelerated by a High Intensity High Contrast Laser

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    Short pulse, high contrast, intense laser pulses incident onto a solid target are not known to generate fast neutral atoms. Experiments carried out to study the recombination of accelerated protons show a 200 times higher neutralization than expected. Fast neutral atoms can contribute to 80% of the fast particles at 10 keV, falling rapidly for higher energy. Conventional charge transfer and electron-ion recombination in a high density plasma plume near the target is unable to explain the neutralization. We present a model based on the copropagation of electrons and ions wherein recombination far away from the target surface accounts for the experimental measurements. A novel experimental verification of the model is also presented. This study provides insights into the closely linked dynamics of ions and electrons by which neutral atom formation is enhanced

    Laser structured micro-targets generate MeV electron temperature at 4 x10^16 W/cm^2

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    Relativistic temperature electrons higher than 0.5 MeV are generated typically with laser intensities of about 10^18 W/cm^2. Their generation with high repetition rate lasers that operate at non-relativistic intensities (~10^16W/cm^2) is cardinal for the realization of compact, ultra-short, bench-top electron sources. New strategies, capable of exploiting different aspects of laser-plasma interaction, are necessary for reducing the required intensity. We report here, a novel technique of dynamic target structuring of microdroplets, capable of generating 200 keV and 1 MeV electron temperatures at 1/100th of the intensity required by ponderomotive scaling(10^18 W/cm^2) to generate relativistic electron temperature. Combining the concepts of pre-plasma tailoring, optimized scale length and micro-optics, this method achieves two-plasmon decay boosted electron acceleration with "non-ideal" ultrashort (25 fs) pulses at 4 x10^16 W/cm^2 only. With shot repeatability at kHz, this precise in-situ targetry produces directed, imaging quality beam-like electron emission up to 6 MeV with milli-joule class lasers, that can be transformational for time-resolved, microscopic studies in all fields of science

    Shaped liquid drops generate MeV temperature electron beams with millijoule class laser

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    MeV temperature electrons are typically generated at laser intensities of 1018 W cm−2. Their generation at non-relativistic intensities (~1016 W cm−2) with high repetition rate lasers is cardinal for the realization of compact, ultra-fast electron sources. Here we report a technique of dynamic target structuring of micro-droplets using a 1 kHz, 25 fs, millijoule class laser, that uses two collinear laser pulses; the first to create a concave surface in the liquid drop and the second, to dynamically-drive electrostatic plasma waves that accelerate electrons to MeV energies. The acceleration mechanism, identified as two plasmon decay instability, is shown to generate two beams of electrons with hot electron temperature components of 200 keV and 1 MeV, respectively, at an intensity of 4 × 1016 Wcm−2, only. The electron beams are demonstrated to be ideal for single shot high resolution (tens of μm) electron radiography

    Luminous, relativistic, directional electron bunches from an intense laser driven grating plasma

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    Bright, energetic, and directional electron bunches are generated through efficient energy transfer of relativistic intense (~ 1019 W/cm2), 30 femtosecond, 800 nm high contrast laser pulses to grating targets (500 lines/mm and 1000 lines/mm), under surface plasmon resonance (SPR) conditions. Bi-directional relativistic electron bunches (at 40° and 150°) are observed exiting from the 500 lines/mm grating target at the SPR conditions. The surface plasmon excited grating target enhances the electron flux and temperature by factor of 6.0 and 3.6, respectively, compared to that of the plane substrate. Particle-in-Cell simulations indicate that fast electrons are emitted in different directions at different stages of the laser interaction, which are related to the resultant surface magnetic field evolution. This study suggests that the SPR mechanism can be used to generate multiple, bright, ultrafast relativistic electron bunches for a variety of applications

    Shaped liquid drops generate MeV temperature electron beams with millijoule class laser

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    MeV temperature electrons are typically generated at laser intensities of 1018 W cm−2. Their generation at non-relativistic intensities (~1016 W cm−2) with high repetition rate lasers is cardinal for the realization of compact, ultra-fast electron sources. Here we report a technique of dynamic target structuring of micro-droplets using a 1 kHz, 25 fs, millijoule class laser, that uses two collinear laser pulses; the first to create a concave surface in the liquid drop and the second, to dynamically-drive electrostatic plasma waves that accelerate electrons to MeV energies. The acceleration mechanism, identified as two plasmon decay instability, is shown to generate two beams of electrons with hot electron temperature components of 200 keV and 1 MeV, respectively, at an intensity of 4 × 1016 Wcm−2, only. The electron beams are demonstrated to be ideal for single shot high resolution (tens of μm) electron radiography

    Micro-optics for ultra-intense lasers 

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    金沢大学先端科学・社会共創推進機構Table-top, femtosecond lasers provide the highest light intensities capable of extreme excitation of matter. A key challenge, however, is the efficient coupling of light to matter, a goal addressed by target structuring and laser pulse-shaping. Nanostructured surfaces enhance coupling but require “high contrast” (e.g., for modern ultrahigh intensity lasers, the peak to picosecond pedestal intensity ratio >1012) pulses to preserve target integrity. Here, we demonstrate a foam target that can efficiently absorb a common, low contrast 105 (in picosecond) laser at an intensity of 5 × 1018 W/cm2, giving ∼20 times enhanced relativistic hot electron flux. In addition, such foam target induced “micro-optic” function is analogous to the miniature plasma-parabolic mirror. The simplicity of the target—basically a structure with voids having a diameter of the order of a light wavelength—and the efficacy of these micro-sized voids under low contrast illumination can boost the scope of high intensity lasers for basic science and for table-top sources of high energy particles and ignition of laser fusion targets

    Direct observation of relativistic broken plasma waves

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    International audiencePlasma waves contribute to many fundamental phenomena, including astrophysics1^{1}, thermonuclear fusion2^{2} and particle acceleration3^{3}. Such waves can develop in numerous ways, from classic Langmuir oscillations carried by electron thermal motion4^{4}, to the waves excited by an external force and travelling with a driver5^{5}. In plasma-based particle accelerators3,6^{3,6}, a strong laser or relativistic particle beam launches plasma waves with field amplitude that follows the driver strength up to the wavebreaking limit5,7^{5,7}, which is the maximum wave amplitude that a plasma can sustain. In this limit, plasma electrons gain sufficient energy from the wave to outrun it and to get trapped inside the wave bucket8^{8}. Theory and numerical simulations predict multi-dimensional wavebreaking, which is crucial in the electron self-injection process that determines the accelerator performances9,10^{9,10}. Here we present a real-time experimental visualization of the laser-driven nonlinear relativistic plasma waves by probing them with a femtosecond high-energy electron bunch from another laser-plasma accelerator coupled to the same laser system. This single-shot electron deflectometry allows us to characterize nonlinear plasma wakefield with femtosecond temporal and micrometre spatial resolutions revealing features of the plasma waves at the breaking point