2 research outputs found

    Penerapan Pendekatan Ctl Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 013 Basilam Baru

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    . The problem aims to improve student learning outcomes through the implementation of IPA contextual teaching and learning approach in the fourth grade students of SDN 013 Basilam Baru 2103/2014 school year the number of students 12 people, 4 boys and 8 girls. The design of this study is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The parameters measured were the result of student learning, teacher activity and student activity. While the research instrument used is the observation sheet items and teacher activity and student activity. Based on the results of the analysis of data from the discussion, the average student learning outcomes in the first cycle increased from an average of 6.63 as the initial data of 59 becomes 65.83. Average student learning outcomes in second cycle increased by 15.83 points from 65.83 into 81.66. The percentage of all teachers in the first cycle was 85.71% with both categories increased in the second cycle becomes 92.42% with very good category. The percentage of student activity in the first cycle was 75% with both categories increased in the second cycle becomes 92.85% with very good category. It can be concluded that the hypothesis is that if applied contextual teaching and learning approach can improve the results of the fourth grade students learn science SDN 013 Basilam Baru

    Pengaruh Aktivasi Zeolit Dengan Kmno4 , K2s2o8 Dan H2so4 Terhadap Adsorpsifitas Ion Na+ Dan Mg2+ Diujikan Pada Air Tanah Karimunjawa Blok I

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    ---Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengaktivasi zeolit alam menggunakan H2SO4, KMnO4 dan K2S2O8 untuk mengadsorpsi ion Na+ dan Mg2+ dalam air tanah Karimunjawa Blok I. Perlakuan meliputi proses refluks dalam campuran H2SO4-KMnO4 atau H2SO4-K2S2O8 pada suhu 80 ºC selama 5 jam, dilanjutkan pencucian sampai pH mendekati netral dan pengeringan pada suhu 80 ºC selama 12 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivasi dengan H2SO4-KMnO4 meningkatkan rasio Si/Al dari 5,46 menjadi 7,84, luas permukaan, volume dan ukuran pori. Sedangkan dengan H2SO4-K2S2O8 meningkatkan rasio Si/Al menjadi 6,38, luas permukaan dan volume pori sebaliknya ukuran pori mengalami penurunan. Zeolit aktivasi dengan H2SO4-KMnO4 mempunyai daya adsorpsi terhadap ion Na+ dan Mg2+ paling besar dibanding dengan zeolit aktivasi dengan H2SO4-K2S2O8 dan zeolit alam. Persentase penurunan ion Na+ berturut-turut 80,38%, 54,24% dan 31,28% dari kadar Na+ mula-mula 784,74 ppm sedangkan ion Mg2+ berturut turut 22,47%, 17,05% dan 15,93% dari kadar Mg2+ mula-mula 477,19 ppm.Kata kunci: aktivasi zeolit, ion Na+ dan Mg+, karimunjawa SUMMARY---It has been done a research to activate natural zeolite with H2SO4, KMnO4 and K2S2O8 to adsorp Na+ and Mg2+ ions in groundwater of Karimunjawa Block I. The treatments of natural zeolite included refluk process in mixture of H2SO4-KMnO4 or H2SO4-K2S2O8 at 80 ºC for 5 hours, and then continued cleaning until neutral pH and dried at 80 ºC for 12 hours. The result showed that activation using H2SO4-KMnO4 increased Si/Al ratio from 5.46 to 7.84, surface area, total pore volume, and average of pore radius. While using H2SO4-K2S2O8 increased Si/Al ratio to 6.38, surface area, and total pore volume otherwise the average of poreradius decreased. Adsorption Na+ and Mg2+ ions of activated zeolite by H2SO4-KMnO4 was highest compared tothe activated zeolite by H2SO4-K2S2O8 and natural zeolite. The decreasing of precentage of Na+ ions were 80.38%, 54.24% and 31.28% from the first concentration 784.74 ppm since Mg2+ ions were 22.47%, 17.05% and 15.93% from the first concentration 477.19 ppm