43 research outputs found

    Primary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction in a patient with dextrocardia

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    Dextrocardia is a rare cardiac anomaly in which the heart is located in the right hemithorax. This developmental irregularity can occur in isolation as situs solitus, or in association with situs inversus or situs ambiguous. Although there are reports of coronary angiography in patients with dextrocardia, there are very few reported cases of mechanical intervention. We report a patient with dextrocardia and situs inversus who presented with an ST segment elevation myocardial infarction and was successfully treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention

    Eustachian valve remnant

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    Przetrwała zastawka Eustachiusza

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    The amplitude-normalised area of a bipolar electrograms as a measure of local conduction delay in the heart

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    Background: Re-entrant ventricular tachycardia may be non-inducible or haemodynamically compromising, requiring assessment of the electrophysiological properties of the myocardium during sinus rhythm (i.e., substrate mapping). Areas of heart tissue with slow conduction can act as a critical isthmus for re-entrant electrical excitation and are a potential target for ablation therapy. Aim: To develop and validate a novel metric of local conduction delay in the heart, the amplitude-normalized electrogram area (norm_EA). Methods: A computational model of a propagating mouse action potential was used to establish the impact of altering sodium channel conductance, intracellular conductivity, fibrosis density, and electrode size/orientation on bipolar electrogram morphology. Findings were then validated in experimental studies in mouse and guinea pig hearts instrumented for the recording of bipolar electrograms from a multipolar linear mapping catheter. norm_EA was calculated by integrating the absolute area of a bipolar electrogram divided by the electrogram amplitude. Electrogram metrics were correlated with the local conduction delay during sodium channel block, gap junction inhibition, and acute ischemia. Results: In computational simulations, reducing sodium channel conductance and intracellular conductivity resulted in a decrease in signal amplitude and increase in norm_EA (reflecting a broadening of electrogram morphology). For larger electrodes (3 mm diameter/7.1 mm2 area), the change in norm_EA was essentially linear with the change in local conduction delay. Experimental studies supported this finding, showing that the magnitude of change in norm_EA induced by flecainide (1–4 μM), carbenoxolone (10–50 μM), and low-flow ischemia (25% of initial flow rate) was linearly correlated with the local conduction delay in each condition (r2 = 0.92). Qualitatively similar effects were observed in guinea pig hearts perfused with flecainide. Increasing fibrosis density in the computational model also resulted in a decrease in signal amplitude and increase in norm_EA. However, this remains to be validated using experimental/clinical data of chronic infarct. Conclusion: norm_EA is a quantitative measure of local conduction delay between the electrode pair that generates a bipolar electrogram, which may have utility in electrophysiological substrate mapping of non-inducible or haemodynamically compromising tachyarrhythmia

    Optimization of decrementing evoked potential mapping for functional substrate identification in ischaemic ventricular tachycardia ablation

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    Ventricular tachycardia (VT) ablation approaches based on high-density mapping, which enable the rapid acquisition of thousands of mapping points in order to delineate slow conduction zones, have been widely adopted.1 The identification of functionally relevant substrates has been advanced by the identification of potentials participating in the initiation and/or maintenance of scar-dependent VT. During right ventricular apical (RVA) pacing with an extra-stimulus (S2), these potentials display delayed conduction (decremental) behaviour (DeEP).2 This methodology has been shown to be more specific in identifying the critical isthmus of re-entrant VT.3 An important factor accounting for decrement is conduction velocity (CV) restitution.2 With a short-coupled S2, CV will decrease, and further delay occurs in the near-field signal with respect to the far-field signal, creating DeEPs. Conventionally, the S2 has been delivered at ventricular effective refractory period (VERP) + 20 ms to elicit decrement.3–5 However data are lacking on justifying the delivery of the S2 at VERP + 20 ms, which may result in areas defined as DeEP due to intrinsic CV restitution properties, thus creating larger-than-required ablation target areas. We hypothesized that DeEPs are better identified with longer S2 coupling intervals. The second hypothesis was to consider the definition of a DeEP as the range of decrement beyond 10 ms has not been previously explored and to identify the best combination of these parameters